I am using bokeh (TimeSeries) to generate plots with Django and I do not manage to format time on the x axis :
data2 = dict(depth=Y2['depth'],date=X2['date'])
plot = TimeSeries(data2, title="test", xscale='datetime', xlabel = 'time' , ylabel='depth')
script, div = components(plot, CDN)
return render(request, "simple_chart3.html", {"the_script": script, "the_div": div})
X2[‘date’] is an array of datetime.
I get the following plot
Depth versus time
How to format the x axis ?
Thanks for any hint
October 21, 2016, 3:21pm
Timeseries should format its axis nicely by default. Maybe you've run into a bug of some sort, but it's impossible to speculate without being able to see and run complete code. Can you provide a complete, minimal, runnable example to reproduce what you are seeing? In anycase there is a large section on formatting axes in the user's guide:
Appearance — Bokeh 3.3.2 Documentation
On Oct 21, 2016, at 10:05 AM, [email protected] wrote:
I am using bokeh (TimeSeries) to generate plots with Django and I do not manage to format time on the x axis :
data2 = dict(depth=Y2['depth'],date=X2['date'])
= TimeSeries(data2, title="test", xscale='datetime', xlabel = 'time' , ylabel='depth')
, div = components(plot, CDN)
return render(request, "simple_chart3.html", {"the_script": script, "the_div": div})
X2['date'] is an array of datetime.
I get the following plot
Depth versus time
How to format the x axis ?
Thanks for any hint
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