Bokeh Grouped Bar Plots Not Updating Bar Width Correctly

Ref - Bokeh Grouped Bar Plots Not Updating Bar Width Correctly · Issue #9145 · bokeh/bokeh · GitHub

I am using Bokehjs 1.3.0 version and trying to update the Group vbar chart dynamically. However, it is not working properly and not setting the bar width and placement properly.

Here is the live URL - Bokeh Bar - JSitor where this issue is reproducing.

In sort - there are 2 vbars

  x: {
    field: 'time',
    transform: new Bokeh.Dodge({
      value: -0.20,
      range: p.x_range
  top: { field: '2015' },
  width: 0.2,
  source: source,
  legend: '2015 ',
  color: 'orange'

  x: {
    field: 'time',
    transform: new Bokeh.Dodge({
      value: 0.20,
      range: p.x_range
  top: { field: '2016' },
  width: 0.2,
  legend: '2016 ',
  source: source,
  color: 'green'

And I am dynamically adding data in source .

This is how it looks like when I am adding more than one single data -

it is supposed to show 2 bars side by side and width of bars should be big enough.

It works properly when I set only single data -