Bokeh Server different data for different users.


I have created bokeh application. This bokeh application is reading .xlsx file to get input data(Pandas DataFrame) and forming the interactive graph.

For each user .xlsx file will be different.

With the same server bokeh application should give different data in the graph for different users.

Please help me regarding this.

Hi there,

your question is not very specific, so it is very difficult to provide useful help.

I guess what might help you is the ability to upload a .xlsx file from the user’s browser to the Bokeh server.

Check this thread for information on how to do that:!searchin/bokeh/upload$20file/bokeh/EtuMtJI39qQ/4o2x2pRiBAAJ

If you are trying to upload larger files (about 10 MB or more), the following issue becomes important:



Am Mittwoch, 11. April 2018 16:27:54 UTC+2 schrieb Sanjaya Prakash:


I have created bokeh application. This bokeh application is reading .xlsx file to get input data(Pandas DataFrame) and forming the interactive graph.

For each user .xlsx file will be different.

With the same server bokeh application should give different data in the graph for different users.

Please help me regarding this.