"bokeh serve" exits with empty error on windows

I’m on windows 10, python 3.8.0, bokeh installed via pip.

When I run bokeh serve in cmd I get the following output:

2019-11-05 09:49:19,827 Starting Bokeh server version 1.4.0 (running on Tornado 6.0.3)
2019-11-05 09:49:19,830 User authentication hooks NOT provided (default user enabled)

if I run it as bokeh serve --log-level debug I get

2019-11-05 09:45:35,812 Starting Bokeh server version 1.4.0 (running on Tornado 6.0.3)
2019-11-05 09:45:35,815 User authentication hooks NOT provided (default user enabled)
2019-11-05 09:45:35,815 These host origins can connect to the websocket: ['localhost:5006']
2019-11-05 09:45:35,815 Patterns are:
2019-11-05 09:45:35,816   [('/?',
2019-11-05 09:45:35,816     <class 'bokeh.server.views.doc_handler.DocHandler'>,
2019-11-05 09:45:35,817     {'application_context': <bokeh.server.contexts.ApplicationContext object at 0x0D52D550>,
2019-11-05 09:45:35,817      'bokeh_websocket_path': '/ws'}),
2019-11-05 09:45:35,817    ('/ws',
2019-11-05 09:45:35,817     <class 'bokeh.server.views.ws.WSHandler'>,
2019-11-05 09:45:35,818     {'application_context': <bokeh.server.contexts.ApplicationContext object at 0x0D52D550>,
2019-11-05 09:45:35,818      'bokeh_websocket_path': '/ws'}),
2019-11-05 09:45:35,818    ('/metadata',
2019-11-05 09:45:35,818     <class 'bokeh.server.views.metadata_handler.MetadataHandler'>,
2019-11-05 09:45:35,819     {'application_context': <bokeh.server.contexts.ApplicationContext object at 0x0D52D550>,
2019-11-05 09:45:35,819      'bokeh_websocket_path': '/ws'}),
2019-11-05 09:45:35,819    ('/autoload.js',
2019-11-05 09:45:35,819     <class 'bokeh.server.views.autoload_js_handler.AutoloadJsHandler'>,
2019-11-05 09:45:35,819     {'application_context': <bokeh.server.contexts.ApplicationContext object at 0x0D52D550>,
2019-11-05 09:45:35,819      'bokeh_websocket_path': '/ws'}),
2019-11-05 09:45:35,820    ('/?',
2019-11-05 09:45:35,820     <class 'bokeh.server.views.root_handler.RootHandler'>,
2019-11-05 09:45:35,820     {'applications': {'/': <bokeh.server.contexts.ApplicationContext object at 0x0D52D550>},
2019-11-05 09:45:35,820      'index': None,
2019-11-05 09:45:35,820      'prefix': '',
2019-11-05 09:45:35,821      'use_redirect': True}),
2019-11-05 09:45:35,821    ('/static/(.*)',
2019-11-05 09:45:35,821     <class 'bokeh.server.views.static_handler.StaticHandler'>)]

How can I debug this? Is it a problem with my python version?

Does this also happen with any of the official examples in the GitHub repo? Or only with your own code? Is there really nothing at all after the ERROR line?

It happens both with the official example from the “running a server” article, as well as with my own code. I also ran it without even specifying an app, which also works on my setup on linux, but on windows it always crashes, without any error message.

Update: I just tried to run the tronado hello world example, but it crashed. Seems like tronado might be the problem on python 3.8, getting NotImplementedErrors from asyncio. Will try on older python versions.

I just tested some of the official examples with Python 3.7 on Win 10 and they are functioning as expected. So I assume that you may be correct about 3.8 and tornado. We are still waiting on conda package availability to integrate 3.8 in our CI system. It would be appropriate to re-open your GH issue at this point but any additional footwork you can do up front (e.g. verifying with other versions of tornado, seeing if there are any other references re: 3.8 and tornado issues) would be incredibly helpful