Associate renderers with a LegendItem but hide them in the Legend


suppose I have some “main” renderers for a set of data and some associated “supporting” renderers, that point out particular features in the data set. Now I want a legend that explains the meaning of the main renderers, but also allows the user to hide all renderers associated with that item. Let’s take this example:

plot = bokeh.plotting.Figure()

plot.line(x=[1,4,5], y=[2,4,2], legend=‘foo’, line_color=‘blue’) # Main renderer for ‘foo’[1,4,5], y=[2,4,2], legend=‘foo’, line_color=‘blue’) # Main renderer for ‘foo’[5], y=[2], legend=‘foo’, line_color=‘red’, line_width=3, size=8) # Supporting renderer for ‘foo’


Is it possible to not show the big red circle in the actual legend box (because it looks quite ugly), yet have the big-red-circle-renderer be hidden in the plot, when the legend item ‘foo’ is clicked?