Wheel Zoom doesn't work with axis bounds?

I want to set axis bounds so that my chart can’t go outside the data extent but I also want to enable (xaxis) wheel zooming so the user can easily zoom into the data to inspect it in closer detail.

It appears that setting the bounds attribute of the axis prevents the use of the wheel zoom.

I’ve posted an example notebook at Notebook :: Anaconda.org

If someone can confirm this is a bug I’m happy to open a GH issue for it.



This seems like a regression, I think an issue would be appropriate.



On Jul 5, 2016, at 12:41 AM, [email protected] wrote:

I want to set axis bounds so that my chart can't go outside the data extent but I also want to enable (xaxis) wheel zooming so the user can easily zoom into the data to inspect it in closer detail.

It appears that setting the bounds attribute of the axis prevents the use of the wheel zoom.

I've posted an example notebook at Notebook :: Anaconda.org

If someone can confirm this is a bug I'm happy to open a GH issue for it.


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