Getting error when initialize ColumnDataSource for a datetime value

tried this exact code :

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HoverTool, CDSView, GroupFilter

from datetime import datetime


last_timestamp =

data = ColumnDataSource(dict(timestamp=, value=))

value_df = pd.DataFrame({“value”:last_value,

“timestamp”:last_timestamp}, index=[0])[“timestamp”], value=value_df[“value”]), 10)

i get the following error :

TypeError: invalid type promotion

Plz help.

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Using lists instead of dataframe solved the problem.


On Sunday, October 21, 2018 at 10:48:00 PM UTC+5:30, sidbazinga wrote:

tried this exact code :

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HoverTool, CDSView, GroupFilter

from datetime import datetime


last_timestamp =

data = ColumnDataSource(dict(timestamp=, value=))

value_df = pd.DataFrame({“value”:last_value,

“timestamp”:last_timestamp}, index=[0])[“timestamp”], value=value_df[“value”]), 10)

i get the following error :

TypeError: invalid type promotion

Plz help.