How to update document while showing it in notebook

I want to directly update parameters of a model within a document. A simple example is updating the title of the model when a button is pressed. I have been able to actively update the doc as long as I alter the data of the model, but not other parameters.

Example for bokeh 1.2.0:

import bokeh
from import show, output_notebook
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models import Button, Panel, Tabs
from bokeh.layouts import row, column
from bokeh.themes import Theme


def modify_doc(doc):
    plot = figure(title='start', background_fill_color="#fafafa", plot_height = 300, active_scroll = 'wheel_zoom')

    #Set up widgets
    button = Button(label='► Play')
    #Set up callbacks
    def button_animate():
        '''changes play/pause button to correct graphic when clicked
        print(f'plot title before change: {plot.title.text}')
        print(f'doc title before change: {doc._roots[0].children[1].tabs[0].child.title.text}')
        t = bokeh.models.annotations.Title()
        if button.label == '► Play':
            button.label = '❚❚ Pause'
            t.text = 'pause'
            #plot.title = t
            #doc._roots[0].children[1].tabs[0].child.title = t
            button.label = '► Play'
            t.text = 'play'
            #plot.title = t
            #doc._roots[0].children[1].tabs[0].child.title = t
        plot.title = t
        event =, plot, 'title', plot.title, t, None)
        print(f'plot title after change: {plot.title.text}')
        print(f'doc title after change: {doc._roots[0].children[1].tabs[0].child.title.text}')
        global temp
        temp = doc

    #Define Actions on change

    #Set up layouts and add to document
    inputs = row(button, name = 'main_widgets')
    tab1 = Panel(child = plot, title = 'Network Graph', name = 'panel_graph')
    tabs = Tabs(tabs = [tab1], name = 'main_tabs')
    #Finalize document setup
    doc.add_root(column(inputs, tabs, width=800, name = 'main_display'))
    doc.title = "graph"

You are working too hard. You should update the text of the Title that the plot already has:

def button_animate():
    if button.label == '► Play':
        button.label = '❚❚ Pause'
        plot.title.text = 'pause'
        button.label = '► Play'
        plot.title.text = 'play'

The general, always-applicable best-practice rule with Bokeh is: always make the smallest change possible. In this context (and usually) that means updating simple properties of existing objects, not trying to replace entire objects.

Thanks for the tip! In my original code the key was to initialize the Panel with a child object I declared, and then changing that object, rather than trying to replace the entire child.