When creating the toolbar explicitly, setting an active tool on the toolbar doesn’t work, but only when setting it on the figure. Is this a bug? Thanks.
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_notebook
from bokeh.models.tools import Toolbar, WheelZoomTool
wheel_tool = WheelZoomTool()
# Active tools set here don't work
toolbar = Toolbar(tools=[wheel_tool], active_scroll=wheel_tool)
p = figure(toolbar=toolbar, tools='')
# This works fine
# toolbar = Toolbar(tools=[wheel_tool])
# p = figure(toolbar=toolbar, tools='', active_scroll=wheel_tool)
# This also works fine
# p = figure(tools=[wheel_tool], active_scroll=wheel_tool)
p.scatter([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3])