Any examples of using datashading with bokeh without HV or Jupyter?

I have an app I’ve built that is wanting to process 6 billion points in the form of a group of step plots.
I’d like to try datashading but all the examples rely on holoviews integration and jupyter notebook. Are there any (preferably time series) examples that at least don’t rely on jupyter?

Hi @Cosmidark, I’m dealing with somehow a similar problem but my data points aren’t that much. Hopefully, @Bryan will give his feedback soon on that and on yours as well. You can have a look @my post.


@Cosmidark Take a look at Datashader + Bokeh without (!) HoloViews - Datashader - HoloViz Discourse for a discussion about datashader and bokeh without holoviews.

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I’ve added more info to Datashader + Bokeh without (!) HoloViews - Datashader - HoloViz Discourse , but also note that HoloViews does not in any way depend on Jupyter; dynamic Datashaded HoloViews plots are fully interactive in a Bokeh Server app.

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