Data mining and analytical tools for radiation oncology (wxPython + Bokeh + PyInstaller)

About two years ago, I built an open-source data mining and analytics application for radiation oncology clinics, entirely in bokeh. In the past several months, I’ve completely rewritten it with wxPython, while still using bokeh for plotting, and I’ve generated executables with PyInstaller.

Main View

** Pearson-R Correlation Matrix**

** Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn**


This looks great :open_mouth:.

Hi there,

just wondering on how you update your Bokeh plots within your wxPython UI. If I am not mistaking you are updating the plots via replacing them with a new html in the webview, aren’t you?

I did the same thing in PySide 2 by combining a Pyside2 Slider and a simple Bokeh plot. I noticed that if I move the PySide 2 slider that sometimes my webview goes short moment blank when updating the html. So I thought about triggering a hidden javascript slider in the html instead of replacing it. Did you tried something like that as well?

Yes, I am creating a new html file for updates. I haven’t attempted anything more advanced, but that sounds interesting.

The update time is definitely less than desirable, and it’s even worse when the application window is resized since all of the plots are regenerated.