Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token N in JSON at position N

hey everyone,

my code compiles and runs with no errors but i get an empty white blank page in the web browser. I right clicked and inspected the page and i get the following.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token N in JSON at position 4035367

at JSON.parse ()

at e.geojson_to_column_data (bokeh-1.1.0dev8.min.js:31)

at e._update_data (bokeh-1.1.0dev8.min.js:31)

at e.initialize (bokeh-1.1.0dev8.min.js:31)

at e.finalize (bokeh-1.1.0dev8.min.js:31)

at bokeh-1.1.0dev8.min.js:31

at n (bokeh-1.1.0dev8.min.js:31)

at d (bokeh-1.1.0dev8.min.js:31)

at Function.t._initialize_references_json (bokeh-1.1.0dev8.min.js:31)

at Function.t.from_json (bokeh-1.1.0dev8.min.js:31)


I tried to find out what value is inside that particular position(4035367) and realized that index 4035367,4035368,4035369 had “N” “A” “N” values respectively (nan value). I also tried to replace these NaN values with 0. or even delete them but unfortunately it didn’t work.

Here is my full code;

import numpy as np

from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource

from bokeh.plotting import figure, save

from bokeh.models import HoverTool,GeoJSONDataSource

import pandas as pd

from bokeh.tile_providers import get_provider, Vendors

import osmnx as ox

def getXYCoords(geometry, coord_type):

""" Returns either x or y coordinates from  geometry coordinate sequence. Used with LineString and Polygon geometries."""

if coord_type == 'x':

    return geometry.coords.xy[0]

elif coord_type == 'y':

    return geometry.coords.xy[1]

def getPolyCoords(geometry, coord_type):

""" Returns Coordinates of Polygon using the Exterior of the Polygon."""

ext = geometry.exterior

return getXYCoords(ext, coord_type)

def getLineCoords(geometry, coord_type):

""" Returns Coordinates of Linestring object."""

return getXYCoords(geometry, coord_type)

def getPointCoords(geometry, coord_type):

""" Returns Coordinates of Point object."""

if coord_type == 'x':

    return geometry.x

elif coord_type == 'y':

    return geometry.y

def multiGeomHandler(multi_geometry, coord_type, geom_type):


Function for handling multi-geometries. Can be MultiPoint, MultiLineString or MultiPolygon.

Returns a list of coordinates where all parts of Multi-geometries are merged into a single list.

Individual geometries are separated with np.nan which is how Bokeh wants them.

# Bokeh documentation regarding the Multi-geometry issues can be found here (it is an open issue)

# https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/issues/2321


for i, part in enumerate(multi_geometry):

    # On the first part of the Multi-geometry initialize the coord_array (np.array)

    if i == 0:

        if geom_type == "MultiPoint":

            coord_arrays = np.append(getPointCoords(part, coord_type), np.nan)

        elif geom_type == "MultiLineString":

            coord_arrays = np.append(getLineCoords(part, coord_type), np.nan)

        elif geom_type == "MultiPolygon":

            coord_arrays = np.append(getPolyCoords(part, coord_type), np.nan)


        if geom_type == "MultiPoint":

            coord_arrays = np.concatenate([coord_arrays, np.append(getPointCoords(part, coord_type), np.nan)])

        elif geom_type == "MultiLineString":

            coord_arrays = np.concatenate([coord_arrays, np.append(getLineCoords(part, coord_type), np.nan)])

        elif geom_type == "MultiPolygon":

            coord_arrays = np.concatenate([coord_arrays, np.append(getPolyCoords(part, coord_type), np.nan)])

# Return the coordinates

return coord_arrays

def getCoords(row, geom_col, coord_type):


Returns coordinates ('x' or 'y') of a geometry (Point, LineString or Polygon) as a list (if geometry is LineString or Polygon).

Can handle also MultiGeometries.


# Get geometry

geom = row[geom_col]

# Check the geometry type

gtype = geom.geom_type

# "Normal" geometries

# -------------------

if gtype == "Point":

    return getPointCoords(geom, coord_type)

elif gtype == "LineString":

    return list( getLineCoords(geom, coord_type) )

elif gtype == "Polygon":

    return list( getPolyCoords(geom, coord_type) )

# Multi geometries

# ----------------


    return list( multiGeomHandler(geom, coord_type, gtype) )

place= “Uppsala, Uppsala County”

houses = ox.footprints.footprints_from_address(place, footprint_type=‘building’,distance =2000, retain_invalid=False)[[‘geometry’]]

uni_amenities = [‘university’]

uni = ox.pois_from_address(place, distance =2000,amenities=uni_amenities)[[‘geometry’,




restaurant_amenities = [‘restaurant’,‘cafe’, ‘fast_food’]

restaurants = ox.pois_from_address(place, distance =2000,






restaurants = restaurants.to_crs(epsg=3857)

uni = uni.to_crs(epsg=3857)

houses = houses.to_crs(epsg=3857)

restaurants.name.fillna(’’, inplace=True)

uni.name.fillna(‘campus’, inplace=True)

restaurants.cuisine.fillna(’?’, inplace=True)

for item in [‘way’, ‘relation’]:

restaurants.loc[restaurants.element_type==item, ‘geometry’] = \

restaurants[restaurants.element_type==item][‘geometry’].map(lambda x: x.centroid)

for item in [‘way’, ‘relation’]:

uni.loc[uni.element_type==item, ‘geometry’] = \

uni[uni.element_type==item][‘geometry’].map(lambda x: x.centroid)

houses[‘x’] = houses.apply(getCoords, geom_col=‘geometry’, coord_type=‘x’, axis=1)

houses[‘y’] = houses.apply(getCoords, geom_col=‘geometry’, coord_type=‘y’, axis=1)

geojson = houses.to_json()

geo_source = GeoJSONDataSource(geojson=geojson)

source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(






Psource = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(





TOOLS = “pan,wheel_zoom,reset”

p = figure(title=“OSM restaurants”, tools=TOOLS,

       match_aspect=True, x_axis_location=None, y_axis_location=None, 


tooltips = [

        ('Name', '@name'),('Cuisine', '@cuisine'),('Avg Wtr demand', '21.95539 m3'),


tooltipss = [

        ('Name', '@name'),('Avg Wtr demand', '50.658 m3')]

tooltipsss = [

        ('building', '@building'),('Avg Wtr demand', '50.658 m3')]

p.grid.grid_line_color = None

titles = get_provider(Vendors.CARTODBPOSITRON)


r2=p.circle(‘x’, ‘y’,color=‘red’, source=source, legend=‘Resturant’,fill_alpha=0.6, size=6)

r3=p.circle(‘x’, ‘y’, source=Psource, legend=‘University’,fill_alpha=0.6, size=10)

r4=p.patches(‘x’, ‘y’,color=‘green’, source=geo_source, legend=‘builings’,fill_alpha=0.6)

p.add_tools(HoverTool(renderers=[r2], tooltips= tooltips ))

p.add_tools(HoverTool(renderers=[r3], tooltips=tooltipss))

p.add_tools(HoverTool(renderers=[r4], tooltips=tooltipsss))

outfp= r"C:Documents\interactive_maps\omnxRest1.html" #use your own directory e.g < outfp= r"C:\Users\smith\Documents\maps\omnxRest1.html" >

save(obj=p, filename=outfp)


After you run the code and type in “geojson” in your console you will see some NaN values how can i remove these , replace them or do i need to something else?. I have also noticed in line 100 (houses = ox …) if decrease the distance from 2000 to 200 and not changing anything from the code i get display of the map in the web browser.


First off I will state that I would not expect Bokeh's geoJSON renderer to function at all with NaN values. However, how to clean up your data to remove those NaN values is not really a Bokeh question. You might have better luck asking e.g. on a NumPy forum.




On Mar 7, 2019, at 7:04 AM, hersi <[email protected]> wrote:

hey everyone,

my code compiles and runs with no errors but i get an empty white blank page in the web browser. I right clicked and inspected the page and i get the following.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token N in JSON at position 4035367
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at e.geojson_to_column_data (bokeh-1.1.0dev8.min.js:31)
    at e._update_data (bokeh-1.1.0dev8.min.js:31)
    at e.initialize (bokeh-1.1.0dev8.min.js:31)
    at e.finalize (bokeh-1.1.0dev8.min.js:31)
    at bokeh-1.1.0dev8.min.js:31
    at n (bokeh-1.1.0dev8.min.js:31)
    at d (bokeh-1.1.0dev8.min.js:31)
    at Function.t._initialize_references_json (bokeh-1.1.0dev8.min.js:31)
    at Function.t.from_json (bokeh-1.1.0dev8.min.js:31)

I tried to find out what value is inside that particular position(4035367) and realized that index 4035367,4035368,4035369 had "N" "A" "N" values respectively (nan value). I also tried to replace these NaN values with 0. or even delete them but unfortunately it didn't work.

Here is my full code;
import numpy as np
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.plotting import figure, save
from bokeh.models import HoverTool,GeoJSONDataSource
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.tile_providers import get_provider, Vendors
import osmnx as ox

def getXYCoords(geometry, coord_type):
    """ Returns either x or y coordinates from geometry coordinate sequence. Used with LineString and Polygon geometries."""
    if coord_type == 'x':
        return geometry.coords.xy[0]
    elif coord_type == 'y':
        return geometry.coords.xy[1]

def getPolyCoords(geometry, coord_type):
    """ Returns Coordinates of Polygon using the Exterior of the Polygon."""
    ext = geometry.exterior
    return getXYCoords(ext, coord_type)

def getLineCoords(geometry, coord_type):
    """ Returns Coordinates of Linestring object."""
    return getXYCoords(geometry, coord_type)

def getPointCoords(geometry, coord_type):
    """ Returns Coordinates of Point object."""
    if coord_type == 'x':
        return geometry.x
    elif coord_type == 'y':
        return geometry.y

def multiGeomHandler(multi_geometry, coord_type, geom_type):
    Function for handling multi-geometries. Can be MultiPoint, MultiLineString or MultiPolygon.
    Returns a list of coordinates where all parts of Multi-geometries are merged into a single list.
    Individual geometries are separated with np.nan which is how Bokeh wants them.
    # Bokeh documentation regarding the Multi-geometry issues can be found here (it is an open issue)
    # Patches with Holes · Issue #2321 · bokeh/bokeh · GitHub

    for i, part in enumerate(multi_geometry):
        # On the first part of the Multi-geometry initialize the coord_array (np.array)
        if i == 0:
            if geom_type == "MultiPoint":
                coord_arrays = np.append(getPointCoords(part, coord_type), np.nan)
            elif geom_type == "MultiLineString":
                coord_arrays = np.append(getLineCoords(part, coord_type), np.nan)
            elif geom_type == "MultiPolygon":
                coord_arrays = np.append(getPolyCoords(part, coord_type), np.nan)
            if geom_type == "MultiPoint":
                coord_arrays = np.concatenate([coord_arrays, np.append(getPointCoords(part, coord_type), np.nan)])
            elif geom_type == "MultiLineString":
                coord_arrays = np.concatenate([coord_arrays, np.append(getLineCoords(part, coord_type), np.nan)])
            elif geom_type == "MultiPolygon":
                coord_arrays = np.concatenate([coord_arrays, np.append(getPolyCoords(part, coord_type), np.nan)])

    # Return the coordinates
    return coord_arrays

def getCoords(row, geom_col, coord_type):
    Returns coordinates ('x' or 'y') of a geometry (Point, LineString or Polygon) as a list (if geometry is LineString or Polygon).
    Can handle also MultiGeometries.
    # Get geometry
    geom = row[geom_col]

    # Check the geometry type
    gtype = geom.geom_type

    # "Normal" geometries
    # -------------------

    if gtype == "Point":
        return getPointCoords(geom, coord_type)
    elif gtype == "LineString":
        return list( getLineCoords(geom, coord_type) )
    elif gtype == "Polygon":
        return list( getPolyCoords(geom, coord_type) )

    # Multi geometries
    # ----------------

        return list( multiGeomHandler(geom, coord_type, gtype) )
place= "Uppsala, Uppsala County"

houses = ox.footprints.footprints_from_address(place, footprint_type='building',distance =2000, retain_invalid=False)[['geometry']]

uni_amenities = ['university']
uni = ox.pois_from_address(place, distance =2000,amenities=uni_amenities)[['geometry',

restaurant_amenities = ['restaurant','cafe', 'fast_food']
restaurants = ox.pois_from_address(place, distance =2000,

restaurants = restaurants.to_crs(epsg=3857)
uni = uni.to_crs(epsg=3857)
houses = houses.to_crs(epsg=3857)

restaurants.name.fillna('', inplace=True)
uni.name.fillna('campus', inplace=True)
restaurants.cuisine.fillna('?', inplace=True)

for item in ['way', 'relation']:
   restaurants.loc[restaurants.element_type==item, 'geometry'] = \
   restaurants[restaurants.element_type==item]['geometry'].map(lambda x: x.centroid)

for item in ['way', 'relation']:
   uni.loc[uni.element_type==item, 'geometry'] = \
   uni[uni.element_type==item]['geometry'].map(lambda x: x.centroid)

houses['x'] = houses.apply(getCoords, geom_col='geometry', coord_type='x', axis=1)
houses['y'] = houses.apply(getCoords, geom_col='geometry', coord_type='y', axis=1)

geojson = houses.to_json()
geo_source = GeoJSONDataSource(geojson=geojson)

source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(

Psource = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(


TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,reset"
p = figure(title="OSM restaurants", tools=TOOLS,
           match_aspect=True, x_axis_location=None, y_axis_location=None,

tooltips = [
            ('Name', '@name'),('Cuisine', '@cuisine'),('Avg Wtr demand', '21.95539 m3'),
tooltipss = [
            ('Name', '@name'),('Avg Wtr demand', '50.658 m3')]
tooltipsss = [
            ('building', '@building'),('Avg Wtr demand', '50.658 m3')]

p.grid.grid_line_color = None
titles = get_provider(Vendors.CARTODBPOSITRON)

r2=p.circle('x', 'y',color='red', source=source, legend='Resturant',fill_alpha=0.6, size=6)
r3=p.circle('x', 'y', source=Psource, legend='University',fill_alpha=0.6, size=10)
r4=p.patches('x', 'y',color='green', source=geo_source, legend='builings',fill_alpha=0.6)

p.add_tools(HoverTool(renderers=[r2], tooltips= tooltips ))
p.add_tools(HoverTool(renderers=[r3], tooltips=tooltipss))
p.add_tools(HoverTool(renderers=[r4], tooltips=tooltipsss))

outfp= r"C:Documents\interactive_maps\omnxRest1.html" #use your own directory e.g < outfp= r"C:\Users\smith\Documents\maps\omnxRest1.html" >
save(obj=p, filename=outfp)

After you run the code and type in "geojson" in your console you will see some NaN values how can i remove these , replace them or do i need to something else?. I have also noticed in line 100 (houses = ox .......) if decrease the distance from 2000 to 200 and not changing anything from the code i get display of the map in the web browser.

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