I had a look into the bokeh and looks like a real use full tool. looking into the Texas example(http://bokeh.pydata.org/plot_gallery/texas_example.html) i am trying to do a similar chart for UK do we have the Options for the same in Bokeh, if yes please do guide me.
Hi Navin, do you have a source of geographic data for regions in the UK? If so if would be straightforward to create a similar map, using the longitudes as 'x' coordinates, and latitudes as 'y' coordinates, just like in the Texas example. If you need the GIS data, it looks like there might be some available for various UK regions at these sites:
Note that Bokeh does not currently support any map projections (so lat/lon are simply plotted as a Cartesian grid) but this feature will be added, probably around early Spring.
I had a look into the bokeh and looks like a real use full tool. looking into the Texas example(http://bokeh.pydata.org/plot_gallery/texas_example.html\) i am trying to do a similar chart for UK do we have the Options for the same in Bokeh, if yes please do guide me.