BokehDeprecationWarning: 'legend' keyword is deprecated, use explicit 'legend_label', 'legend_field', or 'legend_group' keywords instead

Help us help you! Writing your post to the following guidelines will help Bokeh Discourse reviewers understand your question, and increases the likelihood of a response.

What are you trying to do?
I’m trying to run the script
with the same data but receiving that warning

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from beakerx.object import beakerx
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

import cimcb_lite as cb

beakerx.pandas_display_table()  # by default display pandas tables as BeakerX interactive tables

print('All packages successfully loaded')

# The path to the input file (Excel spreadsheet)
filename = 'D:\USER\Downloads\GastricCancer_NMR.xlsx'

# Load Peak and Data tables into two variables
dataTable, peakTable = cb.utils.load_dataXL(filename, DataSheet='Data', PeakSheet='Peak')

# Create a clean peak table

rsd = peakTable['QC_RSD']
percMiss = peakTable['Perc_missing']
peakTableClean = peakTable[(rsd < 20) & (percMiss < 10)]

print("Number of peaks remaining: {}".format(len(peakTableClean)))

# Extract and scale the metabolite data from the dataTable

peaklist = peakTableClean['Name']                   # Set peaklist to the metabolite names in the peakTableClean
X = dataTable[peaklist].values                      # Extract X matrix from dataTable using peaklist
Xlog = np.log10(X)                                  # Log scale (base-10)
Xscale = cb.utils.scale(Xlog, method='auto')        # methods include auto, pareto, vast, and level
Xknn = cb.utils.knnimpute(Xscale, k=3)              # missing value imputation (knn - 3 nearest neighbors)

print("Xknn: {} rows & {} columns".format(*Xknn.shape))

            pcx=1,                                                  # pc for x-axis
            pcy=2,                                                  # pc for y-axis
            group_label=dataTable['SampleType'])                    # labels for Hover in PCA loadings plot

And this are the warning

BokehDeprecationWarning: 'legend' keyword is deprecated, use explicit 'legend_label', 'legend_field', or 'legend_group' keywords instead
BokehDeprecationWarning: 'legend' keyword is deprecated, use explicit 'legend_label', 'legend_field', or 'legend_group' keywords instead

What have you tried that did NOT work as expected? If you have also posted this question elsewhere (e.g. StackOverflow), please include a link to that post.

I tried to google the warning but there was no solution

any hints will be appreciated

In some cases, a screenshot of your plot will also be helpful.

Legend options are documented here in the Users Guide:

Adding annotations — Bokeh 2.4.2 Documentation

And the deprecation change was also documented in the migration guide