Autocompleteinput does not work at all with 0.12.13


Autocompleteinput of bokeh 0.12.13 does not work at all . I tested on Chrome browser 63.0.3239.108, the latest as of now.
Although it had bugs, it used to work in bokeh 0.12.9.

Without this, it is very frustrating experience to select an item from a plain dropdown menu, when the menu has a very long list of items.

I wonder if there is any plan to support it fully.

Thank you

– Sijun


If there is a bug or a regression, the appropriate action is a new GitHub issue with full details. Although we have an extensive test suite and are constantly trying to improve it, the testing surface for Bokeh is both difficult and enormous, so some things will be missed. we rely on GitHub issues both to be informed and to prioritize work and fixes.




On Dec 20, 2017, at 06:07, Sijun Cho <[email protected]> wrote:


Autocompleteinput of bokeh 0.12.13 does not work at all . I tested on Chrome browser 63.0.3239.108, the latest as of now.
Although it had bugs, it used to work in bokeh 0.12.9.

Without this, it is very frustrating experience to select an item from a plain dropdown menu, when the menu has a very long list of items.
I wonder if there is any plan to support it fully.

Thank you
-- Sijun

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There’s an open issue for that in AutocompleteInput does not complete word when option is clicked · Issue #6822 · bokeh/bokeh · GitHub but I believe that there are lots of other priorities ahead.




Em segunda-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2018 18:14:12 UTC-2, Bryan Van de ven escreveu:


If there is a bug or a regression, the appropriate action is a new GitHub issue with full details. Although we have an extensive test suite and are constantly trying to improve it, the testing surface for Bokeh is both difficult and enormous, so some things will be missed. we rely on GitHub issues both to be informed and to prioritize work and fixes.



On Dec 20, 2017, at 06:07, Sijun Cho [email protected] wrote:


Autocompleteinput of bokeh 0.12.13 does not work at all . I tested on Chrome browser 63.0.3239.108, the latest as of now.

Although it had bugs, it used to work in bokeh 0.12.9.

Without this, it is very frustrating experience to select an item from a plain dropdown menu, when the menu has a very long list of items.

I wonder if there is any plan to support it fully.

Thank you

– Sijun

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