Best way to select dates as parameters.

Looking for some advice on what would be the best way to select data parameters to filter the results of a plot. It seems like both the DatePicker and the DateSlider are still broken, and might be drooped in the future. What solutions have people used in the meantime? am currently just using drop downs for year, month and day - but that seems inelegant.

Any Ideas, thoughts, or rambles would be extremely helpful.



I regret that there is still not a better solution built into Bokeh. It's an important task that we will get to, but there are a great many important tasks and only a very few devs, and as a result some things that are definitely important will still take longer than would otherwise be desired. Certainly we'd love to help anyone interested in developing this feature with guidance or discussion. (More new devs is the best most robust solution to speeding things up)

In the mean time, your best bet is probably to find your favorite JS date picker widget, and to wrap it as a Bokeh extension:

There is an example of wrapping the Ion Range Slider there. If you (or anyone) develops an extension to wrap some date picker, we'd be happy to add it to the docs as another example.




On May 19, 2017, at 03:50, Emil <[email protected]> wrote:

Looking for some advice on what would be the best way to select data parameters to filter the results of a plot. It seems like both the DatePicker and the DateSlider are still broken, and might be drooped in the future. What solutions have people used in the meantime? am currently just using drop downs for year, month and day - but that seems inelegant.
Any Ideas, thoughts, or rambles would be extremely helpful.

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