I am relatively new to Python. I have been reading over the documentation for a couple days, but I just can’t seem to get this to work.
I have a panda with 3 columns [code, date, value]. I would like to create a dropdown with a line chart base on the ‘code’ column.
I can create individual plots:
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.models import Callback, ColumnDataSource, Rect, Select,CustomJS
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show, gridplot
from bokeh.models.widgets.layouts import VBox,HBox
#Plot for one code
GDP_temp = GDP[(GDP[‘code’]==‘A006RY2’)]
p1 = figure(width=600, height=300, title=GDP_temp[‘code’].iloc[0], x_axis_type=“datetime”)
p1.line(GDP_temp[‘date’], GDP_temp[‘value’])
And a plot for each code:
#Plot for each code
for something in GDP[‘code’].unique():
temp_GDP = GDP[(GDP[‘code’]==something)]
p1 = figure(width=600, height=300, title=temp_GDP[‘code’].iloc[0], x_axis_type=“datetime”)
p1.line(temp_GDP[‘date’], temp_GDP[‘value’])
What steps am I missing for a simple drop down by code?
Callback_code = CustomJS()
#Use the Select widget
dropdown_code = Select(title=“Code”, value=GDP[‘value’], callback = Callback_code)
#Display data
filters = VBox(dropdown_code)
tot = HBox(filters, gridplot([[p1]]))