Help: link the line plot to the hover over "map" plot failed

As illustrated with the attached picture, I have two charts, Chart 1 is map like chart which I borrow from”, another chart, Charter 2, is to plot one line which data’s index is referred to what the area my mouse hovering over. Unfortunately, the link of the two charts seems not successful, the hover on Chart 1 to different area (@name) will not trigger the Chart 2 line plot updating.

Except for the excerpted codes bellow, I also attach my initial code and simulated data for line plot with this post, any help from any of you are greatly appreciated.

Codes for Chart 1 data and plot

pcdata=np.hstack((np.zeros((len(timelabel),booth_nr)),testdata.values)) # Array of test data with zeo value filled in booth area

Combine the two patches, booth and guest area, together

data_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(
x=booth_xs+guest_xs, # area borders
y=booth_ys+guest_ys, # area borders
linecolor=[“white”]*booth_nr+[“#884444”]*guest_nr, # line color
fillcolor=[“grey”]*booth_nr+thiscolors, # fill color
guestcount=[“N.A.”]*booth_nr+[guest_area[code][‘count’] for code in guest_area],
name=booth_name+guest_name, # Area name to be referred for the 2nd Chart
pcdata=pcdata.T.tolist() # updated on Apr. 26 we have to do this transform !!!

pheatmap = figure(title=“heatmap over location”, toolbar_location=“left”,

plot_width=900, plot_height=600, tools=TOOLS)

plot the map


fill_color=‘fillcolor’, fill_alpha=‘fillalpha’,

line_color=‘linecolor’, line_width=‘linewidth’)

pheatmap.xaxis.visible = False

pheatmap.yaxis.visible = False

pheatmap.xgrid.grid_line_color = None

pheatmap.ygrid.grid_line_color = None

pheatmap.text([booth_area[code][‘center’][0] for code in booth_area],[booth_area[code][‘center’][1] for code in booth_area],[booth_area[code][‘name’] for code in booth_area],text_color=‘white’,text_font_size=‘22pt’)


Codes for Chart 2 data and plot

data_source_2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(
y=pcdata[:,booth_nr] # booth nr will be referred from the area the mouse hovering by JS

Create plinedaily to plot the daily distribution for any area

plinedaily = figure(title=“hourly footfall”, toolbar_location=“left”,
plot_width=900, plot_height=200, tools=“reset,save”)

plinedaily.line(x=‘x’, y =‘y’,source=data_source_2, line_width=2, color=‘green’)

**Callback JS I would like to link both charts together, use the @name by hover and raw name list for indexing **

define the callback to update the plot data for plinedaily

update_ts = CustomJS(args=dict(sourcedata=data_source,sourcedata2=data_source_2),
// get data source from callback args
var data = sourcedata.get(‘data’);
var data2=sourcedata2.get(‘data’)
var names = data[‘name’];
var id=names.indexof(“@name”) // Get the index of current area to pick up
var tmpdata=data2[‘y’]
// output the data for curve plot
var datlen=tmpdata.length
var tmppcdata=data[‘pcdata’]
for (var i = 0; i <datlen; i++) { // Retrieve the new data according to id
// trigger update of data source 2 for line plot updating
hover.point_policy = “follow_mouse”
hover.callback = update_ts

hover.tooltips = [
(“guest area”, “@name”),
(‘guest count’,‘@guestcount’),
(“footfall by area”, “@rate”),
(“(xpos, ypos)”, “($x, $y)”),
figout = vplot(pheatmap,plinedaily)

Thanks in advance!!

B. R.


Map and (7.5 KB)

shop demo data.csv (287 Bytes)


There are errors in your JavaScript. The first of them is that "indexof" is undefined, the correct method name is "indexOf" If you open your browser's javascript console you can see these error messages in order to debug things.




On Apr 29, 2016, at 1:50 AM, gongming wei <[email protected]> wrote:

As illustrated with the attached picture, I have two charts, Chart 1 is map like chart which I borrow from
"", another chart, Charter 2, is to plot one line which data's index is referred to what the area my mouse hovering over. Unfortunately, the link of the two charts seems not successful, the hover on Chart 1 to different area (@name) will not trigger the Chart 2 line plot updating.

Except for the excerpted codes bellow, I also attach my initial code and simulated data for line plot with this post, any help from any of you are greatly appreciated.

Codes for Chart 1 data and plot
pcdata=np.hstack((np.zeros((len(timelabel),booth_nr)),testdata.values)) # Array of test data with zeo value filled in booth area
# Combine the two patches, booth and guest area, together
data_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(
    x=booth_xs+guest_xs, # area borders
    y=booth_ys+guest_ys, # area borders
    linecolor=["white"]*booth_nr+["#884444"]*guest_nr, # line color
    fillcolor=["grey"]*booth_nr+thiscolors, # fill color
    guestcount=["N.A."]*booth_nr+[guest_area[code]['count'] for code in guest_area],
    name=booth_name+guest_name, # Area name to be referred for the 2nd Chart
    pcdata=pcdata.T.tolist() # updated on Apr. 26 we have to do this transform !!!

pheatmap = figure(title="heatmap over location", toolbar_location="left",
           plot_width=900, plot_height=600, tools=TOOLS)

# plot the map
          fill_color='fillcolor', fill_alpha='fillalpha',
          line_color='linecolor', line_width='linewidth')

pheatmap.xaxis.visible = False
pheatmap.yaxis.visible = False
pheatmap.xgrid.grid_line_color = None
pheatmap.ygrid.grid_line_color = None

pheatmap.text([booth_area[code]['center'][0] for code in booth_area],[booth_area[code]['center'][1] for code in booth_area],[booth_area[code]['name'] for code in booth_area],text_color='white',text_font_size='22pt')


Codes for Chart 2 data and plot
data_source_2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(
    y=pcdata[:,booth_nr] # booth nr will be referred from the area the mouse hovering by JS
# Create plinedaily to plot the daily distribution for any area
plinedaily = figure(title="hourly footfall", toolbar_location="left",
           plot_width=900, plot_height=200, tools="reset,save")

plinedaily.line(x='x', y ='y',source=data_source_2, line_width=2, color='green')

Callback JS I would like to link both charts together, use the @name by hover and raw name list for indexing
# define the callback to update the plot data for plinedaily
update_ts = CustomJS(args=dict(sourcedata=data_source,sourcedata2=data_source_2),
       // get data source from callback args
  var data = sourcedata.get('data');
      var data2=sourcedata2.get('data')
  var names = data['name'];
      var id=names.indexof("@name") // Get the index of current area to pick up
      var tmpdata=data2['y']
      // output the data for curve plot
      var datlen=tmpdata.length
      var tmppcdata=data['pcdata']
  for (var i = 0; i <datlen; i++) { // Retrieve the new data according to id
       // trigger update of data source 2 for line plot updating
hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse"
hover.callback = update_ts

hover.tooltips = [
    ("guest area", "@name"),
    ('guest count','@guestcount'),
    ("footfall by area", "@rate"),
    ("(xpos, ypos)", "($x, $y)"),

figout = vplot(pheatmap,plinedaily)

Thanks in advance!!

B. R.


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<Map and><shop demo data.csv>

The next problem is that tmppcata.length is 13 but datlen is 14, so you are indexing out of bounds for tmppcdata on the last iteration of the loop.



On May 4, 2016, at 1:05 PM, Bryan Van de Ven <[email protected]> wrote:


There are errors in your JavaScript. The first of them is that "indexof" is undefined, the correct method name is "indexOf" If you open your browser's javascript console you can see these error messages in order to debug things.



On Apr 29, 2016, at 1:50 AM, gongming wei <[email protected]> wrote:

As illustrated with the attached picture, I have two charts, Chart 1 is map like chart which I borrow from
"", another chart, Charter 2, is to plot one line which data's index is referred to what the area my mouse hovering over. Unfortunately, the link of the two charts seems not successful, the hover on Chart 1 to different area (@name) will not trigger the Chart 2 line plot updating.

Except for the excerpted codes bellow, I also attach my initial code and simulated data for line plot with this post, any help from any of you are greatly appreciated.

Codes for Chart 1 data and plot
pcdata=np.hstack((np.zeros((len(timelabel),booth_nr)),testdata.values)) # Array of test data with zeo value filled in booth area
# Combine the two patches, booth and guest area, together
data_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(
   x=booth_xs+guest_xs, # area borders
   y=booth_ys+guest_ys, # area borders
   linecolor=["white"]*booth_nr+["#884444"]*guest_nr, # line color
   fillcolor=["grey"]*booth_nr+thiscolors, # fill color
   guestcount=["N.A."]*booth_nr+[guest_area[code]['count'] for code in guest_area],
   name=booth_name+guest_name, # Area name to be referred for the 2nd Chart
   pcdata=pcdata.T.tolist() # updated on Apr. 26 we have to do this transform !!!

pheatmap = figure(title="heatmap over location", toolbar_location="left",
          plot_width=900, plot_height=600, tools=TOOLS)

# plot the map
         fill_color='fillcolor', fill_alpha='fillalpha',
         line_color='linecolor', line_width='linewidth')

pheatmap.xaxis.visible = False
pheatmap.yaxis.visible = False
pheatmap.xgrid.grid_line_color = None
pheatmap.ygrid.grid_line_color = None

pheatmap.text([booth_area[code]['center'][0] for code in booth_area],[booth_area[code]['center'][1] for code in booth_area],[booth_area[code]['name'] for code in booth_area],text_color='white',text_font_size='22pt')


Codes for Chart 2 data and plot
data_source_2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(
   y=pcdata[:,booth_nr] # booth nr will be referred from the area the mouse hovering by JS
# Create plinedaily to plot the daily distribution for any area
plinedaily = figure(title="hourly footfall", toolbar_location="left",
          plot_width=900, plot_height=200, tools="reset,save")

plinedaily.line(x='x', y ='y',source=data_source_2, line_width=2, color='green')

Callback JS I would like to link both charts together, use the @name by hover and raw name list for indexing
# define the callback to update the plot data for plinedaily
update_ts = CustomJS(args=dict(sourcedata=data_source,sourcedata2=data_source_2),
      // get data source from callback args
  var data = sourcedata.get('data');
     var data2=sourcedata2.get('data')
  var names = data['name'];
     var id=names.indexof("@name") // Get the index of current area to pick up
     var tmpdata=data2['y']

     // output the data for curve plot
     var datlen=tmpdata.length
     var tmppcdata=data['pcdata']
  for (var i = 0; i <datlen; i++) { // Retrieve the new data according to id
      // trigger update of data source 2 for line plot updating
hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse"
hover.callback = update_ts

hover.tooltips = [
   ("guest area", "@name"),
   ('guest count','@guestcount'),
   ("footfall by area", "@rate"),
   ("(xpos, ypos)", "($x, $y)"),

figout = vplot(pheatmap,plinedaily)

Thanks in advance!!

B. R.


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<Map and><shop demo data.csv>

Last helpful tip, then I have to leave the rest of the debugging to you. If you run your script with unminified resources:

  BOKEH_MINIFIED=no python

Then you can put a line with just "debugger" in it in your JS code wherever you like. Then if you view the page with the browser dev console open, you will get dropped into the JS debugger at that spot. You can inspect variables, single step code, etc. It seems like you have some data source dimensions that don't quite line up (the 13 vs 14 thing)



On May 4, 2016, at 1:08 PM, Bryan Van de Ven <[email protected]> wrote:

The next problem is that tmppcata.length is 13 but datlen is 14, so you are indexing out of bounds for tmppcdata on the last iteration of the loop.


On May 4, 2016, at 1:05 PM, Bryan Van de Ven <[email protected]> wrote:


There are errors in your JavaScript. The first of them is that "indexof" is undefined, the correct method name is "indexOf" If you open your browser's javascript console you can see these error messages in order to debug things.



On Apr 29, 2016, at 1:50 AM, gongming wei <[email protected]> wrote:

As illustrated with the attached picture, I have two charts, Chart 1 is map like chart which I borrow from
"", another chart, Charter 2, is to plot one line which data's index is referred to what the area my mouse hovering over. Unfortunately, the link of the two charts seems not successful, the hover on Chart 1 to different area (@name) will not trigger the Chart 2 line plot updating.

Except for the excerpted codes bellow, I also attach my initial code and simulated data for line plot with this post, any help from any of you are greatly appreciated.

Codes for Chart 1 data and plot
pcdata=np.hstack((np.zeros((len(timelabel),booth_nr)),testdata.values)) # Array of test data with zeo value filled in booth area
# Combine the two patches, booth and guest area, together
data_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(
  x=booth_xs+guest_xs, # area borders
  y=booth_ys+guest_ys, # area borders
  linecolor=["white"]*booth_nr+["#884444"]*guest_nr, # line color
  fillcolor=["grey"]*booth_nr+thiscolors, # fill color
  guestcount=["N.A."]*booth_nr+[guest_area[code]['count'] for code in guest_area],
  name=booth_name+guest_name, # Area name to be referred for the 2nd Chart
  pcdata=pcdata.T.tolist() # updated on Apr. 26 we have to do this transform !!!

pheatmap = figure(title="heatmap over location", toolbar_location="left",
         plot_width=900, plot_height=600, tools=TOOLS)

# plot the map
        fill_color='fillcolor', fill_alpha='fillalpha',
        line_color='linecolor', line_width='linewidth')

pheatmap.xaxis.visible = False
pheatmap.yaxis.visible = False
pheatmap.xgrid.grid_line_color = None
pheatmap.ygrid.grid_line_color = None

pheatmap.text([booth_area[code]['center'][0] for code in booth_area],[booth_area[code]['center'][1] for code in booth_area],[booth_area[code]['name'] for code in booth_area],text_color='white',text_font_size='22pt')


Codes for Chart 2 data and plot
data_source_2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(
  y=pcdata[:,booth_nr] # booth nr will be referred from the area the mouse hovering by JS
# Create plinedaily to plot the daily distribution for any area
plinedaily = figure(title="hourly footfall", toolbar_location="left",
         plot_width=900, plot_height=200, tools="reset,save")

plinedaily.line(x='x', y ='y',source=data_source_2, line_width=2, color='green')

Callback JS I would like to link both charts together, use the @name by hover and raw name list for indexing
# define the callback to update the plot data for plinedaily
update_ts = CustomJS(args=dict(sourcedata=data_source,sourcedata2=data_source_2),
     // get data source from callback args
  var data = sourcedata.get('data');
    var data2=sourcedata2.get('data')
  var names = data['name'];
    var id=names.indexof("@name") // Get the index of current area to pick up
    var tmpdata=data2['y']

    // output the data for curve plot
    var datlen=tmpdata.length
    var tmppcdata=data['pcdata']
  for (var i = 0; i <datlen; i++) { // Retrieve the new data according to id
     // trigger update of data source 2 for line plot updating
hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse"
hover.callback = update_ts

hover.tooltips = [
  ("guest area", "@name"),
  ('guest count','@guestcount'),
  ("footfall by area", "@rate"),
  ("(xpos, ypos)", "($x, $y)"),

figout = vplot(pheatmap,plinedaily)

Thanks in advance!!

B. R.


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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [email protected].
To post to this group, send email to [email protected].
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<Map and><shop demo data.csv>

Dear Bryan

Do appreciate your feedback!!

Finally, I solved the issue by following update of javascript callback function, and I highlighted the main change with red denotes deleted and cyan denotes added: I refer to the code of for getting indexing: var indices=cb_data.index[‘1d’].indices;

define the callback to update the plot data for plinedaily

update_ts = CustomJS(args=dict(sourcedata=data_source,sourcedata2=data_source_2),

   // get data source from callback args

var data = sourcedata.get(‘data’);
var data2=sourcedata2.get(‘data’)

   //var names = data['names']; -->removed
   //var id=names.indexof(@name);  -->removed

var indices=cb_data.index['1d'].indices;   // Added Get the index of current area to pick up
  var tmpdata=data2['y']

  // output the data for curve plot
  var datlen=tmpdata.length
  var tmppcdata=data['pcdata']

for (var i = 0; i <datlen; i++) { // Retrieve the new data according to id
// tmpdata[i]=tmppcdata[id][i] // → removed
tmpdata[i]=tmppcdata[indices[0]][i] // Added
// trigger update of data source 2 for line plot updating


B. R.



On Thursday, May 5, 2016 at 2:13:27 AM UTC+8, Bryan Van de ven wrote:

Last helpful tip, then I have to leave the rest of the debugging to you. If you run your script with unminified resources:

    BOKEH_MINIFIED=no python

Then you can put a line with just “debugger” in it in your JS code wherever you like. Then if you view the page with the browser dev console open, you will get dropped into the JS debugger at that spot. You can inspect variables, single step code, etc. It seems like you have some data source dimensions that don’t quite line up (the 13 vs 14 thing)


On May 4, 2016, at 1:08 PM, Bryan Van de Ven [email protected] wrote:

The next problem is that tmppcata.length is 13 but datlen is 14, so you are indexing out of bounds for tmppcdata on the last iteration of the loop.


On May 4, 2016, at 1:05 PM, Bryan Van de Ven [email protected] wrote:


There are errors in your JavaScript. The first of them is that “indexof” is undefined, the correct method name is “indexOf” If you open your browser’s javascript console you can see these error messages in order to debug things.



On Apr 29, 2016, at 1:50 AM, gongming wei [email protected] wrote:

As illustrated with the attached picture, I have two charts, Chart 1 is map like chart which I borrow from”, another chart, Charter 2, is to plot one line which data’s index is referred to what the area my mouse hovering over. Unfortunately, the link of the two charts seems not successful, the hover on Chart 1 to different area (@name) will not trigger the Chart 2 line plot updating.

Except for the excerpted codes bellow, I also attach my initial code and simulated data for line plot with this post, any help from any of you are greatly appreciated.

Codes for Chart 1 data and plot

pcdata=np.hstack((np.zeros((len(timelabel),booth_nr)),testdata.values)) # Array of test data with zeo value filled in booth area

Combine the two patches, booth and guest area, together

data_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(

x=booth_xs+guest_xs, # area borders

y=booth_ys+guest_ys, # area borders

linecolor=[“white”]*booth_nr+[“#884444”]*guest_nr, # line color

fillcolor=[“grey”]*booth_nr+thiscolors, # fill color


guestcount=[“N.A.”]*booth_nr+[guest_area[code][‘count’] for code in guest_area],

name=booth_name+guest_name, # Area name to be referred for the 2nd Chart


pcdata=pcdata.T.tolist() # updated on Apr. 26 we have to do this transform !!!



pheatmap = figure(title=“heatmap over location”, toolbar_location=“left”,

     plot_width=900, plot_height=600, tools=TOOLS)

plot the map


    fill_color='fillcolor', fill_alpha='fillalpha',
    line_color='linecolor', line_width='linewidth')

pheatmap.xaxis.visible = False

pheatmap.yaxis.visible = False

pheatmap.xgrid.grid_line_color = None

pheatmap.ygrid.grid_line_color = None

pheatmap.text([booth_area[code][‘center’][0] for code in booth_area],[booth_area[code][‘center’][1] for code in booth_area],[booth_area[code][‘name’] for code in booth_area],text_color=‘white’,text_font_size=‘22pt’)


Codes for Chart 2 data and plot

data_source_2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(


y=pcdata[:,booth_nr] # booth nr will be referred from the area the mouse hovering by JS


Create plinedaily to plot the daily distribution for any area

plinedaily = figure(title=“hourly footfall”, toolbar_location=“left”,

     plot_width=900, plot_height=200, tools="reset,save")

plinedaily.line(x=‘x’, y =‘y’,source=data_source_2, line_width=2, color=‘green’)

Callback JS I would like to link both charts together, use the @name by hover and raw name list for indexing

define the callback to update the plot data for plinedaily

update_ts = CustomJS(args=dict(sourcedata=data_source,sourcedata2=data_source_2),

 // get data source from callback args
    var data = sourcedata.get('data');
var data2=sourcedata2.get('data')
    var names        = data['name'];
var id=names.indexof("@name")   // Get the index of current area to pick up
var tmpdata=data2['y']
// output the data for curve plot
var datlen=tmpdata.length
var tmppcdata=data['pcdata']
    for (var i = 0; i <datlen; i++) {    // Retrieve the new data according to id
 // trigger update of data source 2 for line plot updating

hover.point_policy = “follow_mouse”

hover.callback = update_ts

hover.tooltips = [

(“guest area”, “@name”),

(‘guest count’,‘@guestcount’),

(“footfall by area”, “@rate”),

(“(xpos, ypos)”, “($x, $y)”),


figout = vplot(pheatmap,plinedaily)

Thanks in advance!!

B. R.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups “Bokeh Discussion - Public” group.

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [email protected].

To post to this group, send email to [email protected].

To view this discussion on the web visit

For more options, visit

Already used your tricks and found the bugs in my codes on ColumnDataSource and javascript part.

Thanks a lot


On Thursday, May 5, 2016 at 2:13:27 AM UTC+8, Bryan Van de ven wrote:

Last helpful tip, then I have to leave the rest of the debugging to you. If you run your script with unminified resources:

    BOKEH_MINIFIED=no python

Then you can put a line with just “debugger” in it in your JS code wherever you like. Then if you view the page with the browser dev console open, you will get dropped into the JS debugger at that spot. You can inspect variables, single step code, etc. It seems like you have some data source dimensions that don’t quite line up (the 13 vs 14 thing)


On May 4, 2016, at 1:08 PM, Bryan Van de Ven [email protected] wrote:

The next problem is that tmppcata.length is 13 but datlen is 14, so you are indexing out of bounds for tmppcdata on the last iteration of the loop.


On May 4, 2016, at 1:05 PM, Bryan Van de Ven [email protected] wrote:


There are errors in your JavaScript. The first of them is that “indexof” is undefined, the correct method name is “indexOf” If you open your browser’s javascript console you can see these error messages in order to debug things.



On Apr 29, 2016, at 1:50 AM, gongming wei [email protected] wrote:

As illustrated with the attached picture, I have two charts, Chart 1 is map like chart which I borrow from”, another chart, Charter 2, is to plot one line which data’s index is referred to what the area my mouse hovering over. Unfortunately, the link of the two charts seems not successful, the hover on Chart 1 to different area (@name) will not trigger the Chart 2 line plot updating.

Except for the excerpted codes bellow, I also attach my initial code and simulated data for line plot with this post, any help from any of you are greatly appreciated.

Codes for Chart 1 data and plot

pcdata=np.hstack((np.zeros((len(timelabel),booth_nr)),testdata.values)) # Array of test data with zeo value filled in booth area

Combine the two patches, booth and guest area, together

data_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(

x=booth_xs+guest_xs, # area borders

y=booth_ys+guest_ys, # area borders

linecolor=[“white”]*booth_nr+[“#884444”]*guest_nr, # line color

fillcolor=[“grey”]*booth_nr+thiscolors, # fill color


guestcount=[“N.A.”]*booth_nr+[guest_area[code][‘count’] for code in guest_area],

name=booth_name+guest_name, # Area name to be referred for the 2nd Chart


pcdata=pcdata.T.tolist() # updated on Apr. 26 we have to do this transform !!!



pheatmap = figure(title=“heatmap over location”, toolbar_location=“left”,

     plot_width=900, plot_height=600, tools=TOOLS)

plot the map


    fill_color='fillcolor', fill_alpha='fillalpha',
    line_color='linecolor', line_width='linewidth')

pheatmap.xaxis.visible = False

pheatmap.yaxis.visible = False

pheatmap.xgrid.grid_line_color = None

pheatmap.ygrid.grid_line_color = None

pheatmap.text([booth_area[code][‘center’][0] for code in booth_area],[booth_area[code][‘center’][1] for code in booth_area],[booth_area[code][‘name’] for code in booth_area],text_color=‘white’,text_font_size=‘22pt’)


Codes for Chart 2 data and plot

data_source_2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(


y=pcdata[:,booth_nr] # booth nr will be referred from the area the mouse hovering by JS


Create plinedaily to plot the daily distribution for any area

plinedaily = figure(title=“hourly footfall”, toolbar_location=“left”,

     plot_width=900, plot_height=200, tools="reset,save")

plinedaily.line(x=‘x’, y =‘y’,source=data_source_2, line_width=2, color=‘green’)

Callback JS I would like to link both charts together, use the @name by hover and raw name list for indexing

define the callback to update the plot data for plinedaily

update_ts = CustomJS(args=dict(sourcedata=data_source,sourcedata2=data_source_2),

 // get data source from callback args
    var data = sourcedata.get('data');
var data2=sourcedata2.get('data')
    var names        = data['name'];
var id=names.indexof("@name")   // Get the index of current area to pick up
var tmpdata=data2['y']
// output the data for curve plot
var datlen=tmpdata.length
var tmppcdata=data['pcdata']
    for (var i = 0; i <datlen; i++) {    // Retrieve the new data according to id
 // trigger update of data source 2 for line plot updating

hover.point_policy = “follow_mouse”

hover.callback = update_ts

hover.tooltips = [

(“guest area”, “@name”),

(‘guest count’,‘@guestcount’),

(“footfall by area”, “@rate”),

(“(xpos, ypos)”, “($x, $y)”),


figout = vplot(pheatmap,plinedaily)

Thanks in advance!!

B. R.


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Glad to hear! If you made something cool that you can share publicly, tweets to @BokehPlots are always appreciated!



On May 21, 2016, at 10:38, gongming wei [email protected] wrote:

Already used your tricks and found the bugs in my codes on ColumnDataSource and javascript part.

Thanks a lot

On Thursday, May 5, 2016 at 2:13:27 AM UTC+8, Bryan Van de ven wrote:

Last helpful tip, then I have to leave the rest of the debugging to you. If you run your script with unminified resources:

    BOKEH_MINIFIED=no python

Then you can put a line with just “debugger” in it in your JS code wherever you like. Then if you view the page with the browser dev console open, you will get dropped into the JS debugger at that spot. You can inspect variables, single step code, etc. It seems like you have some data source dimensions that don’t quite line up (the 13 vs 14 thing)


On May 4, 2016, at 1:08 PM, Bryan Van de Ven [email protected] wrote:

The next problem is that tmppcata.length is 13 but datlen is 14, so you are indexing out of bounds for tmppcdata on the last iteration of the loop.


On May 4, 2016, at 1:05 PM, Bryan Van de Ven [email protected] wrote:


There are errors in your JavaScript. The first of them is that “indexof” is undefined, the correct method name is “indexOf” If you open your browser’s javascript console you can see these error messages in order to debug things.



On Apr 29, 2016, at 1:50 AM, gongming wei [email protected] wrote:

As illustrated with the attached picture, I have two charts, Chart 1 is map like chart which I borrow from”, another chart, Charter 2, is to plot one line which data’s index is referred to what the area my mouse hovering over. Unfortunately, the link of the two charts seems not successful, the hover on Chart 1 to different area (@name) will not trigger the Chart 2 line plot updating.

Except for the excerpted codes bellow, I also attach my initial code and simulated data for line plot with this post, any help from any of you are greatly appreciated.

Codes for Chart 1 data and plot

pcdata=np.hstack((np.zeros((len(timelabel),booth_nr)),testdata.values)) # Array of test data with zeo value filled in booth area

Combine the two patches, booth and guest area, together

data_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(

x=booth_xs+guest_xs, # area borders

y=booth_ys+guest_ys, # area borders

linecolor=[“white”]*booth_nr+[“#884444”]*guest_nr, # line color

fillcolor=[“grey”]*booth_nr+thiscolors, # fill color


guestcount=[“N.A.”]*booth_nr+[guest_area[code][‘count’] for code in guest_area],

name=booth_name+guest_name, # Area name to be referred for the 2nd Chart


pcdata=pcdata.T.tolist() # updated on Apr. 26 we have to do this transform !!!



pheatmap = figure(title=“heatmap over location”, toolbar_location=“left”,

     plot_width=900, plot_height=600, tools=TOOLS)

plot the map


    fill_color='fillcolor', fill_alpha='fillalpha',
    line_color='linecolor', line_width='linewidth')

pheatmap.xaxis.visible = False

pheatmap.yaxis.visible = False

pheatmap.xgrid.grid_line_color = None

pheatmap.ygrid.grid_line_color = None

pheatmap.text([booth_area[code][‘center’][0] for code in booth_area],[booth_area[code][‘center’][1] for code in booth_area],[booth_area[code][‘name’] for code in booth_area],text_color=‘white’,text_font_size=‘22pt’)


Codes for Chart 2 data and plot

data_source_2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(


y=pcdata[:,booth_nr] # booth nr will be referred from the area the mouse hovering by JS


Create plinedaily to plot the daily distribution for any area

plinedaily = figure(title=“hourly footfall”, toolbar_location=“left”,

     plot_width=900, plot_height=200, tools="reset,save")

plinedaily.line(x=‘x’, y =‘y’,source=data_source_2, line_width=2, color=‘green’)

Callback JS I would like to link both charts together, use the @name by hover and raw name list for indexing

define the callback to update the plot data for plinedaily

update_ts = CustomJS(args=dict(sourcedata=data_source,sourcedata2=data_source_2),

 // get data source from callback args
    var data = sourcedata.get('data');
var data2=sourcedata2.get('data')
    var names        = data['name'];
var id=names.indexof("@name")   // Get the index of current area to pick up
var tmpdata=data2['y']
// output the data for curve plot
var datlen=tmpdata.length
var tmppcdata=data['pcdata']
    for (var i = 0; i <datlen; i++) {    // Retrieve the new data according to id
 // trigger update of data source 2 for line plot updating

hover.point_policy = “follow_mouse”

hover.callback = update_ts

hover.tooltips = [

(“guest area”, “@name”),

(‘guest count’,‘@guestcount’),

(“footfall by area”, “@rate”),

(“(xpos, ypos)”, “($x, $y)”),


figout = vplot(pheatmap,plinedaily)

Thanks in advance!!

B. R.


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