Can GMap work in multi-tab panes?

Hi All

This is the first of a series of question about rendering GMap along with tab panes (and slider to come).

The GMap, when plotted by itself or as a single tab pane, works perfectly. However, when multiple plots are issued, here’s what happens:

  1. first tab shows the map, but no data

  2. subsequent tabs show blank

Ideally, I’ll eventually get to using a slider to control what is shown…, but the tab panes will more than suffice for now. Any idea what is causing this?

Any help is much appreciated!!!

SH (195 KB)


#Here is the code.

from future import print_function

from bokeh.document import Document

from bokeh.embed import file_html

from bokeh.models.glyphs import Circle

from bokeh.models import (

GMapPlot, Range1d, ColumnDataSource,

PanTool, WheelZoomTool, BoxSelectTool,


from bokeh.resources import INLINE

from bokeh.plotting import show, output_notebook

#from bokeh.util.browser import view

from bokeh.models.widgets import Panel, Tabs

from bokeh.palettes import Spectral7

map_options = GMapOptions(

lat=37.763, lng=-122.444,






x_range = Range1d()

y_range = Range1d()


Data source

day = “Sunday”

temp = theft_auto[theft_auto[‘DayOfWeek’] == day]

source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(lat=temp[‘Y’], lon=temp[‘X’]))

Setup GMapPlot

plot0 = GMapPlot(

x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range,


title="Car Break-ins on "+day+‘s’, plot_width=1000, plot_height=900


Setup glyph

circle = Circle(x=“lon”, y=“lat”, size=3, fill_color=Spectral7[i], line_color=Spectral7[i])

Combine data with glyph for the plot

plot0.add_glyph(source, circle)

Add to designated tab

tab0 = Panel(child=plot0, title=day)


Data source

day = “Monday”

temp = theft_auto[theft_auto[‘DayOfWeek’] == day]

source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(lat=temp[‘Y’], lon=temp[‘X’]))

Setup GMapPlot

plot1 = GMapPlot(

x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range,


title="Car Break-ins on "+day+‘s’, plot_width=1000, plot_height=900


Setup glyph

circle = Circle(x=“lon”, y=“lat”, size=3, fill_color=Spectral7[i], line_color=Spectral7[i])

Combine data with glyph for the plot

plot1.add_glyph(source, circle)

Add to designated tab

tab1 = Panel(child=plot1, title=day)

tabs = Tabs(tabs=[ tab0, tab1 ])

pan = PanTool()

wheel_zoom = WheelZoomTool()

plot.add_tools(pan, wheel_zoom)


I'm not sure I've ever tried it. It should work, though, so if it doesn't that might be a bug. Can you file an issue on GitHub with this information so we can track and prioritize it better




On Jan 9, 2016, at 1:54 AM, SH Ho <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi All

This is the first of a series of question about rendering GMap along with tab panes (and slider to come).

The GMap, when plotted by itself or as a single tab pane, works perfectly. However, when multiple plots are issued, here's what happens:

1. first tab shows the map, but no data
2. subsequent tabs show blank

Ideally, I'll eventually get to using a slider to control what is shown..., but the tab panes will more than suffice for now. Any idea what is causing this?

Any help is much appreciated!!!


#Here is the code.

from __future__ import print_function

from bokeh.document import Document
from bokeh.embed import file_html
from bokeh.models.glyphs import Circle
from bokeh.models import (
    GMapPlot, Range1d, ColumnDataSource,
    PanTool, WheelZoomTool, BoxSelectTool,
from bokeh.resources import INLINE
from bokeh.plotting import show, output_notebook
#from bokeh.util.browser import view

from bokeh.models.widgets import Panel, Tabs

from bokeh.palettes import Spectral7

map_options = GMapOptions(
    lat=37.763, lng=-122.444,

x_range = Range1d()
y_range = Range1d()


# Data source
day = "Sunday"
temp = theft_auto[theft_auto['DayOfWeek'] == day]
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(lat=temp['Y'], lon=temp['X']))

# Setup GMapPlot
plot0 = GMapPlot(
    x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range,
    title="Car Break-ins on "+day+'s', plot_width=1000, plot_height=900
# Setup glyph
circle = Circle(x="lon", y="lat", size=3, fill_color=Spectral7[i], line_color=Spectral7[i])

# Combine data with glyph for the plot
plot0.add_glyph(source, circle)

# Add to designated tab
tab0 = Panel(child=plot0, title=day)

# Data source
day = "Monday"
temp = theft_auto[theft_auto['DayOfWeek'] == day]
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(lat=temp['Y'], lon=temp['X']))

# Setup GMapPlot
plot1 = GMapPlot(
    x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range,
    title="Car Break-ins on "+day+'s', plot_width=1000, plot_height=900
# Setup glyph
circle = Circle(x="lon", y="lat", size=3, fill_color=Spectral7[i], line_color=Spectral7[i])

# Combine data with glyph for the plot
plot1.add_glyph(source, circle)

# Add to designated tab
tab1 = Panel(child=plot1, title=day)

tabs = Tabs(tabs=[ tab0, tab1 ])

pan = PanTool()
wheel_zoom = WheelZoomTool()

plot.add_tools(pan, wheel_zoom)

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