trouble using bokeh server with streaming data

I’m trying to stream data to a bokeh server via ZeroMQ and have it plotted live. I built off of the demo (which works fine), but I can’t get mine to display anything. The data is getting there, so I am pretty sure that isn’t the problem. I invoke my code (which is below) with the command “bokeh serve”. When I attempt to load the page in a browser, it just spins and spins with nothing displayed. When I try to Ctrl-C the server on the command line, I need to do it 3 times.

Any help would be appreciated.





import numpy as np

import zmq

from bokeh.plotting import Figure

from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource

from bokeh.models.widgets import HBox, Slider, TextInput, VBoxForm

from import curdoc

N = 200

x = np.linspace(0,200,N)

y = np.linspace(0,200,N) # dummy data

source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y))

Set up plot

plot = Figure(plot_height=400, plot_width=400, title=“my sine wave”,


x_range=[0, 4*np.pi], y_range=[-2.5, 2.5])

plot.line(‘x’, ‘y’, source=source, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6)

Set up widgets

text = TextInput(title=“title”, value=‘my sine wave’)

offset = Slider(title=“offset”, value=0.0, start=-5.0, end=5.0, step=0.1)

amplitude = Slider(title=“amplitude”, value=1.0, start=-5.0, end=5.0)

phase = Slider(title=“phase”, value=0.0, start=0.0, end=2*np.pi)

freq = Slider(title=“frequency”, value=1.0, start=0.1, end=5.1)

Set up callbacks

def update_title(attrname, old, new):

plot.title = text.value

text.on_change(‘value’, update_title)

Set up layouts and add to document

inputs = VBoxForm(children=[text, offset, amplitude, phase, freq])

curdoc().add_root(HBox(children=[inputs, plot], width=800))

context = zmq.Context()

zmq_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL)


while True:

raw_data = np.frombuffer(zmq_socket.recv(),dtype=np.complex64)

signal = raw_data / 1.0 # convert to proper type

print “RCV Loop”

y = signal.real[0:200] = dict(x=x,y=y)

You are doing a while True in the server thread so the server is locked up. You need either an API that’s based on callbacks or futures, or a

separate thread, so you don’t block the server thread. I don’t know offhand how to do this with zeromq but try googling for “zeromq tornado” for example and see if there’s any info.

If you can get a future or callback based zeromq API then it should be workable; I can post more info later on how to use it with bokeh.



On Jan 18, 2016, at 4:45 PM, [email protected] wrote:

I’m trying to stream data to a bokeh server via ZeroMQ and have it plotted live. I built off of the demo (which works fine), but I can’t get mine to display anything. The data is getting there, so I am pretty sure that isn’t the problem. I invoke my code (which is below) with the command “bokeh serve”. When I attempt to load the page in a browser, it just spins and spins with nothing displayed. When I try to Ctrl-C the server on the command line, I need to do it 3 times.

Any help would be appreciated.




import numpy as np

import zmq

from bokeh.plotting import Figure

from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource

from bokeh.models.widgets import HBox, Slider, TextInput, VBoxForm

from import curdoc

N = 200

x = np.linspace(0,200,N)

y = np.linspace(0,200,N) # dummy data

source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y))

Set up plot

plot = Figure(plot_height=400, plot_width=400, title=“my sine wave”,


x_range=[0, 4*np.pi], y_range=[-2.5, 2.5])

plot.line(‘x’, ‘y’, source=source, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6)

Set up widgets

text = TextInput(title=“title”, value=‘my sine wave’)

offset = Slider(title=“offset”, value=0.0, start=-5.0, end=5.0, step=0.1)

amplitude = Slider(title=“amplitude”, value=1.0, start=-5.0, end=5.0)

phase = Slider(title=“phase”, value=0.0, start=0.0, end=2*np.pi)

freq = Slider(title=“frequency”, value=1.0, start=0.1, end=5.1)

Set up callbacks

def update_title(attrname, old, new):

plot.title = text.value

text.on_change(‘value’, update_title)

Set up layouts and add to document

inputs = VBoxForm(children=[text, offset, amplitude, phase, freq])

curdoc().add_root(HBox(children=[inputs, plot], width=800))

context = zmq.Context()

zmq_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL)


while True:

raw_data = np.frombuffer(zmq_socket.recv(),dtype=np.complex64)

signal = raw_data / 1.0 # convert to proper type

print “RCV Loop”

y = signal.real[0:200] = dict(x=x,y=y)

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Thanks for your help. I originally had threads, but that gives me the following error:

RuntimeError: _pending_writes should be non-None when we have a document lock, and we should have the lock when the document changes

I know I need a mutex in my thread around the access to the data, but I don’t know how to make bokeh check that mutex before it accesses the data.

I also tried the callback method, since pyzmq does have that, but I see an odd pyzmq exception message, basically telling me that my socket isn’t a socket:

ERROR:bokeh.application.application:Error running application handler <bokeh.application.handlers.script.ScriptHandler object at 0x7f54d0fb9290>: argument must be an int, or have a fileno() method.

File “”, line 721, in add_handler:

self._impl.register(fd, events | self.ERROR) Traceback (most recent call last):

File “/home/matt/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bokeh/application/handlers/”, line 65, in run

exec(self._code, module.dict)

File “/home/matt/CloudSDR/”, line 74, in

stream = zmqstream.ZMQStream(zmq_socket)

File “/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/zmq/eventloop/”, line 107, in init


File “/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/zmq/eventloop/”, line 528, in _init_io_state

self.io_loop.add_handler(self.socket, self._handle_events, self._state)

File “/home/matt/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/”, line 721, in add_handler

self._impl.register(fd, events | self.ERROR)

TypeError: argument must be an int, or have a fileno() method.

Anyway, both versions are below. Thanks again.



On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 2:11 PM, Havoc Pennington [email protected] wrote:

You are doing a while True in the server thread so the server is locked up. You need either an API that’s based on callbacks or futures, or a

separate thread, so you don’t block the server thread. I don’t know offhand how to do this with zeromq but try googling for “zeromq tornado” for example and see if there’s any info.

If you can get a future or callback based zeromq API then it should be workable; I can post more info later on how to use it with bokeh.


On Jan 18, 2016, at 4:45 PM, [email protected] wrote:

I’m trying to stream data to a bokeh server via ZeroMQ and have it plotted live. I built off of the demo (which works fine), but I can’t get mine to display anything. The data is getting there, so I am pretty sure that isn’t the problem. I invoke my code (which is below) with the command “bokeh serve”. When I attempt to load the page in a browser, it just spins and spins with nothing displayed. When I try to Ctrl-C the server on the command line, I need to do it 3 times.

Any help would be appreciated.




import numpy as np

import zmq

from bokeh.plotting import Figure

from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource

from bokeh.models.widgets import HBox, Slider, TextInput, VBoxForm

from import curdoc

N = 200

x = np.linspace(0,200,N)

y = np.linspace(0,200,N) # dummy data

source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y))

Set up plot

plot = Figure(plot_height=400, plot_width=400, title=“my sine wave”,


x_range=[0, 4*np.pi], y_range=[-2.5, 2.5])

plot.line(‘x’, ‘y’, source=source, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6)

Set up widgets

text = TextInput(title=“title”, value=‘my sine wave’)

offset = Slider(title=“offset”, value=0.0, start=-5.0, end=5.0, step=0.1)

amplitude = Slider(title=“amplitude”, value=1.0, start=-5.0, end=5.0)

phase = Slider(title=“phase”, value=0.0, start=0.0, end=2*np.pi)

freq = Slider(title=“frequency”, value=1.0, start=0.1, end=5.1)

Set up callbacks

def update_title(attrname, old, new):

plot.title = text.value

text.on_change(‘value’, update_title)

Set up layouts and add to document

inputs = VBoxForm(children=[text, offset, amplitude, phase, freq])

curdoc().add_root(HBox(children=[inputs, plot], width=800))

context = zmq.Context()

zmq_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL)


while True:

raw_data = np.frombuffer(zmq_socket.recv(),dtype=np.complex64)

signal = raw_data / 1.0 # convert to proper type

print “RCV Loop”

y = signal.real[0:200] = dict(x=x,y=y)

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This gets pretty “fun”, unfortunately async IO and threads are “fun” :slight_smile: and once you are doing certain things it’s hard to completely conceal the fun… I’ll try to give you some leads.

I don’t know
what’s up with the pyzmq exception… if you could figure that out, it’s potentially an easier path than threads. However, I’ll try to explain below what to do if you have only blocking IO available, and so have to use a thread… and maybe it will also be useful for others who have to use a thread.


RuntimeError: _pending_writes should be non-None when we have a document lock, and we should have the lock when the document changes

The lock here is a Tornado lock, so it’s protecting against access while someone is waiting on a Tornado event (during a yield in a coroutine), but it doesn’t protect against multithreaded access. Unfortunately Bokeh has no thread locks. See

Normally, all code in the session script (the one you pass to bokeh serve, that fills in the session for each browser tab) is run with the lock held. However, by creating the thread, you are “escaping” the scope of the lock that’s normally held.

The following probably should be made to work, but isn’t safe right now: save session_doc = curdoc() in a global var in the session script, then do session_doc.add_next_tick_callback() in your thread which would add a callback that tornado will run in its thread. This could be made to work, but right now it updates Bokeh data structures that do not have thread locks on them, so it probably works 99% of the time and then breaks 1% of the time. Yay threads. Some work is needed for this to be safe. Tornado supports calling IOLoop.add_callback from another thread, which is what add_next_tick_callback uses, but Bokeh has its own book-keeping around add_next_tick_callback that isn’t threadsafe.

However, that isn’t the best way to implement your app I think anyway, and the reason is that you’d have a thread per session (session = browser tab typically), when I’m guessing a thread per process makes more sense if only to avoid memory leakage.

Where you can set up a thread per process is in the on_server_loaded lifecycle callback. See

So you’d spawn the thread there then return from on_server_loaded.

Your app will have to be a “directory” app (session script in, on_server_loaded in, pass the directory path to bokeh serve)

Once you have a ServerContext as passed to on_server_loaded, you can look at server_context.sessions which is an iterable of SessionContext.

In the lifecycle callbacks, the document lock is not held until you take it explicitly using SessionContext.with_locked_document
(this doesn’t appear to be in the generated reference docs, some sort of oversight, but there are doc strings in the code)

To update your sessions you’d do something like this (untested) in

this is a callback that runs forever, but yields back to the IOLoop

whenever it’s waiting on a future


def update_sessions_callback(server_context):

while True:

data = yield get_a_future_with_new_data()

# now we have to update ALL the sessions... this function called

# with document lock held

def update_one_session(doc):

    # modify doc however you want in here

    source = doc.get_model_by_name("my-source") = dict(x=x, y=data)

# iterate over all sessions

for session_context in server_context.sessions:

    # be sure they haven't expired

    if not session_context.destroyed:

      # wait until we get the lock, then modify the session

      yield session_context.with_locked_document(update_one_session)

this is called on server startup

def on_server_loaded(server_context):

server_context.add_next_tick_callback(lambda: update_sessions_callback(server_context))

If the “gen” stuff doesn’t make sense, check out the docs on Tornado

update_sessions_callback is an infinite loop in the server thread, BUT at each “yield” it allows other server code to run.

What you don’t have here yet is a way to implement get_a_future_with_new_data(), which is a function returning a Future, where the Future is completed with each chunk of new data.

I’ll leave this a bit as an exercise in part because I’d have to do some figuring and I don’t know for sure what I’m about to suggest will work, but I think you’d want to use concurrent.futures.Future (which is threadsafe), NOT the tornado Future which isn’t.

The idea I would have is that get_a_future_with_new_data() would return a concurrent.futures.Future; the docs say the only way to create one of those is with Executor.submit, so you could have a global executor with one thread, and submit tasks to it that return your data.

Something like:

note this executor is global, not made anew on every function call

executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)

def recv_task():

while True:
# block until we have something to put in the future

raw_data = np.frombuffer(zmq_socket.recv(),dtype=np.complex64)

signal = raw_data / 1.0 # convert to proper type

    if(signal.size >199):

y = signal.real[0:200]

return y # this completes the Future


keep looping


get_a_future_with_new_data() is something like:

def get_a_future_with_new_data():

return executor.submit(recv_task)

I think that would work pretty well, but I haven’t done too much stuff like this in Python and the Bokeh code around this is brand new. We do need to write a document about how to use a data source to update all sessions in an app, I expect this to be a very common thing to do.

Maybe Bokeh could have some sort of way to do this where we do all the boilerplate here and you’d only have to write the recv_task part and the update_one_session part. But anyway, 0.11 has no such miracle in it.

A cool API could be a thing like:

application writes these

def fetch_one_update():

return np.frombuffer(zmq_socket.recv(),dtype=np.complex64)

def update_one_session(doc, update):

“update” is whatever fetch_one_update returns,

and this function is called with the session lock held

in the main IOLoop thread

doc.get_model_by_name(“my_source”).data[‘x’] = update

Bokeh API looks like

server_context.add_session_updater(fetch_one_update, update_one_session)

Not sure, really just thought of this just now so I’m sure it could be better. API could have separate versions for blocking IO (makes a thread) and nonblocking IO (fetch_one_update callback returns a Future, no thread). Anyway the idea is that add_session_updater does the stuff I just wrote out above for you, except for the app-specific bits.


Just thinking, you could do a similar thing to my suggestion in the main script without getting into the lifecycle hooks. Use document.add_next_tick_callback instead of server_context.add_next_tick_callback, and your callback can update only curdoc() and will have the document automatically locked.

So you avoid ServerContext, SessionContext, and explicit document locking.

The trade off is a separate thread per session though.



RuntimeError: _pending_writes should be non-None when we have a document lock, and we should have the lock when the document changes

The lock here is a Tornado lock, so it’s protecting against access while someone is waiting on a Tornado event (during a yield in a coroutine), but it doesn’t protect against multithreaded access. Unfortunately Bokeh has no thread locks. See

Normally, all code in the session script (the one you pass to bokeh serve, that fills in the session for each browser tab) is run with the lock held. However, by creating the thread, you are “escaping” the scope of the lock that’s normally held.

The following probably should be made to work, but isn’t safe right now: save session_doc = curdoc() in a global var in the session script, then do session_doc.add_next_tick_callback() in your thread which would add a callback that tornado will run in its thread. This could be made to work, but right now it updates Bokeh data structures that do not have thread locks on them, so it probably works 99% of the time and then breaks 1% of the time. Yay threads. Some work is needed for this to be safe. Tornado supports calling IOLoop.add_callback from another thread, which is what add_next_tick_callback uses, but Bokeh has its own book-keeping around add_next_tick_callback that isn’t threadsafe.

However, that isn’t the best way to implement your app I think anyway, and the reason is that you’d have a thread per session (session = browser tab typically), when I’m guessing a thread per process makes more sense if only to avoid memory leakage.

Where you can set up a thread per process is in the on_server_loaded lifecycle callback. See

So you’d spawn the thread there then return from on_server_loaded.

Your app will have to be a “directory” app (session script in, on_server_loaded in, pass the directory path to bokeh serve)

Once you have a ServerContext as passed to on_server_loaded, you can look at server_context.sessions which is an iterable of SessionContext.

In the lifecycle callbacks, the document lock is not held until you take it explicitly using SessionContext.with_locked_document
(this doesn’t appear to be in the generated reference docs, some sort of oversight, but there are doc strings in the code)

To update your sessions you’d do something like this (untested) in

this is a callback that runs forever, but yields back to the IOLoop

whenever it’s waiting on a future


def update_sessions_callback(server_context):

while True:

data = yield get_a_future_with_new_data()

# now we have to update ALL the sessions... this function called

# with document lock held

def update_one_session(doc):

    # modify doc however you want in here

    source = doc.get_model_by_name("my-source") = dict(x=x, y=data)

# iterate over all sessions

for session_context in server_context.sessions:

    # be sure they haven't expired

    if not session_context.destroyed:

      # wait until we get the lock, then modify the session

      yield session_context.with_locked_document(update_one_session)

this is called on server startup

def on_server_loaded(server_context):

server_context.add_next_tick_callback(lambda: update_sessions_callback(server_context))

If the “gen” stuff doesn’t make sense, check out the docs on Tornado

update_sessions_callback is an infinite loop in the server thread, BUT at each “yield” it allows other server code to run.

What you don’t have here yet is a way to implement get_a_future_with_new_data(), which is a function returning a Future, where the Future is completed with each chunk of new data.

I’ll leave this a bit as an exercise in part because I’d have to do some figuring and I don’t know for sure what I’m about to suggest will work, but I think you’d want to use concurrent.futures.Future (which is threadsafe), NOT the tornado Future which isn’t.

The idea I would have is that get_a_future_with_new_data() would return a concurrent.futures.Future; the docs say the only way to create one of those is with Executor.submit, so you could have a global executor with one thread, and submit tasks to it that return your data.

Something like:

note this executor is global, not made anew on every function call

executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)

def recv_task():

while True:
# block until we have something to put in the future

raw_data = np.frombuffer(zmq_socket.recv(),dtype=np.complex64)

signal = raw_data / 1.0 # convert to proper type

    if(signal.size >199):

y = signal.real[0:200]

return y # this completes the Future


keep looping


get_a_future_with_new_data() is something like:

def get_a_future_with_new_data():

return executor.submit(recv_task)

I think that would work pretty well, but I haven’t done too much stuff like this in Python and the Bokeh code around this is brand new. We do need to write a document about how to use a data source to update all sessions in an app, I expect this to be a very common thing to do.

Maybe Bokeh could have some sort of way to do this where we do all the boilerplate here and you’d only have to write the recv_task part and the update_one_session part. But anyway, 0.11 has no such miracle in it.

A cool API could be a thing like:

application writes these

def fetch_one_update():

return np.frombuffer(zmq_socket.recv(),dtype=np.complex64)

def update_one_session(doc, update):

“update” is whatever fetch_one_update returns,

and this function is called with the session lock held

in the main IOLoop thread

doc.get_model_by_name(“my_source”).data[‘x’] = update

Bokeh API looks like

server_context.add_session_updater(fetch_one_update, update_one_session)

Not sure, really just thought of this just now so I’m sure it could be better. API could have separate versions for blocking IO (makes a thread) and nonblocking IO (fetch_one_update callback returns a Future, no thread). Anyway the idea is that add_session_updater does the stuff I just wrote out above for you, except for the app-specific bits.



Thanks for the detailed response. Maybe I’ll take another tack here. I originally started by modifying the audio spectrogram example, which is based on flask and threads. I was able to get it doing useful and interesting plots, but I decided to make the switch to using the bokeh server for a couple of reasons. First, I found myself writing both python and coffeescript/javascript with a lot of overlap, and I felt like it was a lot of repetition. Second, it seemed like the bokeh server was “the right way” to be doing this. Would I be better off sticking with the flask model, or is there a third way I am missing?




On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 7:52 PM, Havoc Pennington [email protected] wrote:

Just thinking, you could do a similar thing to my suggestion in the main script without getting into the lifecycle hooks. Use document.add_next_tick_callback instead of server_context.add_next_tick_callback, and your callback can update only curdoc() and will have the document automatically locked.

So you avoid ServerContext, SessionContext, and explicit document locking.

The trade off is a separate thread per session though.


On Jan 18, 2016, at 10:22 PM, Havoc Pennington [email protected] wrote:


This gets pretty “fun”, unfortunately async IO and threads are “fun” :slight_smile: and once you are doing certain things it’s hard to completely conceal the fun… I’ll try to give you some leads.

I don’t know
what’s up with the pyzmq exception… if you could figure that out, it’s potentially an easier path than threads. However, I’ll try to explain below what to do if you have only blocking IO available, and so have to use a thread… and maybe it will also be useful for others who have to use a thread.

On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 6:21 PM, Matt Ettus [email protected] wrote:

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups “Bokeh Discussion - Public” group.

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [email protected].

To post to this group, send email to [email protected].

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RuntimeError: _pending_writes should be non-None when we have a document lock, and we should have the lock when the document changes

The lock here is a Tornado lock, so it’s protecting against access while someone is waiting on a Tornado event (during a yield in a coroutine), but it doesn’t protect against multithreaded access. Unfortunately Bokeh has no thread locks. See

Normally, all code in the session script (the one you pass to bokeh serve, that fills in the session for each browser tab) is run with the lock held. However, by creating the thread, you are “escaping” the scope of the lock that’s normally held.

The following probably should be made to work, but isn’t safe right now: save session_doc = curdoc() in a global var in the session script, then do session_doc.add_next_tick_callback() in your thread which would add a callback that tornado will run in its thread. This could be made to work, but right now it updates Bokeh data structures that do not have thread locks on them, so it probably works 99% of the time and then breaks 1% of the time. Yay threads. Some work is needed for this to be safe. Tornado supports calling IOLoop.add_callback from another thread, which is what add_next_tick_callback uses, but Bokeh has its own book-keeping around add_next_tick_callback that isn’t threadsafe.

However, that isn’t the best way to implement your app I think anyway, and the reason is that you’d have a thread per session (session = browser tab typically), when I’m guessing a thread per process makes more sense if only to avoid memory leakage.

Where you can set up a thread per process is in the on_server_loaded lifecycle callback. See

So you’d spawn the thread there then return from on_server_loaded.

Your app will have to be a “directory” app (session script in, on_server_loaded in, pass the directory path to bokeh serve)

Once you have a ServerContext as passed to on_server_loaded, you can look at server_context.sessions which is an iterable of SessionContext.

In the lifecycle callbacks, the document lock is not held until you take it explicitly using SessionContext.with_locked_document
(this doesn’t appear to be in the generated reference docs, some sort of oversight, but there are doc strings in the code)

To update your sessions you’d do something like this (untested) in

this is a callback that runs forever, but yields back to the IOLoop

whenever it’s waiting on a future


def update_sessions_callback(server_context):

while True:

data = yield get_a_future_with_new_data()

# now we have to update ALL the sessions... this function called

# with document lock held

def update_one_session(doc):

    # modify doc however you want in here

    source = doc.get_model_by_name("my-source") = dict(x=x, y=data)

# iterate over all sessions

for session_context in server_context.sessions:

    # be sure they haven't expired

    if not session_context.destroyed:

      # wait until we get the lock, then modify the session

      yield session_context.with_locked_document(update_one_session)

this is called on server startup

def on_server_loaded(server_context):

server_context.add_next_tick_callback(lambda: update_sessions_callback(server_context))

If the “gen” stuff doesn’t make sense, check out the docs on Tornado

update_sessions_callback is an infinite loop in the server thread, BUT at each “yield” it allows other server code to run.

What you don’t have here yet is a way to implement get_a_future_with_new_data(), which is a function returning a Future, where the Future is completed with each chunk of new data.

I’ll leave this a bit as an exercise in part because I’d have to do some figuring and I don’t know for sure what I’m about to suggest will work, but I think you’d want to use concurrent.futures.Future (which is threadsafe), NOT the tornado Future which isn’t.

The idea I would have is that get_a_future_with_new_data() would return a concurrent.futures.Future; the docs say the only way to create one of those is with Executor.submit, so you could have a global executor with one thread, and submit tasks to it that return your data.

Something like:

note this executor is global, not made anew on every function call

executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)

def recv_task():

while True:
# block until we have something to put in the future

raw_data = np.frombuffer(zmq_socket.recv(),dtype=np.complex64)

signal = raw_data / 1.0 # convert to proper type

    if(signal.size >199):

y = signal.real[0:200]

return y # this completes the Future


keep looping


get_a_future_with_new_data() is something like:

def get_a_future_with_new_data():

return executor.submit(recv_task)

I think that would work pretty well, but I haven’t done too much stuff like this in Python and the Bokeh code around this is brand new. We do need to write a document about how to use a data source to update all sessions in an app, I expect this to be a very common thing to do.

Maybe Bokeh could have some sort of way to do this where we do all the boilerplate here and you’d only have to write the recv_task part and the update_one_session part. But anyway, 0.11 has no such miracle in it.

A cool API could be a thing like:

application writes these

def fetch_one_update():

return np.frombuffer(zmq_socket.recv(),dtype=np.complex64)

def update_one_session(doc, update):

“update” is whatever fetch_one_update returns,

and this function is called with the session lock held

in the main IOLoop thread

doc.get_model_by_name(“my_source”).data[‘x’] = update

Bokeh API looks like

server_context.add_session_updater(fetch_one_update, update_one_session)

Not sure, really just thought of this just now so I’m sure it could be better. API could have separate versions for blocking IO (makes a thread) and nonblocking IO (fetch_one_update callback returns a Future, no thread). Anyway the idea is that add_session_updater does the stuff I just wrote out above for you, except for the app-specific bits.


I think the main thing is what you’re familiar with and like to use. This is a reasonable use of bokeh server - what I’ve described here I don’t consider a hack or anything, it should work well (unless there’s some bug because it’s new code). It does avoid JavaScript, is fairly concise, and it ought to be pretty efficient since you are all async with only the one thread. I don’t know a lot about flask so I can’t compare how you’d do this there.

If we did the new API I was thinking about at the end of my post this kind of thing would be almost trivial so that direction seems exciting…



On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 7:52 PM, Havoc Pennington [email protected] wrote:

Just thinking, you could do a similar thing to my suggestion in the main script without getting into the lifecycle hooks. Use document.add_next_tick_callback instead of server_context.add_next_tick_callback, and your callback can update only curdoc() and will have the document automatically locked.

So you avoid ServerContext, SessionContext, and explicit document locking.

The trade off is a separate thread per session though.


On Jan 18, 2016, at 10:22 PM, Havoc Pennington [email protected] wrote:


This gets pretty “fun”, unfortunately async IO and threads are “fun” :slight_smile: and once you are doing certain things it’s hard to completely conceal the fun… I’ll try to give you some leads.

I don’t know
what’s up with the pyzmq exception… if you could figure that out, it’s potentially an easier path than threads. However, I’ll try to explain below what to do if you have only blocking IO available, and so have to use a thread… and maybe it will also be useful for others who have to use a thread.

On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 6:21 PM, Matt Ettus [email protected] wrote:

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups “Bokeh Discussion - Public” group.

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [email protected].

To post to this group, send email to [email protected].

To view this discussion on the web visit

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RuntimeError: _pending_writes should be non-None when we have a document lock, and we should have the lock when the document changes

The lock here is a Tornado lock, so it’s protecting against access while someone is waiting on a Tornado event (during a yield in a coroutine), but it doesn’t protect against multithreaded access. Unfortunately Bokeh has no thread locks. See

Normally, all code in the session script (the one you pass to bokeh serve, that fills in the session for each browser tab) is run with the lock held. However, by creating the thread, you are “escaping” the scope of the lock that’s normally held.

The following probably should be made to work, but isn’t safe right now: save session_doc = curdoc() in a global var in the session script, then do session_doc.add_next_tick_callback() in your thread which would add a callback that tornado will run in its thread. This could be made to work, but right now it updates Bokeh data structures that do not have thread locks on them, so it probably works 99% of the time and then breaks 1% of the time. Yay threads. Some work is needed for this to be safe. Tornado supports calling IOLoop.add_callback from another thread, which is what add_next_tick_callback uses, but Bokeh has its own book-keeping around add_next_tick_callback that isn’t threadsafe.

However, that isn’t the best way to implement your app I think anyway, and the reason is that you’d have a thread per session (session = browser tab typically), when I’m guessing a thread per process makes more sense if only to avoid memory leakage.

Where you can set up a thread per process is in the on_server_loaded lifecycle callback. See

So you’d spawn the thread there then return from on_server_loaded.

Your app will have to be a “directory” app (session script in, on_server_loaded in, pass the directory path to bokeh serve)

Once you have a ServerContext as passed to on_server_loaded, you can look at server_context.sessions which is an iterable of SessionContext.

In the lifecycle callbacks, the document lock is not held until you take it explicitly using SessionContext.with_locked_document
(this doesn’t appear to be in the generated reference docs, some sort of oversight, but there are doc strings in the code)

To update your sessions you’d do something like this (untested) in

this is a callback that runs forever, but yields back to the IOLoop

whenever it’s waiting on a future


def update_sessions_callback(server_context):

while True:

data = yield get_a_future_with_new_data()

# now we have to update ALL the sessions... this function called

# with document lock held

def update_one_session(doc):

    # modify doc however you want in here

    source = doc.get_model_by_name("my-source") = dict(x=x, y=data)

# iterate over all sessions

for session_context in server_context.sessions:

    # be sure they haven't expired

    if not session_context.destroyed:

      # wait until we get the lock, then modify the session

      yield session_context.with_locked_document(update_one_session)

this is called on server startup

def on_server_loaded(server_context):

server_context.add_next_tick_callback(lambda: update_sessions_callback(server_context))

If the “gen” stuff doesn’t make sense, check out the docs on Tornado

update_sessions_callback is an infinite loop in the server thread, BUT at each “yield” it allows other server code to run.

What you don’t have here yet is a way to implement get_a_future_with_new_data(), which is a function returning a Future, where the Future is completed with each chunk of new data.

I’ll leave this a bit as an exercise in part because I’d have to do some figuring and I don’t know for sure what I’m about to suggest will work, but I think you’d want to use concurrent.futures.Future (which is threadsafe), NOT the tornado Future which isn’t.

The idea I would have is that get_a_future_with_new_data() would return a concurrent.futures.Future; the docs say the only way to create one of those is with Executor.submit, so you could have a global executor with one thread, and submit tasks to it that return your data.

Something like:

note this executor is global, not made anew on every function call

executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)

def recv_task():

while True:
# block until we have something to put in the future

raw_data = np.frombuffer(zmq_socket.recv(),dtype=np.complex64)

signal = raw_data / 1.0 # convert to proper type

    if(signal.size >199):

y = signal.real[0:200]

return y # this completes the Future


keep looping


get_a_future_with_new_data() is something like:

def get_a_future_with_new_data():

return executor.submit(recv_task)

I think that would work pretty well, but I haven’t done too much stuff like this in Python and the Bokeh code around this is brand new. We do need to write a document about how to use a data source to update all sessions in an app, I expect this to be a very common thing to do.

Maybe Bokeh could have some sort of way to do this where we do all the boilerplate here and you’d only have to write the recv_task part and the update_one_session part. But anyway, 0.11 has no such miracle in it.

A cool API could be a thing like:

application writes these

def fetch_one_update():

return np.frombuffer(zmq_socket.recv(),dtype=np.complex64)

def update_one_session(doc, update):

“update” is whatever fetch_one_update returns,

and this function is called with the session lock held

in the main IOLoop thread

doc.get_model_by_name(“my_source”).data[‘x’] = update

Bokeh API looks like

server_context.add_session_updater(fetch_one_update, update_one_session)

Not sure, really just thought of this just now so I’m sure it could be better. API could have separate versions for blocking IO (makes a thread) and nonblocking IO (fetch_one_update callback returns a Future, no thread). Anyway the idea is that add_session_updater does the stuff I just wrote out above for you, except for the app-specific bits.



Thanks for all your help. It turns out that ZeroMQ does have a polling interface, so I was able to put that in a periodic callback function and now it seems to work well. Bokeh really is an incredible package and I’m really glad I found it.

As I build out the rest of my PoC, the next question is how to best build up to more complicated pages. Eventually, I’ll need to have multiple plots in a page, along with other content on the page not generated by Bokeh, https, authentication, etc. Is this something that the bokeh server can fit into? Should it be in control of the app, or should it just be somehow embedded into the pages where the plots are needed? I’m guessing I probably need to dig into tornado :slight_smile:




On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 4:11 AM, Havoc Pennington [email protected] wrote:

I think the main thing is what you’re familiar with and like to use. This is a reasonable use of bokeh server - what I’ve described here I don’t consider a hack or anything, it should work well (unless there’s some bug because it’s new code). It does avoid JavaScript, is fairly concise, and it ought to be pretty efficient since you are all async with only the one thread. I don’t know a lot about flask so I can’t compare how you’d do this there.

If we did the new API I was thinking about at the end of my post this kind of thing would be almost trivial so that direction seems exciting…


On Jan 19, 2016, at 12:15 AM, Matt Ettus [email protected] wrote:


Thanks for the detailed response. Maybe I’ll take another tack here. I originally started by modifying the audio spectrogram example, which is based on flask and threads. I was able to get it doing useful and interesting plots, but I decided to make the switch to using the bokeh server for a couple of reasons. First, I found myself writing both python and coffeescript/javascript with a lot of overlap, and I felt like it was a lot of repetition. Second, it seemed like the bokeh server was “the right way” to be doing this. Would I be better off sticking with the flask model, or is there a third way I am missing?



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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups “Bokeh Discussion - Public” group.

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [email protected].

To post to this group, send email to [email protected].

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On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 7:52 PM, Havoc Pennington [email protected] wrote:

Just thinking, you could do a similar thing to my suggestion in the main script without getting into the lifecycle hooks. Use document.add_next_tick_callback instead of server_context.add_next_tick_callback, and your callback can update only curdoc() and will have the document automatically locked.

So you avoid ServerContext, SessionContext, and explicit document locking.

The trade off is a separate thread per session though.


On Jan 18, 2016, at 10:22 PM, Havoc Pennington [email protected] wrote:


This gets pretty “fun”, unfortunately async IO and threads are “fun” :slight_smile: and once you are doing certain things it’s hard to completely conceal the fun… I’ll try to give you some leads.

I don’t know
what’s up with the pyzmq exception… if you could figure that out, it’s potentially an easier path than threads. However, I’ll try to explain below what to do if you have only blocking IO available, and so have to use a thread… and maybe it will also be useful for others who have to use a thread.

On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 6:21 PM, Matt Ettus [email protected] wrote:

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups “Bokeh Discussion - Public” group.

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [email protected].

To post to this group, send email to [email protected].

To view this discussion on the web visit

For more options, visit

RuntimeError: _pending_writes should be non-None when we have a document lock, and we should have the lock when the document changes

The lock here is a Tornado lock, so it’s protecting against access while someone is waiting on a Tornado event (during a yield in a coroutine), but it doesn’t protect against multithreaded access. Unfortunately Bokeh has no thread locks. See

Normally, all code in the session script (the one you pass to bokeh serve, that fills in the session for each browser tab) is run with the lock held. However, by creating the thread, you are “escaping” the scope of the lock that’s normally held.

The following probably should be made to work, but isn’t safe right now: save session_doc = curdoc() in a global var in the session script, then do session_doc.add_next_tick_callback() in your thread which would add a callback that tornado will run in its thread. This could be made to work, but right now it updates Bokeh data structures that do not have thread locks on them, so it probably works 99% of the time and then breaks 1% of the time. Yay threads. Some work is needed for this to be safe. Tornado supports calling IOLoop.add_callback from another thread, which is what add_next_tick_callback uses, but Bokeh has its own book-keeping around add_next_tick_callback that isn’t threadsafe.

However, that isn’t the best way to implement your app I think anyway, and the reason is that you’d have a thread per session (session = browser tab typically), when I’m guessing a thread per process makes more sense if only to avoid memory leakage.

Where you can set up a thread per process is in the on_server_loaded lifecycle callback. See

So you’d spawn the thread there then return from on_server_loaded.

Your app will have to be a “directory” app (session script in, on_server_loaded in, pass the directory path to bokeh serve)

Once you have a ServerContext as passed to on_server_loaded, you can look at server_context.sessions which is an iterable of SessionContext.

In the lifecycle callbacks, the document lock is not held until you take it explicitly using SessionContext.with_locked_document
(this doesn’t appear to be in the generated reference docs, some sort of oversight, but there are doc strings in the code)

To update your sessions you’d do something like this (untested) in

this is a callback that runs forever, but yields back to the IOLoop

whenever it’s waiting on a future


def update_sessions_callback(server_context):

while True:

data = yield get_a_future_with_new_data()

# now we have to update ALL the sessions... this function called

# with document lock held

def update_one_session(doc):

    # modify doc however you want in here

    source = doc.get_model_by_name("my-source") = dict(x=x, y=data)

# iterate over all sessions

for session_context in server_context.sessions:

    # be sure they haven't expired

    if not session_context.destroyed:

      # wait until we get the lock, then modify the session

      yield session_context.with_locked_document(update_one_session)

this is called on server startup

def on_server_loaded(server_context):

server_context.add_next_tick_callback(lambda: update_sessions_callback(server_context))

If the “gen” stuff doesn’t make sense, check out the docs on Tornado

update_sessions_callback is an infinite loop in the server thread, BUT at each “yield” it allows other server code to run.

What you don’t have here yet is a way to implement get_a_future_with_new_data(), which is a function returning a Future, where the Future is completed with each chunk of new data.

I’ll leave this a bit as an exercise in part because I’d have to do some figuring and I don’t know for sure what I’m about to suggest will work, but I think you’d want to use concurrent.futures.Future (which is threadsafe), NOT the tornado Future which isn’t.

The idea I would have is that get_a_future_with_new_data() would return a concurrent.futures.Future; the docs say the only way to create one of those is with Executor.submit, so you could have a global executor with one thread, and submit tasks to it that return your data.

Something like:

note this executor is global, not made anew on every function call

executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)

def recv_task():

while True:
# block until we have something to put in the future

raw_data = np.frombuffer(zmq_socket.recv(),dtype=np.complex64)

signal = raw_data / 1.0 # convert to proper type

    if(signal.size >199):

y = signal.real[0:200]

return y # this completes the Future


keep looping


get_a_future_with_new_data() is something like:

def get_a_future_with_new_data():

return executor.submit(recv_task)

I think that would work pretty well, but I haven’t done too much stuff like this in Python and the Bokeh code around this is brand new. We do need to write a document about how to use a data source to update all sessions in an app, I expect this to be a very common thing to do.

Maybe Bokeh could have some sort of way to do this where we do all the boilerplate here and you’d only have to write the recv_task part and the update_one_session part. But anyway, 0.11 has no such miracle in it.

A cool API could be a thing like:

application writes these

def fetch_one_update():

return np.frombuffer(zmq_socket.recv(),dtype=np.complex64)

def update_one_session(doc, update):

“update” is whatever fetch_one_update returns,

and this function is called with the session lock held

in the main IOLoop thread

doc.get_model_by_name(“my_source”).data[‘x’] = update

Bokeh API looks like

server_context.add_session_updater(fetch_one_update, update_one_session)

Not sure, really just thought of this just now so I’m sure it could be better. API could have separate versions for blocking IO (makes a thread) and nonblocking IO (fetch_one_update callback returns a Future, no thread). Anyway the idea is that add_session_updater does the stuff I just wrote out above for you, except for the app-specific bits.


Hi Matt,

Yes this is definitely possible you may want to check out the v1 and v2
of the happiness demo:


Notes on my learnings while building:

The bokeh server is only responsible for serving bokeh plots. I used
django, but you could use flask or whatever you want to do the rest of
your website and the happiness demo hopefully shows how to link it
together with some consideration of authentication etc.

Would love feedback on it.

And would also love to see your ZeroMQ setup if you're able to share.




On 1/28/16 9:05 PM, Matt Ettus wrote:


Thanks for all your help. It turns out that ZeroMQ does have a polling
interface, so I was able to put that in a periodic callback function and
now it seems to work well. Bokeh really is an incredible package and
I'm really glad I found it.

As I build out the rest of my PoC, the next question is how to best
build up to more complicated pages. Eventually, I'll need to have
multiple plots in a page, along with other content on the page not
generated by Bokeh, https, authentication, etc. Is this something that
the bokeh server can fit into? Should it be in control of the app, or
should it just be somehow embedded into the pages where the plots are
needed? I'm guessing I probably need to dig into tornado :slight_smile:


On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 4:11 AM, Havoc Pennington > <[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:

    I think the main thing is what you're familiar with and like to use.
    This is a reasonable use of bokeh server - what I've described here
    I don't consider a hack or anything, it should work well (unless
    there's some bug because it's new code). It does avoid JavaScript,
    is fairly concise, and it ought to be pretty efficient since you are
    all async with only the one thread. I don't know a lot about flask
    so I can't compare how you'd do this there.

    If we did the new API I was thinking about at the end of my post
    this kind of thing would be almost trivial so that direction seems


    On Jan 19, 2016, at 12:15 AM, Matt Ettus <[email protected] > <mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:


    Thanks for the detailed response. Maybe I'll take another tack
    here. I originally started by modifying the audio spectrogram
    example, which is based on flask and threads. I was able to get
    it doing useful and interesting plots, but I decided to make the
    switch to using the bokeh server for a couple of reasons. First,
    I found myself writing both python and coffeescript/javascript
    with a lot of overlap, and I felt like it was a lot of
    repetition. Second, it seemed like the bokeh server was "the
    right way" to be doing this. Would I be better off sticking with
    the flask model, or is there a third way I am missing?


    On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 7:52 PM, Havoc Pennington >> <[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:

        Just thinking, you could do a similar thing to my suggestion
        in the main script without getting into the lifecycle hooks.
        Use document.add_next_tick_callback instead of
        server_context.add_next_tick_callback, and your callback can
        update only curdoc() and will have the document automatically
        So you avoid ServerContext, SessionContext, and explicit
        document locking.

        The trade off is a separate thread per session though.


        On Jan 18, 2016, at 10:22 PM, Havoc Pennington >> <[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>> >> wrote:


        This gets pretty "fun", unfortunately async IO and threads
        are "fun" :slight_smile: and once you are doing certain things it's hard
        to completely conceal the fun... I'll try to give you some leads.

        I don't know what's up with the pyzmq exception... if you
        could figure that out, it's potentially an easier path than
        threads. However, I'll try to explain below what to do if you
        have only blocking IO available, and so have to use a
        thread... and maybe it will also be useful for others who
        have to use a thread.

        On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 6:21 PM, Matt Ettus <[email protected] >>> <mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:

                 RuntimeError: _pending_writes should be non-None
            when we have a document lock, and we should have the lock
            when the document changes

        The lock here is a Tornado lock, so it's protecting against
        access while someone is waiting on a Tornado event (during a
        yield in a coroutine), but it doesn't protect against
        multithreaded access. Unfortunately Bokeh has no thread
        locks. See tornado.locks – Synchronization primitives — Tornado 6.4 documentation

        Normally, all code in the session script (the one you pass to
        bokeh serve, that fills in the session for each browser tab)
        is run with the lock held. However, by creating the thread,
        you are "escaping" the scope of the lock that's normally held.

        The following probably should be made to work, but isn't safe
        right now: save session_doc = curdoc() in a global var in the
        session script, then do session_doc.add_next_tick_callback()
        in your thread which would add a callback that tornado will
        run in its thread. This could be made to work, but right now
        it updates Bokeh data structures that do not have thread
        locks on them, so it probably works 99% of the time and then
        breaks 1% of the time. Yay threads. Some work is needed for
        this to be safe. Tornado supports calling IOLoop.add_callback
        from another thread, which is what add_next_tick_callback
        uses, but Bokeh has its own book-keeping around
        add_next_tick_callback that isn't threadsafe.

        However, that isn't the best way to implement your app I
        think anyway, and the reason is that you'd have a thread per
        session (session = browser tab typically), when I'm guessing
        a thread per process makes more sense if only to avoid memory

        Where you can set up a thread per process is in the
        on_server_loaded lifecycle callback. See
        Bokeh server — Bokeh 3.3.2 Documentation

        So you'd spawn the thread there then return from

        Your app will have to be a "directory" app (session script in, on_server_loaded in, pass the
        directory path to bokeh serve)

        Once you have a ServerContext as passed to on_server_loaded,
        you can look at server_context.sessions which is an iterable
        of SessionContext.

        In the lifecycle callbacks, the document lock is not held
        until you take it explicitly using
        (this doesn't appear to be in the generated reference docs,
        some sort of oversight, but there are doc strings in the code)

        To update your sessions you'd do something like this
        (untested) in

        # this is a callback that runs forever, but yields back to
        the IOLoop
        # whenever it's waiting on a future
        def update_sessions_callback(server_context):
          while True:
            data = yield get_a_future_with_new_data()

            # now we have to update ALL the sessions... this function
            # with document lock held
            def update_one_session(doc):
                # modify doc however you want in here
                source = doc.get_model_by_name("my-source")
       = dict(x=x, y=data)

            # iterate over all sessions
            for session_context in server_context.sessions:
                # be sure they haven't expired
                if not session_context.destroyed:
                  # wait until we get the lock, then modify the session

        # this is called on server startup
        def on_server_loaded(server_context):

        If the "gen" stuff doesn't make sense, check out the docs on
        Tornado tornado.gen — Simplify asynchronous code — Tornado 4.3.dev1 documentation

        update_sessions_callback is an infinite loop in the server
        thread, BUT at each "yield" it allows other server code to run.

        What you don't have here yet is a way to implement
        get_a_future_with_new_data(), which is a function returning a
        Future, where the Future is completed with each chunk of new

        I'll leave this a bit as an exercise in part because I'd have
        to do some figuring and I don't know for sure what I'm about
        to suggest will work, but I think you'd want to use
        concurrent.futures.Future (which is threadsafe), NOT the
        tornado Future which isn't.
        17.4. concurrent.futures — Launching parallel tasks — Python 3.4.10 documentation

        The idea I would have is that get_a_future_with_new_data()
        would return a concurrent.futures.Future; the docs say the
        only way to create one of those is with Executor.submit, so
        you could have a global executor with one thread, and submit
        tasks to it that return your data.

        Something like:

        # note this executor is global, not made anew on every
        function call
        executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)

        def recv_task():
            while True:
                # block until we have something to put in the future
                raw_data =
                signal = raw_data / 1.0 # convert to proper type

                if(signal.size >199):
                    y = signal.real[0:200]
                    return y # this completes the Future
                    # keep looping

        get_a_future_with_new_data() is something like:

        def get_a_future_with_new_data():
           return executor.submit(recv_task)

        I _think_ that would work pretty well, but I haven't done too
        much stuff like this in Python and the Bokeh code around this
        is brand new. We do need to write a document about how to use
        a data source to update all sessions in an app, I expect this
        to be a very common thing to do.

        Maybe Bokeh could have some sort of way to do this where we
        do all the boilerplate here and you'd only have to write the
        recv_task part and the update_one_session part. But anyway,
        0.11 has no such miracle in it.

        A cool API could be a thing like:

        # application writes these
        def fetch_one_update():
           return np.frombuffer(zmq_socket.recv(),dtype=np.complex64)
        def update_one_session(doc, update):
           # "update" is whatever fetch_one_update returns,
           # and this function is called with the session lock held
           # in the main IOLoop thread
           doc.get_model_by_name("my_source").data['x'] = update
        # Bokeh API looks like

        Not sure, really just thought of this just now so I'm sure it
        could be better. API could have separate versions for
        blocking IO (makes a thread) and nonblocking IO
        (fetch_one_update callback returns a Future, no thread).
        Anyway the idea is that add_session_updater does the stuff I
        just wrote out above for you, except for the app-specific bits.


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Thanks for the pointers, Sarah, especially for the learnings doc. My bokeh+zeromq code is attached. The other end just stuffs a stream of floats into a ZMQ connection using PUSH/PULL. The only issue I see with this code is that if the other end sends faster than we consume, it builds up a lot of delay, like several seconds. I just need to put something in to limit the ZMQ queue size, or otherwise drop packets.

Matt (2.19 KB)


On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 12:42 PM, Sarah Bird [email protected] wrote:

Hi Matt,

Yes this is definitely possible you may want to check out the v1 and v2

of the happiness demo:

v1: [

v2]( v2):

Notes on my learnings while building:

The bokeh server is only responsible for serving bokeh plots. I used

django, but you could use flask or whatever you want to do the rest of

your website and the happiness demo hopefully shows how to link it

together with some consideration of authentication etc.

Would love feedback on it.

And would also love to see your ZeroMQ setup if you’re able to share.



On 1/28/16 9:05 PM, Matt Ettus wrote:


Thanks for all your help. It turns out that ZeroMQ does have a polling

interface, so I was able to put that in a periodic callback function and

now it seems to work well. Bokeh really is an incredible package and

I’m really glad I found it.

As I build out the rest of my PoC, the next question is how to best

build up to more complicated pages. Eventually, I’ll need to have

multiple plots in a page, along with other content on the page not

generated by Bokeh, https, authentication, etc. Is this something that

the bokeh server can fit into? Should it be in control of the app, or

should it just be somehow embedded into the pages where the plots are

needed? I’m guessing I probably need to dig into tornado :slight_smile:



On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 4:11 AM, Havoc Pennington

<[email protected] mailto:[email protected]> wrote:

I think the main thing is what you're familiar with and like to use.
This is a reasonable use of bokeh server - what I've described here
I don't consider a hack or anything, it should work well (unless
there's some bug because it's new code). It does avoid JavaScript,
is fairly concise, and it ought to be pretty efficient since you are
all async with only the one thread. I don't know a lot about flask
so I can't compare how you'd do this there.
If we did the new API I was thinking about at the end of my post
this kind of thing would be almost trivial so that direction seems
On Jan 19, 2016, at 12:15 AM, Matt Ettus <[email protected]
<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:
Thanks for the detailed response.  Maybe I'll take another tack
here.  I originally started by modifying the audio spectrogram
example, which is based on flask and threads.  I was able to get
it doing useful and interesting plots, but I decided to make the
switch to using the bokeh server for a couple of reasons.  First,
I found myself writing both python and coffeescript/javascript
with a lot of overlap, and I felt like it was a lot of
repetition.  Second, it seemed like the bokeh server was "the
right way" to be doing this.  Would I be better off sticking with
the flask model, or is there a third way I am missing?
On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 7:52 PM, Havoc Pennington
<[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:
    Just thinking, you could do a similar thing to my suggestion
    in the main script without getting into the lifecycle hooks.
    Use document.add_next_tick_callback instead of
    server_context.add_next_tick_callback, and your callback can
    update only curdoc() and will have the document automatically
    So you avoid ServerContext, SessionContext, and explicit
    document locking.
    The trade off is a separate thread per session though.
    On Jan 18, 2016, at 10:22 PM, Havoc Pennington
    <[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>>
    This gets pretty "fun", unfortunately async IO and threads
    are "fun" :-) and once you are doing certain things it's hard
    to completely conceal the fun... I'll try to give you some leads.
    I don't know what's up with the pyzmq exception... if you
    could figure that out, it's potentially an easier path than
    threads. However, I'll try to explain below what to do if you
    have only blocking IO available, and so have to use a
    thread... and maybe it will also be useful for others who
    have to use a thread.
    On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 6:21 PM, Matt Ettus <[email protected]
    <mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:
             RuntimeError: _pending_writes should be non-None
        when we have a document lock, and we should have the lock
        when the document changes
    The lock here is a Tornado lock, so it's protecting against
    access while someone is waiting on a Tornado event (during a
    yield in a coroutine), but it doesn't protect against
    multithreaded access. Unfortunately Bokeh has no thread
    locks. See [](
    Normally, all code in the session script (the one you pass to
    bokeh serve, that fills in the session for each browser tab)
    is run with the lock held. However, by creating the thread,
    you are "escaping" the scope of the lock that's normally held.
    The following probably should be made to work, but isn't safe
    right now: save session_doc = curdoc() in a global var in the
    session script, then do session_doc.add_next_tick_callback()
    in your thread which would add a callback that tornado will
    run in its thread. This could be made to work, but right now
    it updates Bokeh data structures that do not have thread
    locks on them, so it probably works 99% of the time and then
    breaks 1% of the time. Yay threads. Some work is needed for
    this to be safe. Tornado supports calling IOLoop.add_callback
    from another thread, which is what add_next_tick_callback
    uses, but Bokeh has its own book-keeping around
    add_next_tick_callback that isn't threadsafe.
    However, that isn't the best way to implement your app I
    think anyway, and the reason is that you'd have a thread per
    session (session = browser tab typically), when I'm guessing
    a thread per process makes more sense if only to avoid memory
    Where you can set up a thread per process is in the
    on_server_loaded lifecycle callback. See
    So you'd spawn the thread there then return from
    Your app will have to be a "directory" app (session script in, on_server_loaded in, pass the
    directory path to bokeh serve)
    Once you have a ServerContext as passed to on_server_loaded,
    you can look at server_context.sessions which is an iterable
    of SessionContext.
    In the lifecycle callbacks, the document lock is not held
    until you take it explicitly using
    (this doesn't appear to be in the generated reference docs,
    some sort of oversight, but there are doc strings in the code)
    To update your sessions you'd do something like this
    (untested) in
    # this is a callback that runs forever, but yields back to
    the IOLoop
    # whenever it's waiting on a future
    def update_sessions_callback(server_context):
      while True:
        data = yield get_a_future_with_new_data()
        # now we have to update ALL the sessions... this function
        # with document lock held
        def update_one_session(doc):
            # modify doc however you want in here
            source = doc.get_model_by_name("my-source")
   = dict(x=x, y=data)
        # iterate over all sessions
        for session_context in server_context.sessions:
            # be sure they haven't expired
            if not session_context.destroyed:
              # wait until we get the lock, then modify the session
    # this is called on server startup
    def on_server_loaded(server_context):
    If the "gen" stuff doesn't make sense, check out the docs on
    Tornado [](
    update_sessions_callback is an infinite loop in the server
    thread, BUT at each "yield" it allows other server code to run.
    What you don't have here yet is a way to implement
    get_a_future_with_new_data(), which is a function returning a
    Future, where the Future is completed with each chunk of new
    I'll leave this a bit as an exercise in part because I'd have
    to do some figuring and I don't know for sure what I'm about
    to suggest will work, but I think you'd want to use
    concurrent.futures.Future (which is threadsafe), NOT the
    tornado Future which isn't.
    The idea I would have is that get_a_future_with_new_data()
    would return a concurrent.futures.Future; the docs say the
    only way to create one of those is with Executor.submit, so
    you could have a global executor with one thread, and submit
    tasks to it that return your data.
    Something like:
    # note this executor is global, not made anew on every
    function call
    executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
    def recv_task():
        while True:
            # block until we have something to put in the future
            raw_data =
            signal = raw_data / 1.0   # convert to proper type
            if(signal.size >199):
                y = signal.real[0:200]
                return y # this completes the Future
                # keep looping
    get_a_future_with_new_data() is something like:
    def get_a_future_with_new_data():
       return executor.submit(recv_task)
    I _think_ that would work pretty well, but I haven't done too
    much stuff like this in Python and the Bokeh code around this
    is brand new. We do need to write a document about how to use
    a data source to update all sessions in an app, I expect this
    to be a very common thing to do.
    Maybe Bokeh could have some sort of way to do this where we
    do all the boilerplate here and you'd only have to write the
    recv_task part and the update_one_session part. But anyway,
    0.11 has no such miracle in it.
    A cool API could be a thing like:
    # application writes these
    def fetch_one_update():
       return np.frombuffer(zmq_socket.recv(),dtype=np.complex64)
    def update_one_session(doc, update):
       # "update" is whatever fetch_one_update returns,
       # and this function is called with the session lock held
       # in the main IOLoop thread
       doc.get_model_by_name("my_source").data['x'] = update
    # Bokeh API looks like
    Not sure, really just thought of this just now so I'm sure it
    could be better. API could have separate versions for
    blocking IO (makes a thread) and nonblocking IO
    (fetch_one_update callback returns a Future, no thread).
    Anyway the idea is that add_session_updater does the stuff I
    just wrote out above for you, except for the app-specific bits.
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