Bokeh server in cloud - Failed to connect to Bokeh server Error: Could not open websocket

I’m trying to deploy my bokeh app in docker. It works fine when I run my docker container. But I get below error in the browser while deploying the same docker image in Kubernetees private cluster.

I tried setting --allow-websocket-origin as * and also as the private cloud url, but do not seem to be working. Could anyone help me out here?

connection.js:55 WebSocket connection to 'ws://myappurl/ws?bokeh-protocol-version=1.0&bokeh-session-id=asdf' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
t.connect @ connection.js:55
(anonymous) @ connection.js:286
(anonymous) @ es6-promise.js:406
e @ es6-promise.js:801
o.pull_session @ connection.js:272
(anonymous) @ server.js:33
i.add_document_from_session @ server.js:45
(anonymous) @ index.js:46
(anonymous) @ index.js:25
connection.js:287 [bokeh] Failed to connect to Bokeh server Error: Could not open websocket