I didn’t write this code. I’ve tried to condense it to give you an example. It worked fined with Bokeh 2.4.3 but since upgrading to 3.6.0 we’ve got a problem with text wrapping.
title_div = Div(text='<span class="bold widget-title"><b>Thunder and Lightning</b></span>', sizing_mode='stretch_width')
checkbox = CheckboxGroup(labels=["Show widgets"], active=[0], name=f'ViewWidgetsToggle',
margin=[17, 20, 5, 5], height=18, width=100,
min_width=100, max_width=int(100 * 1.5), width_policy='fit', height_policy='fixed',
checkbox2 = CheckboxGroup(labels=["Sync x across tabs"], active=[],
margin=[17, 5, 5, 5], height=18, width=150,
min_width=150, max_width=int(150*1.5), width_policy='fit', height_policy='fixed',
button = Button(label='Save Graphs', height=31, width=100, name=f'ViewSyncTimeline',
margin=(10, 5, 5, 5), min_width=100, max_width=150, width_policy='fit', height_policy='fixed',
rr = row(title_div, checkbox, checkbox2, button)
column(children=[rr], sizing_mode=self.SIZING_MODE)
This gives a title that wraps:
There’s lots of space for the other items to be moved right so the title wouldn’t need to wrap.
How can I stop the title wrapping?
I can set styles={“width”: “100%”} on the parent but that results in the other widgets appearing on the right hand side. I want everything left justified but without wrapping the text.
NB the column does have more rows but I’ve removed them to create a shorter example.