I’ve been using hive plots to display network data with a lot more success than force-directed layouts. I was wondering if there is any functionality for building them in Bokeh?
For an example, see: http://www.hiveplot.net/
I’ve been using hive plots to display network data with a lot more success than force-directed layouts. I was wondering if there is any functionality for building them in Bokeh?
For an example, see: http://www.hiveplot.net/
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the link and information. That definitely looks like a useful presentation, and I think it would make a perfectly good addition to bokeh.charts. That said, it's not on our short term roadmap and offhand I am not sure when we would be able to devote attention to it. This is the sort of isolated addition to Bokeh that would ideally come from PR from a new contributor. Once someone has "done it by hand" it should not be a difficult matter to wrap that work up in an interface other users could use as well, and we can much more readily provide information, answer questions, etc. for such a task. In the mean time, can you make a GH issue with this feature request and information?
On Oct 5, 2014, at 2:39 PM, Alex W <[email protected]> wrote:
I've been using hive plots to display network data with a lot more success than force-directed layouts. I was wondering if there is any functionality for building them in Bokeh?
For an example, see: http://www.hiveplot.net/Best,
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I'll dig in and try to make this, I would be doing it anyway.
On Oct 6, 2014, at 10:42 AM, Bryan Van de Ven <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the link and information. That definitely looks like a useful presentation, and I think it would make a perfectly good addition to bokeh.charts. That said, it's not on our short term roadmap and offhand I am not sure when we would be able to devote attention to it. This is the sort of isolated addition to Bokeh that would ideally come from PR from a new contributor. Once someone has "done it by hand" it should not be a difficult matter to wrap that work up in an interface other users could use as well, and we can much more readily provide information, answer questions, etc. for such a task. In the mean time, can you make a GH issue with this feature request and information?
On Oct 5, 2014, at 2:39 PM, Alex W <[email protected]> wrote:
I've been using hive plots to display network data with a lot more success than force-directed layouts. I was wondering if there is any functionality for building them in Bokeh?
For an example, see: http://www.hiveplot.net/Best,
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