Figure Tools

bokeh 0.12.2

I currently have a scatter:

scatter = figure(tools=[TOOLS,hover], active_scroll='wheel_zoom', active_drag='box_select',
                 plot_width=self.width_scatter, plot_height=(self.height_scatter),
                 toolbar_location="right", title="title",
                 x_axis_label='x axis', y_axis_label='y axis',


hover is a HoverTool

I also have an annular_wedge attached to that figure:

aw_empty = scatter.annular_wedge(x=int(max_distance / 2), y=50, source=donut_source,
                                 start_angle=0, end_angle='endempty',
                                 color='orange', alpha=.6)


and finally data points in that figure:

r = scatter.scatter(x='sum', y='empercent', source=main_source, size=8,
 color='color', alpha=0.6)

I currently have my tools attached to the overall scatter. Is it possible to have the hover tool only on the data points(“r”) and not on the annular_wedge(“aw_empty”)?

Thank you

I Figured it out.

In the hover tool add names = [‘scatter’]

hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[
 ('Apples', '@ Apples{int}'),
 ('Bananas', '@ Bananas'),
 names = ['scatter']

then in your scatter add name = ‘scatter’

scatter = figure(tools=[TOOLS,hover], active_scroll=‘wheel_zoom’, active_drag=‘box_select’,
plot_width=self.width_scatter, plot_height=(self.height_scatter),
toolbar_location=“right”, title=“title”,
x_axis_label=‘x axis’, y_axis_label=‘y axis’,
y_range=(-5,100), name = 'scatter’


the hover tool should only work for figures you set in names

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On Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 11:37:29 AM UTC-5, [email protected] wrote:
> bokeh 0.12.2


> I currently have a scatter:

> ```
> scatter = figure(tools=[TOOLS,hover], active_scroll='wheel_zoom', active_drag='box_select',
>                  plot_width=self.width_scatter, plot_height=(self.height_scatter),
>                  toolbar_location="right", title="title",
>                  x_axis_label='x axis', y_axis_label='y axis',
>                  y_range=(-5,100)
>                  )
> ```

> ``

> hover is a HoverTool


> I also have an annular_wedge attached to that figure:


> ```
> aw_empty = scatter.annular_wedge(x=int(max_distance / 2), y=50, source=donut_source,
>                                  inner_radius='inner_r',
>                                  outer_radius='outer_r',
>                                  start_angle=0, end_angle='endempty',
>                                  color='orange', alpha=.6)
> ```

> ``


> and finally data points in that figure:

> ```
> r = scatter.scatter(x='sum', y='empercent', source=main_source, size=8,
>  color='color', alpha=0.6)

> ```
> ```
> ```
> I currently have my tools attached to the overall scatter. Is it possible to have the hover tool only on the data points("r") and not on the annular_wedge("aw_empty")?
> ```
> ```
> ```
> ```
> Thank you
> ```


You can also set the renderers property, as done in this example:

  Appearance — Bokeh 3.3.2 Documentation




On Nov 2, 2016, at 12:52 PM, [email protected] wrote:

I Figured it out.

In the hover tool add names = ['scatter']
hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[
('Apples', '@ Apples{int}'),
('Bananas', '@ Bananas'),
names = ['scatter']

then in your scatter add name = 'scatter'
scatter = figure(tools=[TOOLS,hover], active_scroll='wheel_zoom', active_drag='box_select',
                 plot_width=self.width_scatter, plot_height=(self.height_scatter),
                 toolbar_location="right", title="title",
                 x_axis_label='x axis', y_axis_label='y axis',
                 y_range=(-5,100), name = 'scatter'

the hover tool should only work for figures you set in names

On Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 11:37:29 AM UTC-5, wrote:
bokeh 0.12.2

I currently have a scatter:

scatter = figure(tools=[TOOLS,hover], active_scroll='wheel_zoom', active_drag='box_select',
                 plot_width=self.width_scatter, plot_height=(self.height_scatter),
                 toolbar_location="right", title="title",
                 x_axis_label='x axis', y_axis_label='y axis',
hover is a HoverTool

I also have an annular_wedge attached to that figure:

aw_empty = scatter.annular_wedge(x=int(max_distance / 2), y=50, source=donut_source,
                                 start_angle=0, end_angle='endempty',
                                 color='orange', alpha=.6)

and finally data points in that figure:

r = scatter.scatter(x='sum', y='empercent', source=main_source, size=8,
color='color', alpha=0.6)

I currently have my tools attached to the overall scatter. Is it possible to have the hover tool only on the data points("r") and not on the annular_wedge("aw_empty")?

Thank you

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