Hi Bokehfolk,
I’m interested in using Bokeh for a project I’m currently working on. The basic idea is that I have a thread running to analyze data as it comes off an MRI scanner, and I want a dashboard where I can plot that data as a timecourse and update it from moment to moment as new data arrive. In the simplest case, my plotting needs are fairly simple – say a new datapoint for each of six different timeseries arriving every 2 seconds. So it’s something that’s easily json-able (although in the future I might want to scale the data I need to get into the visualization substantially).
I’m having a little trouble figuring out where to get started with this, as the docs for the bokeh-server are a little light. Do you have any pointers to example apps that do something similar?
Hi Michael,
I'm doing something very similar for a RF spectrum sensor.
Take a look at "examples/plotting/server/animated.py" and
"examples/plotting/server/line_animate.py" in the Bokeh distribution.
I've built my application based on those examples. If you don't need to
send any data from your dashboard to the backend, they do exactly what
you want.
The only thing missing is how to embed plots in a custom HTML page.
That's explained in the user guide (autoload_server() function).
Best regards
On 12. 12. 2014 03:43, [email protected] wrote:
Hi Bokehfolk,
I'm interested in using Bokeh for a project I'm currently working on.
The basic idea is that I have a thread running to analyze data as it
comes off an MRI scanner, and I want a dashboard where I can plot that
data as a timecourse and update it from moment to moment as new data
arrive. In the simplest case, my plotting needs are fairly simple -- say
a new datapoint for each of six different timeseries arriving every 2
seconds. So it's something that's easily json-able (although in the
future I might want to scale the data I need to get into the
visualization substantially).
I'm having a little trouble figuring out where to get started with this,
as the docs for the bokeh-server are a little light. Do you have any
pointers to example apps that do something similar?
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Tomaž Šolc, research assistant
SensorLab, Jožef Stefan Institute
mail: [email protected]
blog: http://www.tablix.org/~avian/blog
Additionally to Tomaz suggestion you will find some app examples in the app folder: https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/tree/master/examples/app
And also an example in the embed folder: https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/tree/master/examples/embed/slideshow
This slideshow is a flask app with render a reveal.js slideshow and show you how to embed a server-based plot, for instance, the classical wegde animation and a simple widget.
On Friday, December 12, 2014 3:48:01 AM UTC-3, Tomaž Šolc wrote:
Hi Michael,
I’m doing something very similar for a RF spectrum sensor.
Take a look at “examples/plotting/server/animated.py” and
“examples/plotting/server/line_animate.py” in the Bokeh distribution.
I’ve built my application based on those examples. If you don’t need to
send any data from your dashboard to the backend, they do exactly what
you want.
The only thing missing is how to embed plots in a custom HTML page.
That’s explained in the user guide (autoload_server() function).
Best regards
On 12. 12. 2014 03:43, [email protected] wrote:
Hi Bokehfolk,
I’m interested in using Bokeh for a project I’m currently working on.
The basic idea is that I have a thread running to analyze data as it
comes off an MRI scanner, and I want a dashboard where I can plot that
data as a timecourse and update it from moment to moment as new data
arrive. In the simplest case, my plotting needs are fairly simple – say
a new datapoint for each of six different timeseries arriving every 2
seconds. So it’s something that’s easily json-able (although in the
future I might want to scale the data I need to get into the
visualization substantially).
I’m having a little trouble figuring out where to get started with this,
as the docs for the bokeh-server are a little light. Do you have any
pointers to example apps that do something similar?
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mailto:[email protected].
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Tomaž Šolc, research assistant
SensorLab, Jožef Stefan Institute
mail: [email protected]
blog: http://www.tablix.org/~avian/blog