I want to add interactions with datepicker in bokeh.
After selecting particular date, data of that date should be reflect in the graph.
Is anyone have any idea/examples about adding interactions to datepicker in bokeh python. (with bokeh server or without bokeh server)
How can I display the change in date.
Thanks in advance.
I even tried following snippet but fail to return new date value from function
def callback(attr, old, new):
print('old was {} and new is {}'.format(old, new))
ds = dt_pckr_strt.on_change('value', callback)
On Friday, 15 February 2019 10:02:30 UTC+5:30, Gouri Ajay Chindarkar wrote:
I want to add interactions with datepicker in bokeh.
After selecting particular date, data of that date should be reflect in the graph.
Is anyone have any idea/examples about adding interactions to datepicker in bokeh python. (with bokeh server or without bokeh server)
How can I display the change in date.
Thanks in advance.