Tick Labels being cut-off


I am getting started with Bokeh to automate plot generation but I am stuck with the tick labels not being shown.

I tried playing around with the plot dimensions and also the frame dimensions.
None of my approaches work.

How can I set the range of both axis with the labels being shown (0.4 and -0.4 in this case).

Code below thanks

def single_orb_plot(acc_x, acc_y, title, radius):
    p = figure(toolbar_location= None, outline_line_color = None,
           title= title + "\n")
    #Set Dimensions
    p.frame_width = 400
    p.frame_height = 400
    p.plot_width = 500
    p.plot_height = 500
    p.min_border = 50
#     p.match_aspect = True

    # Set Title
    p.title.text_color = "black"
    p.title.text_font = "arial"
    p.title.align = "center"

    # Set Axis Locations & Style
    p.axis.fixed_location = 0
    p.axis.axis_line_color = 'black'
    p.axis.ticker = tickers.BasicTicker(num_minor_ticks = 4)
    p.x_range = ranges.Range1d(start = -0.4, end = 0.4)
    p.y_range = ranges.Range1d(start = -0.4, end = 0.4)
    # Ticks Length
    p.axis.major_tick_in = 6
    p.axis.major_tick_out = 6
    p.axis.minor_tick_in = 3
    p.axis.minor_tick_out = 3

    # Gridlines
    p.grid.grid_line_color = None

    p.line(x = acc_x, y = acc_y,line_width = 1.5, line_color = '#828282')
    p.circle(x=0, y=0, color="navy",line_color = "firebrick", 
             line_width=2, line_dash = 'dashed', fill_color = None,         
             radius = 0.2, radius_dimension = 'x', radius_units = 'data')
    return p

p = single_orb_plot(np.random.uniform(-0.35, 0.35, size = 1000),
                    np.random.uniform(-0.35, 0.35, size = 1000),
                    'Title', 0.25)


Hi @LorenzoPeve By default, rendering is clipped at the inner plot frame edge, fixing this will require new development. I don’t have any immediate suggestions for you, except to slightly increase the range extents so that the ticks are all inside the inner frame (or choose different ticks, that are all inside). Please open a GitHub Issue with full details.

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