Bokeh plot not updating using Select

Hi all,

I am fairly new to python/programming and have recently started to work my way through the DataCamp Bokeh course. To construct this plot, I used the over-all template that was worked through in course, but applied to data that I have aquired. However, the plot does not update when the drop down (labeled x_select or y_select) and I cannot seem to figure out the reason. I’m sure it’s probably something painfully obvious, but I am very perplexed as to why it is not working. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and any comments on style etc would also be helpful as I am always willing to learn and improve.

%matplotlib inline

from import curdoc, output_file, show, output_notebook

from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, CategoricalColorMapper, Slider, HoverTool, Select

from bokeh.plotting import figure

from bokeh.palettes import Spectral6, Magma6

from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox, row

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

#import file



#reset index

df=df.set_index(‘Fighter Name’)

#set the source data for Bokeh plotting


‘x’: df[‘Fighter Height’],

‘y’: df[‘Fighter Reach’],

‘Weight’: df[‘Fighter Weight’],

‘Stance’: df[‘Fighter Stance’],

‘Wins’: df[‘wins’],

‘Loss’: df[‘loss’],

‘tie’: df[‘tie’],

‘Name’: df.index})

#for updating the plot with the drop downs

def update_plot(attr, old, new):

x = x_select.value

y = y_select.value

Label axes of plot

plot.xaxis.axis_label = x

plot.yaxis.axis_label = y

Set new_data

new_data = {

‘x’: df,

‘y’: df[y],

‘Weight’: df[‘Fighter Weight’],

‘Stance’: df[‘Fighter Stance’],

‘Wins’: df[‘wins’],

‘Loss’: df[‘loss’],

‘tie’: df[‘tie’],

‘Name’: df.index} = new_data

Set the range of all axes

plot.x_range.start = min(df)

plot.x_range.end = max(df)

plot.y_range.start = min(df[y])

plot.y_range.end = max(df[y])

#set the range of the intial plot

xmin, xmax= min(df[‘Fighter Reach’]), max(df[‘Fighter Reach’])

ymin, ymax= min(df[‘Fighter Height’]), max(df[‘Fighter Height’])

#to color everything by stance

stance_list=df[‘Fighter Stance’].unique().tolist()

color_map= CategoricalColorMapper(factors=stance_list, palette=Magma6)

#making the inital plot

plot=figure(title=‘Fighter Height vs Reach’, x_range=(xmin, xmax),

y_range=(ymin, ymax), x_axis_label=‘Fighter Height’, y_axis_label=‘Fighter Reach’)‘x’, y=‘y’,

color=dict(field=‘Stance’, transform=color_map),

source=source, legend=‘Stance’, alpha=0.7)

plot.legend.location= ‘top_right’

#to add a hover tool

hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[(‘Fighter Name’, ‘@Name’),

(‘Fighter Weight’, ‘@Weight’),

(‘Fighter Record’, ‘@Wins-@Loss-@tie’)])


Create a dropdown Select widget for the x data: x_select

x_select = Select(

options=[‘Fighter Height’, ‘Fighter Weight’, ‘Fighter Reach’,

‘Fighter SLpM’, ‘Fighter Striking Accuracy’,

‘Fighter SApM’, ‘Fighter Striking Defence’,

‘Fighter Take Down Average’, ‘Fighter Take Down Accuracy’,

‘Fighter Take Down Defence’, ‘Fighter Submission Average’,

‘wins’, ‘loss’, ‘total’, ‘tie’, ‘win percent’],

value=‘Fighter Height’,

title=‘x-axis data’)

Attach the update_plot callback to the ‘value’ property of x_select

x_select.on_change(‘value’, update_plot)

Create a dropdown Select widget for the y data: y_select

y_select = Select(

options=[‘Fighter Height’, ‘Fighter Weight’, ‘Fighter Reach’,

‘Fighter SLpM’, ‘Fighter Striking Accuracy’,

‘Fighter SApM’, ‘Fighter Striking Defence’,

‘Fighter Take Down Average’, ‘Fighter Take Down Accuracy’,

‘Fighter Take Down Defence’, ‘Fighter Submission Average’,

‘wins’, ‘loss’, ‘total’, ‘tie’, ‘win percent’],

value=‘Fighter Reach’,

title=‘y-axis data’)

Attach the update_plot callback to the ‘value’ property of y_select

y_select.on_change(‘value’, update_plot)

Create layout and add to current document

layout = row(widgetbox(x_select, y_select), plot)




Thanks again for any help provided!