I would like to get some feedback on the idea of moving all user-support discussion from this mailing list and Gitter, to a Discourse instance. As an example:
The mailing list does not offer rich content or good tagging/categorization
Answers on Gitter are more or less “lost” after a short period of time, greatly reducing their value
Discourse seems to have some useful integrations, e.g. with GitHub
For context: we are in the process of trying to “baby bird” the Bokeh project into complete self-sufficiency. Specifically, we would like all project assets to be under the control of the Project team (or NumFocus by proxy). The mailing list is currently hosted on the continuum.io Google Groups account, and there are no supported tools or procedures to migrate Google Groups to other accounts.
The downside of moving to discourse: There is no good way to import the current mailing list into the Discourse instance. This is not an insignificant drawback, but in my mind it is still worth it in order to consolidate things more. I would propose making this group read-only if we do make this move.
It’s probably also worth mentioning at this juncture: This is my last week at Anaconda.
I am unaccountably grateful for the opportunity to have spent some much time and energy on Bokeh while I there, and am grateful for their commitment to making contributions to the Bokeh NumFocus fund going forward. But as you may guess: my personal time/ability to respond here and on SO and on Gitter and on Github and… will be diminishing somewhat in the near future. I believe consolidating to a Discourse will help more people contribute to the support burden and that the quality of those contributions will be amplified by the richer features of Discourse.
Thoughts? Does anyone have any experience with using or administering Discourse?
Never used Discourse, I am quite Noob about that, but I think is a great idea if there is a better “tagging management” and Git Hub Integration.
Good luck for the new adventure hoping for the best.
On Thursday, 28 February 2019 01:57:18 UTC+1, Bryan Van de Ven wrote:
Hi all,
I would like to get some feedback on the idea of moving all user-support discussion from this mailing list and Gitter, to a Discourse instance. As an example:
The mailing list does not offer rich content or good tagging/categorization
Answers on Gitter are more or less “lost” after a short period of time, greatly reducing their value
Discourse seems to have some useful integrations, e.g. with GitHub
For context: we are in the process of trying to “baby bird” the Bokeh project into complete self-sufficiency. Specifically, we would like all project assets to be under the control of the Project team (or NumFocus by proxy). The mailing list is currently hosted on the continuum.io Google Groups account, and there are no supported tools or procedures to migrate Google Groups to other accounts.
The downside of moving to discourse: There is no good way to import the current mailing list into the Discourse instance. This is not an insignificant drawback, but in my mind it is still worth it in order to consolidate things more. I would propose making this group read-only if we do make this move.
It’s probably also worth mentioning at this juncture: This is my last week at Anaconda.
I am unaccountably grateful for the opportunity to have spent some much time and energy on Bokeh while I there, and am grateful for their commitment to making contributions to the Bokeh NumFocus fund going forward. But as you may guess: my personal time/ability to respond here and on SO and on Gitter and on Github and… will be diminishing somewhat in the near future. I believe consolidating to a Discourse will help more people contribute to the support burden and that the quality of those contributions will be amplified by the richer features of Discourse.
Thoughts? Does anyone have any experience with using or administering Discourse?
First of all thanks for your great support on all channels and good luck with your next challenge!
I think having better tagging/categorisation and git support would bring an added value to this list.
On the other hand I know people will keep on goggling and will eventually land down at stackoverflow, which also has tagging support (maybe Bokehshould be tagged there per minor version?)
The quality matters but reaching as big as possible community is also a important factor. Can’t beat them? Join them!
You summarised well pros and cons and someone has to decide…
I think the migration to discourse would make only sense if all community (especially the Bokeh team) would fully move the focus from all other channels to discourse, but will this be the case?
I would say, let’s give it a try and see it if proves itself over a 6 months or something …
On Saturday, March 2, 2019 at 12:18:31 PM UTC+1, Andrea Ciufo wrote:
Read all!
Never used Discourse, I am quite Noob about that, but I think is a great idea if there is a better “tagging management” and Git Hub Integration.
Good luck for the new adventure hoping for the best.
On Thursday, 28 February 2019 01:57:18 UTC+1, Bryan Van de Ven wrote:
Hi all,
I would like to get some feedback on the idea of moving all user-support discussion from this mailing list and Gitter, to a Discourse instance. As an example:
The mailing list does not offer rich content or good tagging/categorization
Answers on Gitter are more or less “lost” after a short period of time, greatly reducing their value
Discourse seems to have some useful integrations, e.g. with GitHub
For context: we are in the process of trying to “baby bird” the Bokeh project into complete self-sufficiency. Specifically, we would like all project assets to be under the control of the Project team (or NumFocus by proxy). The mailing list is currently hosted on the continuum.io Google Groups account, and there are no supported tools or procedures to migrate Google Groups to other accounts.
The downside of moving to discourse: There is no good way to import the current mailing list into the Discourse instance. This is not an insignificant drawback, but in my mind it is still worth it in order to consolidate things more. I would propose making this group read-only if we do make this move.
It’s probably also worth mentioning at this juncture: This is my last week at Anaconda.
I am unaccountably grateful for the opportunity to have spent some much time and energy on Bokeh while I there, and am grateful for their commitment to making contributions to the Bokeh NumFocus fund going forward. But as you may guess: my personal time/ability to respond here and on SO and on Gitter and on Github and… will be diminishing somewhat in the near future. I believe consolidating to a Discourse will help more people contribute to the support burden and that the quality of those contributions will be amplified by the richer features of Discourse.
Thoughts? Does anyone have any experience with using or administering Discourse?
never admin’d discourse, but the interface is quite. I do however enjoy receiving the daily email summaries from here. Is that possible in discourse?
Good luck Bryan!
On Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at 4:57:18 PM UTC-8, Bryan Van de Ven wrote:
Hi all,
I would like to get some feedback on the idea of moving all user-support discussion from this mailing list and Gitter, to a Discourse instance. As an example:
The mailing list does not offer rich content or good tagging/categorization
Answers on Gitter are more or less “lost” after a short period of time, greatly reducing their value
Discourse seems to have some useful integrations, e.g. with GitHub
For context: we are in the process of trying to “baby bird” the Bokeh project into complete self-sufficiency. Specifically, we would like all project assets to be under the control of the Project team (or NumFocus by proxy). The mailing list is currently hosted on the continuum.io Google Groups account, and there are no supported tools or procedures to migrate Google Groups to other accounts.
The downside of moving to discourse: There is no good way to import the current mailing list into the Discourse instance. This is not an insignificant drawback, but in my mind it is still worth it in order to consolidate things more. I would propose making this group read-only if we do make this move.
It’s probably also worth mentioning at this juncture: This is my last week at Anaconda.
I am unaccountably grateful for the opportunity to have spent some much time and energy on Bokeh while I there, and am grateful for their commitment to making contributions to the Bokeh NumFocus fund going forward. But as you may guess: my personal time/ability to respond here and on SO and on Gitter and on Github and… will be diminishing somewhat in the near future. I believe consolidating to a Discourse will help more people contribute to the support burden and that the quality of those contributions will be amplified by the richer features of Discourse.
Thoughts? Does anyone have any experience with using or administering Discourse?
never admin'd discourse, but the interface is quite. I do however enjoy receiving the daily email summaries from here. Is that possible in discourse?
Good luck Bryan!
On Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at 4:57:18 PM UTC-8, Bryan Van de Ven wrote:
Hi all,
I would like to get some feedback on the idea of moving all user-support discussion from this mailing list and Gitter, to a Discourse instance. As an example:
* The mailing list does not offer rich content or good tagging/categorization
* Answers on Gitter are more or less "lost" after a short period of time, greatly reducing their value
* Discourse seems to have some useful integrations, e.g. with GitHub
For context: we are in the process of trying to "baby bird" the Bokeh project into complete self-sufficiency. Specifically, we would like all project assets to be under the control of the Project team (or NumFocus by proxy). The mailing list is currently hosted on the continuum.io Google Groups account, and there are no supported tools or procedures to migrate Google Groups to other accounts.
The downside of moving to discourse: There is no good way to import the current mailing list into the Discourse instance. This is not an insignificant drawback, but in my mind it is still worth it in order to consolidate things more. I would propose making this group read-only if we do make this move.
It's probably also worth mentioning at this juncture: This is my last week at Anaconda.
I am unaccountably grateful for the opportunity to have spent some much time and energy on Bokeh while I there, and am grateful for their commitment to making contributions to the Bokeh NumFocus fund going forward. But as you may guess: my personal time/ability to respond here and on SO and on Gitter and on Github and... will be diminishing somewhat in the near future. I believe consolidating to a Discourse will help more people contribute to the support burden and that the quality of those contributions will be amplified by the richer features of Discourse.
Thoughts? Does anyone have any experience with using or administering Discourse?
never admin’d discourse, but the interface is quite. I do however enjoy receiving the daily email summaries from here. Is that possible in discourse?
Good luck Bryan!
On Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at 4:57:18 PM UTC-8, Bryan Van de Ven wrote:
Hi all,
I would like to get some feedback on the idea of moving all user-support discussion from this mailing list and Gitter, to a Discourse instance. As an example:
The mailing list does not offer rich content or good tagging/categorization
Answers on Gitter are more or less “lost” after a short period of time, greatly reducing their value
Discourse seems to have some useful integrations, e.g. with GitHub
For context: we are in the process of trying to “baby bird” the Bokeh project into complete self-sufficiency. Specifically, we would like all project assets to be under the control of the Project team (or NumFocus by proxy). The mailing list is currently hosted on the continuum.io Google Groups account, and there are no supported tools or procedures to migrate Google Groups to other accounts.
The downside of moving to discourse: There is no good way to import the current mailing list into the Discourse instance. This is not an insignificant drawback, but in my mind it is still worth it in order to consolidate things more. I would propose making this group read-only if we do make this move.
It’s probably also worth mentioning at this juncture: This is my last week at Anaconda.
I am unaccountably grateful for the opportunity to have spent some much time and energy on Bokeh while I there, and am grateful for their commitment to making contributions to the Bokeh NumFocus fund going forward. But as you may guess: my personal time/ability to respond here and on SO and on Gitter and on Github and… will be diminishing somewhat in the near future. I believe consolidating to a Discourse will help more people contribute to the support burden and that the quality of those contributions will be amplified by the richer features of Discourse.
Thoughts? Does anyone have any experience with using or administering Discourse?
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