Plotting DF drops labels?

Using the example in the doc here:

The 1st example using a pandas df is as follows:

from collections import OrderedDict

from bokeh.charts import Scatter

from bokeh.sampledata.iris import flowers

df = flowers[[“petal_length”, “petal_width”, “species”]]

g = df.groupby(“species”)

scatter = Scatter(g, title=“iris dataset, DataFrame”, notebook=True)

The doc shows getting the x and y labels

I only get the x-axis and y-axis default label? the rest plost fine

Hi Tom,

Thanks for reporting. I’ve just pushed this PR to fix the docs. With 0.8 release new charts design this behaviour is not supported anymore and a more explicit specification is promoted.




On Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 10:40:42 PM UTC+1, Tom Brander wrote:

Using the example in the doc here:

The 1st example using a pandas df is as follows:

from collections import OrderedDict

from bokeh.charts import Scatter

from bokeh.sampledata.iris import flowers

df = flowers[[“petal_length”, “petal_width”, “species”]]

g = df.groupby(“species”)

scatter = Scatter(g, title=“iris dataset, DataFrame”, notebook=True)

The doc shows getting the x and y labels

I only get the x-axis and y-axis default label? the rest plost fine