DataTable clickable link?


I am new to bokeh and have a question regarding the data table.I am displaying a Datatable and want the link (see below) to be clickable and open a new tab with the location of the html location.


I tried this:

columns = [

TableColumn(field=“Text”, title=“Text”, width = 200),

TableColumn(field=“Type”, title=“Type”, width = 200),

TableColumn(field=“File”, title=“File”, formatter = HTMLTemplateFormatter(template=’<%= value %>’), width = 600)


But doesn’t work. Anyone know how to fix this? Is it also possible to give the link a name. Like this:

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Hi Zana,

Try something like this.


import pandas as pd

from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource, curdoc

from bokeh.models.widgets import DataTable, TableColumn, HTMLTemplateFormatter

from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox, row

data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({‘Text’: [‘test1’, ‘test2’],

‘Type’: [‘test1’, ‘test2’],

‘File’: [‘’,


source = ColumnDataSource(data)

columns = [TableColumn(field=‘Text’, title=‘Text’, width=200),

TableColumn(field=‘Type’, title=‘Type’, width=200),



formatter=HTMLTemplateFormatter(template=‘<a href=“<%= value %>“target=”_blank”><%= value %>’),


t = DataTable(columns=columns,





On Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 9:21 AM Zana [email protected] wrote:


I am new to bokeh and have a question regarding the data table.I am displaying a Datatable and want the link (see below) to be clickable and open a new tab with the location of the html location.


I tried this:

columns = [

TableColumn(field=“Text”, title=“Text”, width = 200),

TableColumn(field=“Type”, title=“Type”, width = 200),

TableColumn(field=“File”, title=“File”, formatter = HTMLTemplateFormatter(template=‘<%= value %>’), width = 600)


But doesn’t work. Anyone know how to fix this? Is it also possible to give the link a name. Like this:

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Thanks Chase, that worked!