I’m not sure what’s going wrong … (do you need to store everything as an attribute like that? it maybe makes things more complex)
but anyway, this works afaik:
(py3)[hp@localhost tmp]$ cat /tmp/foo.py
from future import print_function
def callback(n):
def call_callback(cb):
for i in [1,2,3,4,5]:
call_callback(lambda: callback(i))
(py3)[hp@localhost tmp]$ python foo.py
So that was my suggestion more or less, with bokeh models instead of integers of course.
Even simpler option, possibly slightly less memory-efficient but maybe not, depends on how python is implemented:
(py3)[hp@localhost tmp]$ cat /tmp/bar.py
from future import print_function
def call_callback(cb):
for i in [1,2,3,4,5]:
def callback():
(py3)[hp@localhost tmp]$ python bar.py
Maybe I’m missing something about what you’re asking?
On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 10:56 AM, Robert [email protected] wrote:
I’m trying to set up context with lambdas. However it seems like I keep overwriting the lambda functions in the for loop. The relevant code is as follows:
for attr_ind in attribute_ids:
setattr(self, attr_id + "_radio_group", RadioGroup(labels = list_of_elements, active=0))
setattr(self, attr_id + "_text_input", TextInput(value = "default", title="RSF for selected element: "))
a = getattr(self, attr_id + "_text_input")
a.on_change("value", lambda attr, old, new: self.update_data(attr_id, new))
b = getattr(self, attr_id + "_radio_group")
and the function update_data looks like this
def update_data(self, attrname, new):
radio = getattr(self, attrname + "_radio_group")
figure = getattr(self, attrname +"_figure_obj")
figure.title = new
fredag 29. januar 2016 02.52.43 UTC+1 skrev Havoc Pennington følgende:
One option is to capture context with lambdas like:
def on_input_change(text_input, new):
model.on_change(“foo”, lambda attr, old, new: on_input_change(input, new))
Another option is to use Document.on_change to get all changes to anything, then filter by model and attr.
On Jan 28, 2016, at 3:14 PM, Robert [email protected] wrote:
Hi folks!
I’m wondering what the correct way to add interactions with callbacks to a set of different plots?
So in my specific example I have a set of plots in a tab as such
for file in files:
tabs = Tabs(tabs = list_of_plots)
radio_group = RadioGroup(labels = list_of_names, title = “title” )
text_input = = TextInput(value = “default”, title="RSF for selected element: ")
text_input.on_change("value", ??????)
which makes len(files) set of tabs which have individual radio groups and text inputs. I store the widgets with unique id’s in a class as attributes. The plots are configured with sources as attributes of of the class aswell
My question is then, how do I set up the callbacks as denoted by the ???. I’ve thought about generating an individual function for each set in Tabs, but I’m not sure if that’s all that great an idea.
Thanks for any feedback, and I’d be happy to supply a little more detailed code to elaborate.
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Havoc Pennington
Senior Software Architect