Monitoring jobs - best practice?

Hi all,

I have a script that processes jobs. Jobs are stored in a MySQL db and have a flag attribute = "T"odo, "D"one, "I"n Progress.

I would like to have a live view on the number of jobs of each kind (pie chart?) and I was thinking Bokeh could do the job.

The different job counts can be obtained through the API, and I would update the plot every 10 seconds or so.

What do you recommend ?


Hey Thomas,

We’ve got an example now in the repo that you can look at:

You will need to pull the most recent Bokeh from github.

One thing to be aware of when you run this example is that your bokeh-server terminal will fill up with a bunch of logging statements. We will need to add a way to turn that off by default but for now, just dump it to /dev/null.

Let me know if you have any questions.




On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 6:44 AM, Thomas Lecocq [email protected] wrote:

Hi all,

I have a script that processes jobs. Jobs are stored in a MySQL db and have a flag attribute = "T"odo, "D"one, "I"n Progress.

I would like to have a live view on the number of jobs of each kind (pie chart?) and I was thinking Bokeh could do the job.

The different job counts can be obtained through the API, and I would update the plot every 10 seconds or so.

What do you recommend ?


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