Cleanly replace the curdoc() ?

Within a larger program, I am trying to replacing an entire figure within curdoc(). Yes, this is a workaround for the more sensical method of changing specific datasources. For now, I ask that we put that issue aside. Also, apologies that i don’t have a larger program to demonstrate the issue. If it’s necessary to resolve the issue, I can put the time in.

Here is the function demonstrating my current approach. Within changeTrial(), make_trial_figure() generates an entirely new bokeh Figure that I would like to replace the current figure. The resulting browser behavior is that the new document appears below the old document. I would like to remove the old document from the session.


def changeTrial():

    global fig, sourceList, trialSourceDict, session

    trialSourceDict = init_trial_datasources()
    fig = make_trial_figure()

    # Add figure and widgets to a layout

<details class='elided'>
<summary title='Show trimmed content'>&#183;&#183;&#183;</summary>

    from bokeh.layouts import layout
    layout = layout([[fig], [widgetBox]], sizing_mode='fixed')

    # Add layout to current document
    from import curdoc, set_curdoc


Did you get any solution to this @Gabriel ?


On Saturday, July 9, 2016 at 2:03:42 AM UTC+5:30, Gabriel Diaz wrote:

Within a larger program, I am trying to replacing an entire figure within curdoc(). Yes, this is a workaround for the more sensical method of changing specific datasources. For now, I ask that we put that issue aside. Also, apologies that i don’t have a larger program to demonstrate the issue. If it’s necessary to resolve the issue, I can put the time in.

Here is the function demonstrating my current approach. Within changeTrial(), make_trial_figure() generates an entirely new bokeh Figure that I would like to replace the current figure. The resulting browser behavior is that the new document appears below the old document. I would like to remove the old document from the session.


def changeTrial():

    global fig, sourceList, trialSourceDict, session

    trialSourceDict = init_trial_datasources()
    fig = make_trial_figure()

    # Add figure and widgets to a layout
    from bokeh.layouts import layout
    layout = layout([[fig], [widgetBox]], sizing_mode='fixed')

    # Add layout to current document
    from []( import curdoc, set_curdoc


This might help :

Loading a saved document: bokeh - How to replace curdoc - Stack Overflow

Replacing models: bokeh - Replacing figure and table in layout when using global ColumnDataSource - Stack Overflow