PyCoa: Python Covid Analysis

Dear Bokeh user,

After several month of development I am pleased to announce that our Python Covid Analysis toolkit, aka PyCoa, is available: or GitHub - coa-project/pycoa at v2.0

It offers:
- a simple access to the main Covid-19 databases
- tools to display and analyse Covid19 data (histogram, time series, maps …) using Bokeh visualization
All of this with only a couple of Python code lines!

Of course our software is under MIT licence so 100% free & open source.

Under the current version (v2.0) the available databases are:
- Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center (JHU & JHU-USA)
- Our World Data (OWID)
- Santé Public France (SPF) & OpenCovid19 (France data)

Feel free to use it! Feedbacks and comments — not to many :-),
are welcome.

Take Care,
Olivier on behalf of the PyCoa team.


This is really great @odadoun thanks for sharing! May we tweet some of the images at the link?

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Yes of course. If you need specifics plots do not hesitate.
Thanks for feedback and interest

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Great work!


@odadoun, thanks very much and appreciate your effort in developing that tool. I am definitely going to use it. My covid-19 tracker ( uses cronjobs to download data from all kind of places for display in bokeh graphs…

Thanks for your feedback :innocent: For the moment only data from JHU or OWID for Papua New Guinea is available. If you have any national Covid19 database (and a more precise json file) let us know, we will please to add it to you …