updated to Bokeh 0.11.0 from 0.10.0, meet two issues.

My PIP environment on windows 7 is as following.

C:\spyderprojects>pip list
backports-abc (0.4)
backports.ssl-match-hostname (
bokeh (0.11.0)
certifi (2015.11.20.1)
cycler (0.9.0)
elasticsearch (2.1.0)
Flask (0.10.1)
Flask-HTTPAuth (2.7.0)
Flask-SQLAlchemy (2.1)
futures (3.0.3)
gevent (1.0.2)
greenlet (0.4.9)
itsdangerous (0.24)
Jinja2 (2.8)
MarkupSafe (0.23)
matplotlib (1.5.1rc1)
numpy (1.10.4)
p01.kibana (0.8.0)
pandas (0.17.1)
patsy (0.4.1)
peewee (2.7.4)
pip (7.1.2)
pyparsing (2.0.6)
python-dateutil (2.4.2)
pytz (2015.7)
PyYAML (3.11)
pyzmq (15.1.0)
redis (2.10.5)
requests (2.9.1)
scipy (0.17.0rc1)
seaborn (0.6.0)
selenium (2.48.0)
setuptools (19.1.1)
simplejson (3.8.1)
singledispatch (
six (1.10.0)
splinter (0.7.3)
SQLAlchemy (1.0.10)
sqlite-browser (0.1.1)
statsmodels (0.6.1)
tornado (4.3)
urllib3 (1.13.1)
virtualenv (13.1.2)
Werkzeug (0.11.2)
wheel (0.26.0)
WTForms (2.1)

  1. The previous code “import seaborn as sb” works in 0.10.0, however failed in 0.11.0, it gives following error:

File “Hello.py”, line 63, in
import DataVisualizeWithBokeh
File “C:\spyderprojects\DataVisualizeWithBokeh.py”, line 21, in
import seaborn as sb
File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\seaborn_init_.py”, line 1, in
from .rcmod import *
File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\seaborn\rcmod.py”, line 5, in
from . import palettes
File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\seaborn\palettes.py”, line 14, in

from .utils import desaturate, set_hls_values
File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\seaborn\utils.py”, line 8, in
from scipy import stats
File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scipy\stats_init_.py”, line 338, in <mo

from .stats import *
File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scipy\stats\stats.py”, line 180, in <modul

import scipy.special as special
File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scipy\special_init_.py”, line 627, in <

from ._ufuncs import *
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

  1. with my code of “from bokeh.session import Session”, I got the error fo “ImportError: No module named session”

It seems Bokeh 0.11.0 removes the module “session” from bokeh, and not found any information in RELEASES part.

even I change the line of

from bokeh.session import Session

from bokeh.client.session import Session

I need help on these two issues, or else I just roll back to version 0.10.0

Thanks .


    from .stats import *
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scipy\stats\stats.py", line 180, in <modul
    import scipy.special as special
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scipy\special\__init__.py", line 627, in <
    from ._ufuncs import *
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

This is s a problem with a missing module from your SciPy installation. I'm not sure why your SciPy installation is messed up, but it's not anything to do with Bokeh

2. with my code of "from bokeh.session import Session", I got the error fo "ImportError: No module named session"
It seems Bokeh 0.11.0 removes the module "session" from bokeh, and not found any information in RELEASES part.

even I change the line of
from bokeh.session import Session
from bokeh.client.session import Session

I need help on these two issues, or else I just roll back to version 0.10.0

This probably could have been drawn out more explicitly, but it falls under then first line of the migration guide in the release notes:



  The previous Flask-based bokeh-server has been completely removed and replaced with the new bokeh serve based on Tornado
  and a websocket protocol. If you require to use bokeh-server you will have to remain on Bokeh version 0.10.0 or lower.

There are many recent threads on this mailing list with people discussing the new server, and there are examples here:


And a live hosted gallery at


The new server is definitely better and easier to write apps for, but if you don't have the time to invest to update, then as you say (and the migration guide also states), you will have to stay with 0.10 until you can update.

