Bokeh 3.6.x wheel zoom causes graph to disappear

Recently upgraded to Bokeh 3.6 (tried 3.6.0 and 3.6.2).

If I use the Wheel Zoom tool to rapidly zoom in then all graph points and axes disappear - just left with boundary box (legend and toolbar also still there).

Cannot zoom out to restore. Have to do a browser re-fresh to get stuff back.

Didn’t happen with Bokeh 2.4.3.

Tried Chrome, Firefox and Edge: problems on all.

I didn’t write code but looks like we’re using webgl.

We do have multiple figures linked together so Wheel Zoom is driving them all. Generally all figures lose graphs at the same time.

Our app is very complicated so cannot provide MRE.

Anyone seen anything like this?

I haven’t seen anything like this on recent versions. Unfortunately without an MRE it is not possible to actually investigate or speculate.