I am struggling for the last few days to get my xaxis properties right. Right now it shows the date2num value and if I change the formatter to DatetimeTickFormatter it gives weird formats like 700us.
With matplotlib it worked fine like this:
loc = matplotlib.dates.HourLocator()
formatter = matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter("%H:%M")
labelsx = ax.get_xticklabels()
With Bokeh I tried many things where this is the most logic to me:
p=Figure(title=“Ganttchart”, tools=TOOLS, x_range=[min(self.at),max(self.dt)],y_range = y_range)
xaxis = DatetimeAxis(formatter=DatetimeTickFormatter(formats=dict(hours=["%H"])))
p.add_layout(xaxis, “below”)
It still does not provide the wanted axes, also with the auto function of DatetimeTickFormatter it does not work.
Can someone please give me a direction to go, because 2 days of googling did not gave the result:( and I really want my nice interactive plot.
Kind regards,
Does someone had this problem before and fixed it? Help would be appreciated!
Op donderdag 2 juli 2015 17:11:12 UTC+2 schreef jakko deken:
I am struggling for the last few days to get my xaxis properties right. Right now it shows the date2num value and if I change the formatter to DatetimeTickFormatter it gives weird formats like 700us.
With matplotlib it worked fine like this:
loc = matplotlib.dates.HourLocator()
formatter = matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter(“%H:%M”)
labelsx = ax.get_xticklabels()
With Bokeh I tried many things where this is the most logic to me:
p=Figure(title=“Ganttchart”, tools=TOOLS, x_range=[min(self.at),max(self.dt)],y_range = y_range)
xaxis = DatetimeAxis(formatter=DatetimeTickFormatter(formats=dict(hours=[“%H”])))
p.add_layout(xaxis, “below”)
It still does not provide the wanted axes, also with the auto function of DatetimeTickFormatter it does not work.
Can someone please give me a direction to go, because 2 days of googling did not gave the result:( and I really want my nice interactive plot.
Kind regards,