Endless error message with FileInput and big file

when using FileInput with a server callback, error messages will always display the base64 string . If this string is big (100mb in my case) debugging gets impossible, because it prints out the complete string before any error.
Is there a way to prevent this?
Here is my minimal code:

from bokeh.plotting import curdoc
from bokeh.models import FileInput

def update_data(attr, old, new):
    print(1 + "1")

file_input = FileInput()
file_input.on_change("value", update_data)


And my command:

Bokeh serve --show test.py --websocket-max-message-size=500000000

By the way: is there any disadvantage of making the websocket size much bigger than necessary? Is just a thing less to think about, if I make it bigger than any file I’ll ever use.

Is there a way to prevent this?

Not presently. There is an old open issue:

But there has been some disagreement about details and as a result, so no work has been done to date.

By the way: is there any disadvantage of making the websocket size much bigger than necessary? Is just a thing less to think about, if I make it bigger than any file I’ll ever use.

Not sure. AFAIK we just mirror Tornado’s default value, which presumably they arrived at for some reason, but I don’t know the rationale.

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