I am trying to create a general function that would help me plot a grid of figures (rgb images in the future), and when I click on a specific figure of the grid it would enlarge it and set it in front of the screen, if I then would double click (or a leave button) it would return to the grid. I can accomplish that using matplolib but with the new jupyter version it cannot be done on the notebook itself. So far I have only been able to do the following:
from bokeh.io import output_notebook, show
from bokeh import events
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot, column, layout
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models import CustomJS
import numpy as np
def create_random_image():
return np.random.rand(150, 150)
images = [create_random_image() for _ in range(4)]
plots = []
for i, image in enumerate(images):
p = figure(title=f'Image {i+1}', tools='tap')
p.image(image=[image], x=0, y=0, dw=10, dh=10, palette="Greys256")
p.axis.visible = False
p.grid.visible = False
p.width = image.shape[0]
p.height = image.shape[1]
p.toolbar.logo = None
enlarge = CustomJS(args=dict(plots=plots), code="""
for (let i = 0; i < plots.length; i++) {
let p = plots[i];
// Reset all plots to their original size
p.width = 2 * p.width;
p.height = 2 * p.height;
enlarge_bis = CustomJS(args=dict(plots=plots), code="""
// Enlarge the clicked plot
const selected_plot = cb_obj;
selected_plot.width = 2 * selected_plot.width;
selected_plot.height = 2 * selected_plot.height;""")
for plot in plots:
plot.js_on_event(events.DoubleTap, enlarge)
grid = gridplot([[plots[0], plots[1]], [plots[2], plots[3]]])
when I double click it doubles the width and height of every figures. I have tried to enlarge the clicked plot only but nothing happends when I try it. How much wrong am I?
show is only a Python API function, it cannot be called from JS code (i.e. from CustomJS callbacks) so that is never going to work. Additionally changing the size of one plot inside a grid layout is going to affect the entire existing layout, which you also probably do not want.
To be honest, I am not really sure that there is a good or simple way to achieve what you are looking for. I’d encourage you to open a GitHub Issue to start a discussion about how something like this might be supported by future development. Other core devs might also chime in with any potential workarounds I haven’t thought of. But in the immediate term, you might need to consider other libraries if this is a hard requirement.
@Bobokeh There is an old example on StackOverflow. It is a somewhat advanced since it uses JS libraries. Here if one clicks on the figure title the figure enlarges.