Cannot make charts work with my data

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# heatsimp7

def seven1():
    from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
    from datetime import datetime, timedelta

    meds = ['Afinitor']

    dates = [( + timedelta(day * 1)) for day in range(0, 7)]

    week = ['sun', 'mon', 'tues', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat']
    compliance = ['nr', 'yes', 'no', 'nr', 'nr', 'yes', 'yes']

    colors = [
        "#0B486B", "#79BD9A", "#CFF09E",
        "#79BD9A", "#0B486B", "#79BD9A",

    p = figure(title="Afinitor Compliance", tools="hover", toolbar_location=None,
               x_range=week, y_range=meds, x_axis_type='datetime',)

    p.rect(dates, compliance, color=colors, width=1, height=1)
    # maybe compliance is an x, not a y?


In some cases, a screenshot of your plot will also be helpful.

  1. x_range and y_range are both simple lists. y_range works as expected. x_range is giving me
    milliseconds. My code says nothing about milliseconds. Is that some kind of default in x_axis_type=‘datetime’?

  2. I copied the dates variable verbatim from an earlier example in the first steps tutorial.

  3. Neither the term ‘day’ nor the term ‘hour’ appear on this page about datetime properties: — Bokeh 2.4.2 Documentation
    Neither of them are on the page about DatetimeAxis, either, but as a newby I can only post one link.

  4. There are no colors anywhere.

  5. There are no values anywhere.

  6. The hover is there, but there’s nothing to hover over.

  7. I actually wanted a multi line graph, one line for each medication. But I made it simple after
    running into these issues, which did not go away with my simplicity.

  8. Maybe I need a different tutorial? One that treats me like a 5th grader? Or even a
    Kindergartner? Suggestions? Explanations?

Hi @malikarumi ,

What’s your ideal output here? Are you trying for a heatmap? You mention a multiline, but the code uses rect, so I’m not sure.

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In the meantime, here’s a way to at least show your data with the rects.

from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from bokeh.models import FactorRange, DatetimeTickFormatter
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

meds = ['Afinitor']

# changed the to be today at midnight, so that the blocks sit centered over their ticks
dates = [(datetime.combine(, datetime.min.time()) + timedelta(day * 1)) for day in range(0, 7)]
compliance = ['nr', 'yes', 'no', 'nr', 'nr', 'yes', 'yes']

colors = [
    "#0B486B", "#79BD9A", "#CFF09E",
    "#79BD9A", "#0B486B", "#79BD9A",

p = figure(title="Afinitor Compliance",
p.xaxis[0].formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter(days="%a")
p.rect(x=dates, y=compliance, width=timedelta(days=1), color=colors, height=1)

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