Button closing tornado.WebSocketClosedError closing Stream

running a panel web application. When clicking on a button that should be rendering pn.Tabs material, I receive this error which is very vague to me to understand. Can anyone help?

message: Message ‘PATCH-DOC’ content: {‘events’: [{‘kind’: ‘MessageSent’, ‘msg_type’: ‘bokeh_event’, ‘msg_data’: {‘type’: ‘event’, ‘name’: ‘button_click’, ‘values’: {‘type’: ‘map’, ‘entries’: [[‘model’, {‘id’: ‘p1096’}]]}}}]}

Panel is a separate project maintained by different people. To get help here we would need a pure Bokeh complete Minimal Reproducible Example. Otherwise this should start out being asked to the Panel maintainers on the Holoviz Discourse.

alright. Thanks Bryan.

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