Bug: component function returns incorrect div target tag

I’m making a web2py prototype site that generates bokeh plots based data that a user inputs and I believe I’ve discovered a bug.
When you use the compontents() function to return the script and div tags, it seems to behave differently depending on when/where the plot you want to generate tags for is passed in.

Is this truly a bug? Or am I using the components function incorrectly?

returns tags for a given part as a list :: I think this is the source of the error some how

def return_tags(plot):
    script, div = components(plot)
    parts = [script, div]
    return parts

# generates the plots and returns
def make_plot(lst):
    plot = figure()
    xStr = ""
    yStr = ""
    for point in lst:
        xStr += str(point[0]) + ","
        yStr += str(point[1]) + ","
    xStr = xStr[:-1]
    yStr = yStr[:-1]
    plot.circle(xStr, yStr)

    return return_tags(plot)

print(make_plot([[1,2], [3,4]])[0])
print(make_plot([[1,2], [3,4]])[1])

# copied code from user guide that works for the components
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.embed import components

plot = figure()
plot.circle([1,2], [3,4])

script, div = components(plot)



Update: it may have to do with calling the make_plot() function two different times as opposed to calling it once.

Still looking into it though.

I made the following small change to my code and now I have two matching div and script tags. However, I still have a weird error and the graph output is entirely blank.

# returns tags for a given part as a list :: I think this is the source of the error some how
def return_tags(plt):
    scpt, dv = components(plt)
    parts = [scpt, dv]
    return parts
# generates the plots and returns
def make_plot(lst):
    plot = figure()
    xStr = ""
    yStr = ""
    for point in lst:
        xStr += str(point[0]) + ","
        yStr += str(point[1]) + ","
    xStr = xStr[:-1]
    yStr = yStr[:-1]
    plot.circle(xStr, yStr)
    return return_tags(plot)
# this list makes sure that its the same call of the function ergo the same ids being used on the script and div tags
lst = make_plot([[1,2], [3,4]])

ERROR:/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bokeh/validation/check.pyc:E-1001 (BAD_COLUMN_NAME): Glyph refers to nonexistent column name: 1, 2 [renderer: GlyphRenderer, ViewModel:GlyphRenderer, ref _id: c385dd2d-5bcc-4157-9c64-39bc62f40bd7]

<script type="text/javascript">
    Bokeh.$(function() {
        var all_models = [{"attributes": {"doc": null, "id": "b534e75c-9eb6-4932-ab3d-59559371dfb6", "tags": []}, "type": "BasicTickFormatter", "id": "b534e75c-9eb6-4932-ab3d-59559371dfb6"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "tags": [], "doc": null, "dimension": 1, "ticker": {"type": "BasicTicker", "id": "b3598f8d-e582-4de3-9d3b-02633945972a"}, "id": "2f394192-b9fc-4632-8772-d480419df844"}, "type": "Grid", "id": "2f394192-b9fc-4632-8772-d480419df844"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "dimensions": ["width", "height"], "tags": [], "doc": null, "id": "b377877a-e6f4-4061-a2ea-b675825191f7"}, "type": "PanTool", "id": "b377877a-e6f4-4061-a2ea-b675825191f7"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "dimensions": ["width", "height"], "tags": [], "doc": null, "id": "1dabada1-6393-4b9f-b81f-0b51c061376e"}, "type": "WheelZoomTool", "id": "1dabada1-6393-4b9f-b81f-0b51c061376e"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "dimensions": ["width", "height"], "tags": [], "doc": null, "id": "4d01cd27-93b3-4ad9-9042-cb0b13eb1b4e"}, "type": "BoxZoomTool", "id": "4d01cd27-93b3-4ad9-9042-cb0b13eb1b4e"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "tags": [], "doc": null, "id": "4cddfd58-027c-4319-b6f7-d07bc466a425"}, "type": "PreviewSaveTool", "id": "4cddfd58-027c-4319-b6f7-d07bc466a425"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "tags": [], "doc": null, "id": "f81b83d6-5dcc-48df-be87-106bdf3e5238"}, "type": "ResizeTool", "id": "f81b83d6-5dcc-48df-be87-106bdf3e5238"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "tags": [], "doc": null, "id": "6b181c9a-ec96-4ab6-acb6-d8306f188f76"}, "type": "ResetTool", "id": "6b181c9a-ec96-4ab6-acb6-d8306f188f76"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "tags": [], "doc": null, "id": "ea7a3361-e88c-4860-b7da-ef2e4991d94b"}, "type": "HelpTool", "id": "ea7a3361-e88c-4860-b7da-ef2e4991d94b"}, {"attributes": {"line_color": {"value": "#1f77b4"}, "line_alpha": {"value": 0.1}, "fill_color": {"value": "#1f77b4"}, "tags": [], "doc": null, "fill_alpha": {"value": 0.1}, "y": {"field": "2"}, "x": {"field": "1"}, "id": "648f472c-db34-4741-bab3-2ed27651a79a"}, "type": "Circle", "id": "648f472c-db34-4741-bab3-2ed27651a79a"}, {"attributes": {"line_color": {"value": "#1f77b4"}, "line_alpha": {"value": 1.0}, "fill_color": {"value": "#1f77b4"}, "tags": [], "doc": null, "fill_alpha": {"value": 1.0}, "y": {"field": "2"}, "x": {"field": "1"}, "id": "12a3780a-d041-49b2-9022-ec37d65bd1f1"}, "type": "Circle", "id": "12a3780a-d041-49b2-9022-ec37d65bd1f1"}, {"attributes": {"nonselection_glyph": {"type": "Circle", "id": "648f472c-db34-4741-bab3-2ed27651a79a"}, "data_source": {"type": "ColumnDataSource", "id": "ae760389-a328-4aee-912c-c26ca72f221c"}, "tags": [], "doc": null, "selection_glyph": null, "id": "c385dd2d-5bcc-4157-9c64-39bc62f40bd7", "glyph": {"type": "Circle", "id": "12a3780a-d041-49b2-9022-ec37d65bd1f1"}}, "type": "GlyphRenderer", "id": "c385dd2d-5bcc-4157-9c64-39bc62f40bd7"}, {"attributes": {"column_names": [], "tags": [], "doc": null, "selected": {"2d": {"indices": []}, "1d": {"indices": []}, "0d": {"indices": [], "flag": false}}, "callback": null, "data": {}, "id": "ae760389-a328-4aee-912c-c26ca72f221c"}, "type": "ColumnDataSource", "id": "ae760389-a328-4aee-912c-c26ca72f221c"}, {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5", "attributes": {"x_range": {"type": "DataRange1d", "id": "fe24a8d4-cdd0-498d-b98d-6ed14c2b2dae"}, "right": [], "tags": [], "y_range": {"type": "DataRange1d", "id": "b36d30a6-d39b-425f-96fb-6142299358f7"}, "renderers": [{"type": "LinearAxis", "id": "79ebbc17-9ca5-476a-8578-039320b74a1a"}, {"type": "Grid", "id": "27c97d5a-ba92-4f9b-b81b-02790fd66391"}, {"type": "LinearAxis", "id": "66ca2598-f2d4-4bf7-bcb8-769c358f9281"}, {"type": "Grid", "id": "2f394192-b9fc-4632-8772-d480419df844"}, {"type": "GlyphRenderer", "id": "c385dd2d-5bcc-4157-9c64-39bc62f40bd7"}], "extra_y_ranges": {}, "extra_x_ranges": {}, "tool_events": {"type": "ToolEvents", "id": "782bb11c-fc7e-492e-a483-e49d486c0945"}, "above": [], "doc": null, "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5", "tools": [{"type": "PanTool", "id": "b377877a-e6f4-4061-a2ea-b675825191f7"}, {"type": "WheelZoomTool", "id": "1dabada1-6393-4b9f-b81f-0b51c061376e"}, {"type": "BoxZoomTool", "id": "4d01cd27-93b3-4ad9-9042-cb0b13eb1b4e"}, {"type": "PreviewSaveTool", "id": "4cddfd58-027c-4319-b6f7-d07bc466a425"}, {"type": "ResizeTool", "id": "f81b83d6-5dcc-48df-be87-106bdf3e5238"}, {"type": "ResetTool", "id": "6b181c9a-ec96-4ab6-acb6-d8306f188f76"}, {"type": "HelpTool", "id": "ea7a3361-e88c-4860-b7da-ef2e4991d94b"}], "below": [{"type": "LinearAxis", "id": "79ebbc17-9ca5-476a-8578-039320b74a1a"}], "left": [{"type": "LinearAxis", "id": "66ca2598-f2d4-4bf7-bcb8-769c358f9281"}]}}, {"attributes": {"geometries": [], "tags": [], "doc": null, "id": "782bb11c-fc7e-492e-a483-e49d486c0945"}, "type": "ToolEvents", "id": "782bb11c-fc7e-492e-a483-e49d486c0945"}, {"attributes": {"tags": [], "doc": null, "renderers": [], "callback": null, "names": [], "id": "fe24a8d4-cdd0-498d-b98d-6ed14c2b2dae"}, "type": "DataRange1d", "id": "fe24a8d4-cdd0-498d-b98d-6ed14c2b2dae"}, {"attributes": {"tags": [], "doc": null, "renderers": [], "callback": null, "names": [], "id": "b36d30a6-d39b-425f-96fb-6142299358f7"}, "type": "DataRange1d", "id": "b36d30a6-d39b-425f-96fb-6142299358f7"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "tags": [], "doc": null, "formatter": {"type": "BasicTickFormatter", "id": "9a2f1915-efb3-494e-80c6-d1fe01fb06d7"}, "ticker": {"type": "BasicTicker", "id": "94bd3e16-330e-4b6e-940f-ae9e3ff60302"}, "id": "79ebbc17-9ca5-476a-8578-039320b74a1a"}, "type": "LinearAxis", "id": "79ebbc17-9ca5-476a-8578-039320b74a1a"}, {"attributes": {"tags": [], "doc": null, "mantissas": [2, 5, 10], "id": "94bd3e16-330e-4b6e-940f-ae9e3ff60302", "num_minor_ticks": 5}, "type": "BasicTicker", "id": "94bd3e16-330e-4b6e-940f-ae9e3ff60302"}, {"attributes": {"doc": null, "id": "9a2f1915-efb3-494e-80c6-d1fe01fb06d7", "tags": []}, "type": "BasicTickFormatter", "id": "9a2f1915-efb3-494e-80c6-d1fe01fb06d7"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "tags": [], "doc": null, "dimension": 0, "ticker": {"type": "BasicTicker", "id": "94bd3e16-330e-4b6e-940f-ae9e3ff60302"}, "id": "27c97d5a-ba92-4f9b-b81b-02790fd66391"}, "type": "Grid", "id": "27c97d5a-ba92-4f9b-b81b-02790fd66391"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "tags": [], "doc": null, "formatter": {"type": "BasicTickFormatter", "id": "b534e75c-9eb6-4932-ab3d-59559371dfb6"}, "ticker": {"type": "BasicTicker", "id": "b3598f8d-e582-4de3-9d3b-02633945972a"}, "id": "66ca2598-f2d4-4bf7-bcb8-769c358f9281"}, "type": "LinearAxis", "id": "66ca2598-f2d4-4bf7-bcb8-769c358f9281"}, {"attributes": {"tags": [], "doc": null, "mantissas": [2, 5, 10], "id": "b3598f8d-e582-4de3-9d3b-02633945972a", "num_minor_ticks": 5}, "type": "BasicTicker", "id": "b3598f8d-e582-4de3-9d3b-02633945972a"}];
        var plots = [{'modeltype': 'Plot', 'elementid': '#fed099c3-e959-4d2a-a83c-27aa0c654dd3', 'modelid': '55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5'}];
        for (idx in plots) {
        	var plot = plots[idx];
        	var model = Bokeh.Collections(plot.modeltype).get(plot.modelid);
        	Bokeh.logger.info('Realizing plot:')
        	Bokeh.logger.info(' - modeltype: ' + plot.modeltype);
        	Bokeh.logger.info(' - modelid: ' + plot.modelid);
        	Bokeh.logger.info(' - elementid: ' + plot.elementid);
        	var view = new model.default_view({
        		model: model,
        		el: plot.elementid
        	Bokeh.index[plot.modelid] = view;
<div class="plotdiv" id="fed099c3-e959-4d2a-a83c-27aa0c654dd3"></div>


The embed.components function was recently updated to be able to accept more than one plot object. In this case it will return one script that loads multiple divs with plots or widgets. This is probably what you want. I do believe there may be a problem when loading multiple scripts, but loading multiple scripts is also wasteful, so using the newer feature of components is what you want in any case. Check ouu the bottom half of http://bokeh.pydata.org/en/latest/docs/user_guide/embed.html#components,
specifically where it shows:

    #=> (script, plot_div)

    components((plot_1, plot_2))
    #=> (script, (plot_1_div, plot_2_div))

    components({"Plot 1": plot_1, "Plot 2": plot_2})
    #=> (script, {"Plot 1": plot_1_div, "Plot 2": plot_2_div})

Hope that helps,



On Jul 17, 2015, at 9:23 AM, Jon <[email protected]> wrote:

Update: it may have to do with calling the make_plot() function two different times as opposed to calling it once.

Still looking into it though.

I made the following small change to my code and now I have two matching div and script tags. However, I still have a weird error and the graph output is entirely blank.
# returns tags for a given part as a list :: I think this is the source of the error some how
def return_tags(plt):
    scpt, dv = components(plt)
    parts = [scpt, dv]
    return parts

# generates the plots and returns
def make_plot(lst):
    plot = figure()
    xStr = ""
    yStr = ""
    for point in lst:
        xStr += str(point[0]) + ","
        yStr += str(point[1]) + ","
    xStr = xStr[:-1]
    yStr = yStr[:-1]
    plot.circle(xStr, yStr)

    return return_tags(plot)

# this list makes sure that its the same call of the function ergo the same ids being used on the script and div tags
lst = make_plot([[1,2], [3,4]])


ERROR:/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bokeh/validation/check.pyc:E-1001 (BAD_COLUMN_NAME): Glyph refers to nonexistent column name: 1, 2 [renderer: GlyphRenderer, ViewModel:GlyphRenderer, ref _id: c385dd2d-5bcc-4157-9c64-39bc62f40bd7]

<script type="text/javascript">
    Bokeh.$(function() {
        var all_models = [{"attributes": {"doc": null, "id": "b534e75c-9eb6-4932-ab3d-59559371dfb6", "tags": }, "type": "BasicTickFormatter", "id": "b534e75c-9eb6-4932-ab3d-59559371dfb6"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "tags": , "doc": null, "dimension": 1, "ticker": {"type": "BasicTicker", "id": "b3598f8d-e582-4de3-9d3b-02633945972a"}, "id": "2f394192-b9fc-4632-8772-d480419df844"}, "type": "Grid", "id": "2f394192-b9fc-4632-8772-d480419df844"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "dimensions": ["width", "height"], "tags": , "doc": null, "id": "b377877a-e6f4-4061-a2ea-b675825191f7"}, "type": "PanTool", "id": "b377877a-e6f4-4061-a2ea-b675825191f7"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "dimensions": ["width", "height"], "tags": , "doc": null, "id": "1dabada1-6393-4b9f-b81f-0b51c061376e"}, "type": "WheelZoomTool", "id": "1dabada1-6393-4b9f-b81f-0b51c061376e"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "dimensions": ["width", "height"], "tags": , "doc": null, "id": "4d01cd27-93b3-4ad9-9042-cb0b13eb1b4e"}, "type": "BoxZoomTool", "id": "4d01cd27-93b3-4ad9-9042-cb0b13eb1b4e"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "tags": , "doc": null, "id": "4cddfd58-027c-4319-b6f7-d07bc466a425"}, "type": "PreviewSaveTool", "id": "4cddfd58-027c-4319-b6f7-d07bc466a425"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "tags": , "doc": null, "id": "f81b83d6-5dcc-48df-be87-106bdf3e5238"}, "type": "ResizeTool", "id": "f81b83d6-5dcc-48df-be87-106bdf3e5238"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "tags": , "doc": null, "id": "6b181c9a-ec96-4ab6-acb6-d8306f188f76"}, "type": "ResetTool", "id": "6b181c9a-ec96-4ab6-acb6-d8306f188f76"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "tags": , "doc": null, "id": "ea7a3361-e88c-4860-b7da-ef2e4991d94b"}, "type": "HelpTool", "id": "ea7a3361-e88c-4860-b7da-ef2e4991d94b"}, {"attributes": {"line_color": {"value": "#1f77b4"}, "line_alpha": {"value": 0.1}, "fill_color": {"value": "#1f77b4"}, "tags": , "doc": null, "fill_alpha": {"value": 0.1}, "y": {"field": "2"}, "x": {"field": "1"}, "id": "648f472c-db34-4741-bab3-2ed27651a79a"}, "type": "Circle", "id": "648f472c-db34-4741-bab3-2ed27651a79a"}, {"attributes": {"line_color": {"value": "#1f77b4"}, "line_alpha": {"value": 1.0}, "fill_color": {"value": "#1f77b4"}, "tags": , "doc": null, "fill_alpha": {"value": 1.0}, "y": {"field": "2"}, "x": {"field": "1"}, "id": 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"Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "tags": , "doc": null, "formatter": {"type": "BasicTickFormatter", "id": "9a2f1915-efb3-494e-80c6-d1fe01fb06d7"}, "ticker": {"type": "BasicTicker", "id": "94bd3e16-330e-4b6e-940f-ae9e3ff60302"}, "id": "79ebbc17-9ca5-476a-8578-039320b74a1a"}, "type": "LinearAxis", "id": "79ebbc17-9ca5-476a-8578-039320b74a1a"}, {"attributes": {"tags": , "doc": null, "mantissas": [2, 5, 10], "id": "94bd3e16-330e-4b6e-940f-ae9e3ff60302", "num_minor_ticks": 5}, "type": "BasicTicker", "id": "94bd3e16-330e-4b6e-940f-ae9e3ff60302"}, {"attributes": {"doc": null, "id": "9a2f1915-efb3-494e-80c6-d1fe01fb06d7", "tags": }, "type": "BasicTickFormatter", "id": "9a2f1915-efb3-494e-80c6-d1fe01fb06d7"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "tags": , "doc": null, "dimension": 0, "ticker": {"type": "BasicTicker", "id": "94bd3e16-330e-4b6e-940f-ae9e3ff60302"}, "id": "27c97d5a-ba92-4f9b-b81b-02790fd66391"}, "type": "Grid", "id": "27c97d5a-ba92-4f9b-b81b-02790fd66391"}, {"attributes": {"plot": {"subtype": "Figure", "type": "Plot", "id": "55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5"}, "tags": , "doc": null, "formatter": {"type": "BasicTickFormatter", "id": "b534e75c-9eb6-4932-ab3d-59559371dfb6"}, "ticker": {"type": "BasicTicker", "id": "b3598f8d-e582-4de3-9d3b-02633945972a"}, "id": "66ca2598-f2d4-4bf7-bcb8-769c358f9281"}, "type": "LinearAxis", "id": "66ca2598-f2d4-4bf7-bcb8-769c358f9281"}, {"attributes": {"tags": , "doc": null, "mantissas": [2, 5, 10], "id": "b3598f8d-e582-4de3-9d3b-02633945972a", "num_minor_ticks": 5}, "type": "BasicTicker", "id": "b3598f8d-e582-4de3-9d3b-02633945972a"}];
        var plots = [{'modeltype': 'Plot', 'elementid': '#fed099c3-e959-4d2a-a83c-27aa0c654dd3', 'modelid': '55a73cdc-2d43-4918-afeb-d2c7c00a58a5'}];
        for (idx in plots) {
          var plot = plots[idx];
          var model = Bokeh.Collections(plot.modeltype).get(plot.modelid);
          Bokeh.logger.info('Realizing plot:')
          Bokeh.logger.info(' - modeltype: ' + plot.modeltype);
          Bokeh.logger.info(' - modelid: ' + plot.modelid);
          Bokeh.logger.info(' - elementid: ' + plot.elementid);
          var view = new model.default_view({
            model: model,
            el: plot.elementid
          Bokeh.index[plot.modelid] = view;
<div class="plotdiv" id="fed099c3-e959-4d2a-a83c-27aa0c654dd3"></div>

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Thank you! Will do!

Not sure how to close a topic here or if I even have too, but consider it closed!