I’m trying to start the bokeh server from python using subprocess. Problem is that when I try and execute the command from python
pid = subprocess.Popen(["bokeh","serve","--allow-websocket-origin","","--show ","--port=5000","--address","","core/scripts/plots/trend_chart_for_dashboard_42090557.py",
"--args","forTrendChart","\"25/06/2020 11:00 AM\"","\"26/06/2020 11:00 AM\""]).pid
it shows this error:
error: unrecognized arguments: core/scripts/plots/trend_chart_for_dashboard_42090557.py
trend_chart_for_dashboard_42090557.py is the plot file.
But when I try the same command
bokeh serve --allow-websocket-origin --show --port=5000 --address core/scripts/plots/trend_chart_for_dashboard_42090557.py --args forTrendChart “25/06/2020 11:00 AM” “26/06/2020 11:00 AM”
in the terminal it runs perfectly fine.
How can I run the bokeh server in the background using python.