ANN: Bokeh 0.12.6 Released

On behalf of the Bokeh team, I am pleased to announce the release of version 0.12.6 of Bokeh!

*** OF SPECIAL NOTE *** PNG and SVG export directly from python is now supported!

Please see the announcement post at:

which has more information as well as live demonstrations.

If you are using Anaconda/miniconda, you can install it with conda:

  conda install -c bokeh bokeh

Alternatively, you can also install it with pip:

  pip install bokeh

Full information including details about how to use and obtain BokehJS are at:

  Installation — Bokeh 0.12.6 documentation

Issues, enhancement requests, and pull requests can be made on the Bokeh Github page: GitHub - bokeh/bokeh: Interactive Data Visualization in the browser, from Python

Documentation is available at Welcome to Bokeh — Bokeh 0.12.6 documentation

There are over 231 total contributors to Bokeh and their time and effort help make Bokeh such an amazing project and community. Thank you again for your contributions.

Finally (as always), for questions, technical assistance or if you're interested in contributing, questions can be directed to the Bokeh mailing list: [email protected] or the Gitter Chat room:


Bryan Van de Ven