add/delete dynamically glyphrenderers

bokeh is a fantastic framework and adding/removing glyphrenderers dynamically **almost **works.

Things get a bit messed up when we repeatedly add/remove a line (axis labels disappear after a few quick clicks, looking like a problem of sync).

(when placing legend outside the plot, the figure drifts slowly, noticeable after 20-30 clicks)

Example code below.

I understand that (from April 2016 discussions) it was recommended to declare them (together with their associated cds) instead at start and to play with the columndatasource (set to ) or with alpha or visible attributes, but things have greatly evolved since.

The fact that it “almost” works well makes me hope that a fully functional dynamic behavior (at least for glyphrenderers) is intended in the future. It would be so great !

It looks like it is not very far.

Is that correct ?

Is there a way to make this code reliably work ?


from import curdoc

from bokeh.layouts import column

from bokeh.plotting import figure

from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource,Legend

from bokeh.models.widgets import Toggle

b = Toggle(label=‘add/remove line’)

x=y=list(range(30)); source = ColumnDataSource(dict(index=x,x=x,dn=y))

p = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=250)

leg = Legend(name=‘leg’,location = ‘top_left’,click_policy=“hide”); p.add_layout(leg)

def b_cb(x):

if x:

r_dn = p.line(x=‘x’,y=‘dn’,name=‘gr_dn’,source=source,legend=‘down’)


for r in p.renderers:


p.renderers.remove(r); p.legend[0].items.pop()

b.on_click(lambda x: b_cb(x))


let me add that resizing (add resize tool) the plot refreshes it so that it recovers the label axes.
So it is very close to work properly.


On Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 11:02:53 AM UTC+2, chupach wrote:

bokeh is a fantastic framework and adding/removing glyphrenderers dynamically **almost **works.

Things get a bit messed up when we repeatedly add/remove a line (axis labels disappear after a few quick clicks, looking like a problem of sync).

(when placing legend outside the plot, the figure drifts slowly, noticeable after 20-30 clicks)

Example code below.

I understand that (from April 2016 discussions) it was recommended to declare them (together with their associated cds) instead at start and to play with the columndatasource (set to ) or with alpha or visible attributes, but things have greatly evolved since.

The fact that it “almost” works well makes me hope that a fully functional dynamic behavior (at least for glyphrenderers) is intended in the future. It would be so great !

It looks like it is not very far.

Is that correct ?

Is there a way to make this code reliably work ?


from import curdoc

from bokeh.layouts import column

from bokeh.plotting import figure

from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource,Legend

from bokeh.models.widgets import Toggle

b = Toggle(label=‘add/remove line’)

x=y=list(range(30)); source = ColumnDataSource(dict(index=x,x=x,dn=y))

p = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=250)

leg = Legend(name=‘leg’,location = ‘top_left’,click_policy=“hide”); p.add_layout(leg)

def b_cb(x):

if x:

r_dn = p.line(x=‘x’,y=‘dn’,name=‘gr_dn’,source=source,legend=‘down’)


for r in p.renderers:


p.renderers.remove(r); p.legend[0].items.pop()

b.on_click(lambda x: b_cb(x))
