Booked & Jupyter notebook - offline and inline


I am writing jupyter notebooks for data visualization in an environment that has no access to the internet. This is a problem because the default in Bokeh is now to load from CDN. So far I have been able to output plots by calling output_file(mode=‘inline’) before calling show… however, this generates another tab where the plot is shown… How can I achieve the same inline and offline? How should I configure Bokeh resources and output_notebook so that the JS is loaded offline?

Thank you

Best Regards



The output_notebook function accepts a resources parameter:

  from bokeh.resources import INLINE





On Jul 14, 2016, at 12:56 AM, Damián SRA <[email protected]> wrote:


I am writing jupyter notebooks for data visualization in an environment that has no access to the internet. This is a problem because the default in Bokeh is now to load from CDN. So far I have been able to output plots by calling output_file(mode='inline') before calling show... however, this generates another tab where the plot is shown... How can I achieve the same inline and offline? How should I configure Bokeh resources and output_notebook so that the JS is loaded offline?

Thank you

Best Regards


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