Hey all,
I was wondering whether I can access – on the JS side – HTML elements that are embedded within a Div widget. For instance, consider the following example:
from bokeh.document import Document
from bokeh.embed import file_html
from bokeh.events import ButtonClick
from bokeh.models import Button, CustomJS, Div
from bokeh.layouts import layout
from bokeh.resources import INLINE
from bokeh.util.browser import view
mydiv = Div(text='<iframe id="myiframe"></iframe>', name='mydiv')
mybutton = Button(label='Click')
CustomJS(code="debugger; //I'd like to access #myiframe from here"))
doc = Document()
doc.add_root(layout([[mybutton], [mydiv]]))
with open('test.html', 'w') as f:
f.write(file_html(doc, INLINE))
In the JS callback I would like to access the iframe HTML element. The prototypical document.getElementById('myiframe')
does not work, presumably because of the shadowRoot structure created by Bokeh.
I know that there are other solutions e.g. using html templates, but I’m specifically interested in this setup and also specifically whether there is a more elegant version other than climbing down the entire nested (shadowRoot) tree using something like document.querySelector('div').children[0].shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('.bk-Row')[1].shadowRoot.querySelector('.bk-Div').shadowRoot.querySelector('#myiframe')