Thanks for your feedback, your workaround worked. For anyone who stumbles over this in the future, here’s how I did it.
First, my data that I want to plot is in the dataframe sa_mw_cumul
. I plotted this as you would normally.
source = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=sa_mw_cumul, y=index))
plt.hbar(y='y', right='x',left=0, color=index_cmap, height=.5, source=source, name='real_data')
Then, I created a “dummy” dataframe with all values at 0, unless my real data was set to 0 at that index. Then, I set the value to the max of my real data. (This is so that my fake data wouldn’t stretch my graph.)
force_hover=pd.DataFrame(index=sa_mw_cumul.index, columns=['data'], data=0)
max_span = max(sa_mw_cumul) #Figure out how far you can plot without expanding graph
for part in sa_mw_cumul.index:
if sa_mw_cumul.loc[part] == 0:
force_hover.loc[part, 'data'] = max_span
Next I plotted this, with fill_alpha
set to 0
force_hover_source = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=force_hover['data'], y=index))
plt.hbar(y='y', right='x',left=0, color=None, height=.5, source=force_hover_source, fill_alpha=0, name='force_hover')
I now had a graph that looked good, but I was using @x in my HoverTool’s tooltips to get me this data. This meant that I would get a non-0 value for all the “empty” bars when I hover over them. I fixed this by creating a customjshover that takes a dataframe as an arg. With this I can force it to only read data from the correct dataframe.
(Sorry for the messy code with all the formatting of my dataframe.)
def _create_cumulative_hover(self, df):
csa = pd.DataFrame(df.sum(axis=1)) #represents total shipped
csa.rename(index=str, columns={csa.columns[0]:"qty_shipped"}, inplace=True)
csa = csa.reset_index()
csa.index = csa.index.astype(str) #CDS must have a string as column header
csa = csa.transpose()
source = ColumnDataSource(csa)
return CustomJSHover(args=dict(source=source),code="""
var part_index = special_vars.index.toString();
//I index [part_index][3] because my dataframe was multi-indexed
(Finally, create the hover tool.)
def _create_hover_tools(mw_sa):
return HoverTool(
('Total Delivered', '$x{dummy_text}'),
#every part has an x,y, etc, so everywhere you put the hoverview, you will call custom.
#The actual variable used is completely irrelevant
'$x': self._create_cumulative_hover(mw_sa),