Displaying a formatted label picked by the user using AutocompleteInput?


I am trying to produce a plot in a Jupyter notebook with an autocomplete input text box that the user could use to display the formatted label of a given glyph.

So far, I have been able to change the value of the displayed label with the value parameter of autocomplete input, but I cannot figure out how to modify the autocomplete input tags to change the coordinates and color of the label.

I attempted to use SetValue but get this error: ValueError: not all callback values are CustomJS instances. As I am new to JavaScript, I was wondering if this achievable with CustomJS? Or maybe with another way?

Below is my attempt with a small dataset:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from bokeh.io import output_notebook, output_file, show, curdoc
from bokeh.models import HoverTool, Patches, ColumnDataSource, Label, CustomJS, SetValue, AutocompleteInput
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.layouts import layout


test_df = pd.DataFrame({"Label": ["METDI0001", "METDI0002", "METDI0003", "METDI0004", "METDI0005"],
                        "Begin": [710, 2535, 3697, 4855, 5259],
                        "Length": [1506, 1122, 1155, 405, 240],
                        "Color": ["black", "black", "#FF9E0A", "#259AFF", "lightgrey"]})

## Arrow coordinates to draw glyphs
xpts = np.array([0, 0, 0.5, 0.5,  1, 0.5, 0.5])
ypts = np.array([-0.1,  0.1, 0.1, 0.21, 0, -0.21, -0.1])

test_df["xs"] = ""
test_df["ys"] = ""

for index in test_df.index:
    test_df.at[index, "xs"] = (xpts*(test_df.loc[index, "Length"]) + test_df.loc[index, "Begin"]).tolist()
    test_df.at[index, "ys"] = ypts

p = figure(width=1000, height=300, x_range=(0, 7000), y_range=(-1, 1), toolbar_location="right", 
           tools="pan,xwheel_zoom,save,reset", active_scroll="xwheel_zoom")

p.xaxis.axis_label = "coordinates (bp)"
p.xaxis.bounds = (0, 7000)
p.yaxis.ticker = []

# Plot gene models
glyph = Patches(xs="xs", ys="ys", fill_color="Color", line_color="Color")
source = ColumnDataSource(test_df)
g_gene = p.add_glyph(source, glyph)

hover = p.select(dict(type=HoverTool))
hover.tooltips = [("Accession", "@{Label}"), 
                  ("gene length", "@{Length} nt")]
hover.mode = 'mouse'

# Label input from user
text_input = AutocompleteInput(completions=test_df["Label"].tolist(), value="METDI0001", title="enter gene label", min_characters=7)
text_input.tags = [test_df.loc[test_df["Label"] == text_input.value, "Begin"].values[0],
                   test_df.loc[test_df["Label"] == text_input.value,"Color"].values[0]]

# This SetValue callback cause en error
#callback = SetValue(obj=text_input, attr="tags", value=[(test_df.loc[test_df["Label"] == text_input.value, "Begin"].values[0] + 
#                    test_df.loc[test_df["Label"] == text_input.value,"Length"].values[0]/5),
#                   test_df.loc[test_df["Label"] == text_input.value,"Color"].values[0]])

callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code="""
    // I would like to modify the tags of text_input to be able 
    // to change the x and color parameters of the displayed label

text_input.js_on_change("value", CustomJS(code="""
    console.log('text_input: value=' + this.value, this.toString())
text_input.js_on_change("value", callback)

lab = Label(x=text_input.tags[0], y=0.5, text=text_input.value, text_font_size="14px", text_color=text_input.tags[1])

text_input.js_link("value", lab, "text")
text_input.js_link("tags", lab, "x", 0)
text_input.js_link("tags", lab, "text_color", 1)

show(layout([p], [text_input]))

This is what I would like to get:

Thank you.

Unless there’s a lot more to your actual use case than what appears in the MRE, you can greatly simplify this. No tags, no js_link, and only one CustomJS callback is needed.

You need a callback that will execute whenever the value in the AutoCompleteInput changes. You have that set up already:

text_input.js_on_change('value', callback)

You want that callback to take the text_input value and use that to update the label’s text value and x value (i.e. position).

You can get the updated x position from your data source (i.e. your “Begin” field).

So to execute that callback, you need references to a) the text input (to get the text value), b) the source (to get the corresponding x position), and c) the label itself (to update it based on a and b).

So instantiate those three things first (basically just as you did, you just need to move the lab =Label line up to before your CustomJS.

Then in the CustomJS:

callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source,text_input=text_input,lab=lab), code="""
    // I would like to modify the tags of text_input to be able 
    // to change the x and color parameters of the displayed label
    //get the text input value
    var v = text_input.value
    //get what index that value occurs in the source (google Array.indexOf for details)
    var ind = source.data['Label'].indexOf(v)
    console.log(ind) // take a look at this in console to understand
    console.log(source.data) // ditto
    // get the begin value at that index
    var x = source.data['Begin'][ind]
    lab.x = x
    lab.text = v

And that’s it for callbacks → no linkages to tags required:



Thank you so much!
I tweaked the CustomJS to also change the color of the label accordingly and its working nicely.

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